· Nov 1, 2019
Compaction of Large globals

I would like to Compact globals in a database to free up space.

I would begin the process on Saturday morning, but am concerned, due to the size, that it would not complete by Sunday evening. I understand that the process is setup so that it can run with users on the system, however, as the advice indicates, this would not be ideal.

Can the process be stopped if it does not complete by the time you want/need it to?

Do you know how to guestimate how long the process would take?

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InterSystems Online Learning has updated courses to include the latest information about InterSystems IRIS. See descriptions below, and try a course today!

Troubleshooting Productions
Get an introduction to troubleshooting productions, with a focus on locating and understanding some of the key Management Portal pages when troubleshooting.

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· Aug 12, 2019
Expand EnsPortal


How should I go about it to add a page to the EnsPortal? I want to display a dashboard like page and I would like to be able to have it accessible from Management Portal. I hope there is a better way than typing the URL in address bar. Is the menu for Management Portal editable?



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When i click on the menu to run the Data import wizard from MP, i receive following CSP error

<UNDEFINED>zOnPageHEAD+229^%cspapp.exp.utilsqleximwizardcontent.1 *schemaname : CSP Error

It is happening for all the namespaces. Looks like some permission issue. Same issue with Data Export wizard. Help to resolve this will be appreciated.

I am using

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865_0_18763U)


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Hi all,

I am trying to create multiple tasks all in a single task.

For instance MyApp has three tasks.

One to send a email if a limit is exceeded = MyApp-check-credits

One to purge files = MyApp-purge

One to auto delete files = MyApp-Del

I would love to get all tasks MyApp-check-credits, MyApp-purge, MyApp-Del into a single parent task called MyApp-AllTasks.

Is there anyone that could give me guidance of how to complete this it would be much appreciated.

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On one of our servers, when I am in Mgmt Portal and click the link for Configure / CSP Gateway Management, I get this url:


but the page displays a 0, and nothing else. Literally, just a 0. This link works on our other servers, with the same URL. Any idea why?



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· Mar 28, 2019
Problem starting production

Hope someone can help me, so i was developing a script and during the tests I was using the csession to execute a method. Also i thought i had to stop the instance i was using, so I used the ccontrol stop [instanceName] to stop the instance, but when i restarted the instance i got this error trying to start my production, I have an idea of what's the problem but i don't know how to fix it.

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I'm able to log into my local instance of HealthShare through the Management Portal, but once I've done so, the screen is entirely blank. I'm still able to access Terminal and Studio without any issue, as well as a hosted instance's Management Portal. I've tried stopping and starting HealthShare, no luck. I've been working on this instance for the past several months and haven't experienced anything like this, and I don't know of anything that I was doing that would have broken the Management Portal. Anyone have a suggestion as to where to go from here?

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I have a custom classes that that I use with EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to convert HL7v2 messages to SQL INSERT statements to write results to an SQL database.

Weirdly the management portal is not drawing the the lines between my process and operation when viewing my production on the ' Ensemble > Production Configuration' screen. Clicking the green dot flashes the 'computing connections' message, and highlights my operation, but no lines get rendered:

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Time after time on CSP Session page of our Cache 2017.2.1 installation I see that all licenses are consumed by CSP sessions of /csp/sys, /csp/sys/op/and /csp/sys/mgr applications which I assume are sessions of Management Portal. The problem is that there are only few of us accessing the Portal and as we test by browsing Portal, we can't reproduce the problem.

Is there any way to see client IP of CSP session? Any other way to approach the problem?

The problem looks very similar to the Forefox-related one but we don't use Forefox.

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0 442

I have a cache client with a list of several servers.

One of the server is working with an IIS server that is not the Cache DB server.

The connection to the IIS server is only through https (SSL)

I tried to define the Web Server IP Address to but it didn't let me to specify the https

So I tried to define Web Server Port to 443 but when I chose the SMP it's trying to open

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0 1.7K

Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?

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0 323

Hello Community,

I recently encountered a issue with Caché and I can't figure out where the problem is coming from.

I noticed that the license limit (200) was reached whenever I was opening my Studio (so it seems). When this occurs, I restart Caché (with the Cube in the Taskbar), and the number of license used is back to 1%, but grows back after. The time taken before the number of license grows back again looks pretty random.

Here is a couple of screenshots :

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0 1.8K

Hi all, This is a bit embarrassing, and not that critical. I have a local instance of Caché 2016 on my computer, for playing around with. I was attempting to set up two-factor authentication on this instance, and I thought I simply disabled all users except for my own user and enabled two-factor for this user. The next time I tried to login to the Management portal, I received a Server Availability Error:


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Recently, we scheduled two tasks (1008 and 1009) within Task Manager. Task ID 1008 is set to run after Purge Tasks (%SYS-ID:3), and Task 1009 is set to run at 7:00:00 each day.

In attempt to provide as much detail as possible, each of the tasks are as follows:

  • Task 1008

    WHILE (($p($h,",",2) < $ZTH("10:00 PM")) && ($P($g(^Task.1008(+$h,$j)),"^",1) = +$h)) { J ^ROUTINE, ^ROUTINE2 D SUB^ROUTINE3 H 5 }

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0 791

Hi there.

I was wondering if there was a supported way of editing the Title bar of the management portal so that at a glance it is clear as to what environment is being worked on. This would be in addition to the namespace and server name being displayed.

Ideally I would like to make it clear at a glance that a user is working within the Dev or Live environment.

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