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· Sep 12, 2022
Routing ACKS.

I'm trying to get an ACK routed to a different process in our Test environment and here is the router setup:

I have a rule in the target router to send to an operation.

The problem I'm running into is that the HL7 ACK coming back is marked as "Discarded", so it's not even getting to the second router.

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0 245

Morning everyone,

I would appreciate some advice please- hopefully there is plenty of experts out there.

We are setting up an sFTP share between hospital trusts here in the UK and I have set the outbound operation up using a custom extension of EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation.

We are configuring a VPN tunnel to run between the sites also so there is a bit of firewall / network routing to take place to enable the connection but to add in a complication we are on a mirrored cluster and usually present on a Virtual IP address.

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For a Linux host, has anyone developed an Ansible module that will start a session to IRIS and send commands?

What I am after is something like this:

1. Supply



Commands <- list

Prompt <- from session command

2. Send back the output from the session

If so please advise where I can download the module?

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I don't understand how to use this open exchange item for auto creating deleting items. I think it assumes knowledge in the steps of how to use it which i don't get.

Added the code into dev on SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.OnDeleteSuper and SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.AddHelper

current class is

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Method Execute (args...) As %Status {
 #dim statement as %SQL.Statement
 set statement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New(2)
 set statement.%Dialect = "CACHE"
 do statement.prepare(query)

 #dim rs as %SQL.StatementResult
 set rs = statement.execute(args...)

My questions are: 1) how do I get the size of args **2) how to get all values of **args **3) is it possible to modify the **args?

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0 256

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to serialize fhir content received via interoperability adapter into it´s corresponding ISC model class (e.g. HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.DiagnosticReport) for later use. In my opinion the outline to accomplish this would be something like

1) Receive the FHIR data
2) Get quick stream containing the JSON data
3) Examine if bundle or single ressource
4) For resource serialize to coressponding model class (HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*)
5) further use of newly created object of type HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*

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0 214

Hi community members!

I'm trying to deploy a container based on IRIS Community for Health ML image available from this url but when I start the container the memory consumption skyrockets to 99% making impossible to work with the instance (it never goes below the 95% of the memory). When I do the same with the IRIS Community for Health image it never goes over 80% of memory.

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0 261

Getting INVALID OREF error while unit testing. Also ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size() these are working fine getting 7 value from both. but still it is not working.

do $$$AssertEquals(ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size(), "Validation for Headers")

error - INVALID OREF>TestAccountSearchWithoutAccount+6

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0 203

Visual Studio Code, like Atelier, connects to IRIS through the Web Server and a web service, unlike Studio that connect to the SuperServer port.

What about the VS Code terminal? Does that open a shell with SSH or does it also use a web service?

In other words, does an IRIS developer using VS Code need direct access to the IRIS instance with SSH or the SuperServer port, in addition to the external or private web server to execute terminal commands?

Is that different with linux vs. Windows?

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· Aug 9, 2023
Reports roadmap

We are about to embark on a development where we'll be taking HL7 messages and generating PDF reports from them. We are wanting to future proof our development efforts within the constraints of our currently deployed platform and future upgrade options. We are currently running on Ensemble 2018, though an upgrade to Iris is anticipated - at some indeterminate point in the future. We are aware of Zen Reports and InterSystems Reports (Logi) as technology options, but are also unclear on some details. A roadmap and guidance from those who've done this kind of thing before would be great!

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0 133

We have this intermittent issue with a particular supplier message , just wondering if anyone has further insight around the two errors we get when we see this.

We use the out of the box TCP hl7 adapter.

We first seem to get this incomplete hl7 message resulting in an error like

Discarding leftover input 'MSH|

This is not unexpected as the final obx has not dot the description of OBX:2.2 ect.


The next message will have the error

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0 151

Hi All,

Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health.

I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work.

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0 204

I recently created a new foundation namespace in my IRIS for Health instance. I am noticing that Registry entries such as the Service and XUA registries (HS.Registry.Service.SOAP and HS.IHE.XUA.Config) from my previously created foundation namespace are not available in my new namespace. Is there a setting that controls this, or is there a way to map these registry values to my new namespace? Other developers I talked with on my team expected these registry entries available to all namespaces and were surprised when I reported they were not.

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0 115

I have created a FHIR endpoint and send the FHIR resource to FHIR Interoperability production class which is HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service through the the created endpoint(/r4). I can able to see/get the HS.SDA3.QuickStream(It use CacheTemp.HS.Stream temporary global) on the fly(In between the process). I'm unable to get the FHIR resource from the QuickStream once the process completed. Is this HS.SDA3.QuickStream is wiped out from the system once process completed?

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0 204

I recently started work on trying to Tighten Security in our Development Instance of IRIS that is running based on recommendations from our Audit as you might of seen from my other posts. I am currently trying to get into the Private Web Gateway Manager within IRIS as CSPSystem, but when I attempt to sign in nothing happens.

I went through and reset the password in the CSP.ini and within IRIS for CSPSystem. I made sure it had the new GatewayRole per suggested

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· Dec 4, 2023
Custom Application Metric

I made a custom application metric, imported it to the USER namespace and used:

set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).Add.ApplicationClass("historymonitor.errorSensor", "USER")

to add it. When I do 'w status' it returns 1 so it is added but I still can't see the custom metric in the api/monitor/metrics endpoint. Even though I added %DB_USER in the application roles for api/monitor.

Does anyone know where the problem might be that the metrics endpoint still doesn't show my metric?

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0 112

Hi everyone.

I have a few processes where I rely on them being triggered by a schedule to run, and in the past I have relied on the following setup:

The Scheduled Task is a custom class that runs a minimal amount of code to simply create and send the specified service an Ens.Request, and equally the Service is also a custom class that simply passes the Ens.Request to the Process for it to kick the process off.

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0 290

Hi All,

I have ROUTINE for Get Data end of day. Routine Name is "getTicket.mac" . previously i execute at studio using this command to get data

w $$getTicket^production.etl.getTicket() and the result success as we want, in this case i want execute routine using BS ( Business Service ) and i want this routine execute every night at 12.00 AM

how to implement this condition.

Thanks For your help and time

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0 91

After running many tests to kick the tires calling Python from COS (which worked fine) in any directory, I encountered problems when trying to access Python libraries like Numpy from any OTHER namespace. I saw some other posts about this but the resolution seems unclear. When I run the test program method numpytest below in %SYS it works just fine. If i run the Python method in any other namespace I get:

PITT>do ##class(test.python).numpytest()
DO ##CLASS(test.python).numpytest()
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *python object not found

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0 82

Hi Team,

I am trying to use the inbuilt class: EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService to pass through an HL7 ADT message as a part of an HL7 to FHIR transformation. We have a client requirement, where we are receiving an NTE segment as a part of the ADT message. However, the inbuilt schema structure of the HL7 ADT message does not support an NTE segment out of the box. We are getting an error message stating "Unrecognized segment".

Please advise, how do we bypass this error?



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0 66

We are using the IRIS cloud. and I am working on a DTL .

so the source side timestamp is local time for example 20240110134740, I know it is a local time. so the requirement is I need to append the UTC at the end, like -0400 or -0500 depending on if it is daylight saving time.

so is there function to return if current day is at daylight saving time, so I can decide if I need to append the -400 or -500? or a function to return the current UTC by location?

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0 78

We have a situation where we want to save the patient photo (or any other attachment) received via FHIR to a persistent property without decoding it. When it is sent out again using FHIR is is stored in the encoded format and need not be encoded. We do not need to decode it for our application. We always use it on another system that retrieves it or saves it via FHIR and therefore it is always received or sent embedded in JSON.

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We have a Service which behaves differently even though two equal Soap UI XML requests are being sent, from different systems.

When it is being sent from the other system, our Service's log shows:

ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: invalid HTTP version'xmlns:ges="http://XXX.XXXXXXXXX/GestionPacientes">'

When we send the same XML message from SoapUI, it is being processed by our system.

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0 419

I am trying to do package mapping in the %ALL NameSpace.

I create a new Package Mapping entry and select my database bu the "Package Name" combo box never populates the packages in this database so I cannot select it, see screenshot below, the "Package Name" list remains empty. There definately are packages in that database. Why is this happening? Did I miss a setting?

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