· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Feel at home on the Home page

Until recently I didn't pay much attention to Portal's home page:

If it's not showing when you initially launch Portal you can easily jump to it using the button / tab at the top of the left-hand column of options. And later during your session, get there via the Home link that will be visible at the top of every page.

On the Home page the "Recent" section is automatically maintained for you.

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Some time ago, I was started to work at a new company even in other country, and more important in a different sphere when I have not been worked before, in HealthCare. It's a very new project even for company. Since I have not experience in HealthCare, I looked at what I can use in my project, and found that I should not reinvent the bicycle, and think about how to store all my data which I need and how to get access to this data. And I can use FHIR, which is looks like everything what I need, what else I need it's just a client.

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0 428

Does Intersystems Ensemble support (for LGBTQ+) gender code "U" in Healtshare? Specifically for the clinical (or physician) viewer?

Test shows the gender code is consumed without error and stored, but the viewer does not present it except (as far as I can see) in the patient search drop-down.

The 2.3.1 HL7 ADT schema code table lists "U" as a supported option.

Would this require customization in the viewer code to support this?

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0 427

Hello guys,

Based on this article (others as well, but this is the relevant one):

I have been playing around with the Management Portal deployment tool, which involves:
Ensemble > Manage > Deployment Changes > Deploy and
Production Settings > Actions > Export
Production Settings > Actions > Re-Export

Everything was going fine , until I came across this:

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0 427

If your Ensemble environment is actually a HealthShare one, here's a snippet of information that I wasn't able to find in the documentation.

When a namespace is HealthShare-enabled it gets some mappings added to it in order to fetch stuff from the HSLIB database. The most obvious mapping is a package mapping that gives your namespace all the HS.* classes.

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0 427

Hello everebody,

I'm begenning with intersystems, and i woul like to customize the screen patient Search psorposed by HealthShare,

i have to change the form and delete some fields....

the name of the standard page is 57772/csp/healthshare/hsaccess/HS.UI.PatientSearch.cls

if someone can help me that's greet

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0 426

Are you preparing to use VS code for the first time? Just make sure you have enough privileges.

Have you defined your Iris server in your VS Code settings, and still get the following error?

VS Code accesses Iris/HealthConnect using the web application /api/atelier. If you do not have permission (i.e. you are using an LDAP user to connect and the web application is not configured to support LDAP), this is the reason why you couldn't connect.

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· Jul 25, 2019 1m read
Disabling an Ensemble Production

I'm not saying that this is in anyway "best practices," but I'm in a peculiar situation where I need to restrict users from starting a "retired" Ensemble Production in a namespace that's been renamed. It's still an "Ensemble-activated" namespace; we need to keep it available for Ensemble Message Viewer access ... fortunately, only for a little while.

It's a bit of a hack ...

Open the Production class in Studio and add the following classmethod:

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1 425


I need to create a query that return the amount of heath related information from a patient.

I created one using the Analitics but, once our Analitcs database is update once a day this information is not reliable during the current query day.

Part of my Analitcs query is shown below. Where can I find the equivalent tables in Health Share? Any help is appreciate.

Tanks In Advance.

--Analitcs Query

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0 423

Throughout my years working within HealthShare\Ensemble, I have been able to mimic the Data Lookup page trimming it down to give our Ancillary areas access to modify their own data Lookup tables.

I am currently working on building a CSP application to allow certain users to update MS SQL tables by going through HealthShare. I thought all I had to was create the CSP pages and grant access. I am able to access it off my desktop, but when I have a user try to access the application, they get the sign in but then it doesn't do anything. So I think I might be missing something.

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I am trying to configure OAuth2 server to connect to Cerner Auth server to get FHIR API access token but I am getting the error "Discovery response not valid".

I can get the access token back okay from Cerner endpoint used in the OAuth configuration below via Postman and Manually sending the request via HTTP Operation from HealthShare, so the URLs I am using looks correct but the OAuth configuration is not working.

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0 419

Hi All

I'm having a problem with cleaning user inputted text from a HealthCare system my HealthConnect system interfaces with.

The input can be anything posted into an RTF box on an app which stored in oracle, and extracted by HealthConnect from oracle via an XML based API.

When the XML is returned, various values are read out of it using %XML.XPATH.Document and it is the presence certain characters entered into the RTF fields cause XPATH to throw an error. For example,

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0 418

InterSystems FAQ rubric

It can be retrieved using the schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a system schema and is not displayed by default in the SQL menu of the Management Portal.

The method to display it is as follows.

  1. Open Management Portal → System Explorer → SQL menu.
  2. Check "System" on the left of the schema drop-down.
  3. Select INFORMATION_SCHEMA from the schema dropdown.

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We a currently looking at a way of securing any future REST API's using OAuth2, where the Authorisation Server (OAuth2) and Resource Server would be on the same server.

However, as we have mirrored environment the Resource Server, and therefore the Authorisation Server, need work with a Virtual IP Address and be able to failover to either of the mirror member servers.

Is that possible with OAuth2 and if so what are the best practices for this?

Any advise or guidance much appreciated.

Thank you.

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0 417

Hi is there healthshare insallable for one user where one can create edge production, follow exercises to customize clinical viewer, create data loading routines takeing data from flat file and push data to ECR. Community version for IRIS for health does not have options to create edges and there is no clinical viewe

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0 417

The request terminology sync task is currently producing this error:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=wsse:FailedAuthentication
faultstring=The security token could not be authenticated or authorized

The task is running correctly on other edges. I checked the HS_Services password and its the same as on the other edges. Anyone has any thoughts as to what could be causing this and how I can fix it.

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