
Just today updated Atelier to the latest Beta release.Getting the following error in Eclipse:

Plug-in com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension was unable to load class com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension.Startup.

Unable to open Atelier perspective.

Does anybody else get this issue, how to go back to previous version?



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0 338
· Oct 23, 2017
Invalid Project Location

I am trying to create a routine in Atelier.

I go through and enter the necessary information but before I can save, it says I have an invalid project location.

I am not sure what this is referring to, a directory? a namespace? a website? something else? "Location" does not describe what is necessary here.

I had a screen shot but cannot seem to post it here.

0 2
0 318

When I create a project and pull in files from the server, certain files (BPLs and DTLs) aren't synchronized, and when I try to sync them (without making any changes) I get a Resolve Version Conflict screen, with differences between the local copy and server copy. Sometimes the Parameters are in different places, or the Storage will be on top of one and on the bottom of the other, and sometimes the server copy will flat out have lines that aren't in the local copy at all.

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0 299

Suppose I want to create an Eclipse plugin designed to be added to Atelier, and my plugin needs to perform some processing on the server that the current Atelier project is configured to connect to.

Is there a way I can use the connection credentials that have already been entered by the user? I don't really want to make them enter these again into my own plugin.

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0 512
· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

0 9
0 552

Is anyone using Atelier with 3 environments (instances with multiple namespaces) (DEV, TEST, PROD) using GitHub as the source control.

I would be interested in how its all setup. So for example;

Would you have three branches for the code or 3 repo's.

Would you have three projects in Atelier to communicate with the environments and GitHub?

I have 3 existing environments that I wish to put under source control and also provide the ability to promote code between the environments in a controlled manner.

0 4
0 499
· May 25, 2017
Atelier and Inspector


Cache Studio's inspector window can show me a Cache class's properties,methods parameters, XDATA blocks, Triggers, Foreign Keys, Queries and more, in a table in the Inspector window. Additionally, for properties, where the property accepts parameters, these parameters are listed together with possible value choices.

0 7
0 448

Hi, Community!

Is there an option to get an archived file of globals in one command. Say for:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Class1*D.GBL,Class2*D.GBL","data_gbl.xml")

get something like:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Data*D.GBL","data_gbl.gz","gzip")

And also to have the convenient one click way to import it to the namespace via terminal or Control Panel?

If anyone already has this module, share please?

It would be very convenient for import/export/continuous integration purposes cause globals can be really heavy.

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0 875


Trying out Atelier , and need to understand what working principles are best to follow.

Scenario I have a local Cache Instance for development that is linked to a GIT repository for Namespace "ABC"

I have got a local working directory /workingdir/ABC

I have checked out branch "a"

So at this point I need to connect to a dev server that has this Namespace "ABC" but currently the branch that is on this server is "b"

0 2
1 447

In response to a comment on his posting about source control hooks and Atelier Bill McCormick used the example of Studio's SOAP Wizard and talked about providing more information about how Atelier will support this kind of extension.

My Atelier (1.0.116) has a Tools menu with an Add-Ins option and a "Soap Wizard" (sic) submenu.

Is there any information available to us yet about how we can add our own add-ins of this kind?

2 7
0 464

Thanks for all replies in advance. In monitoring our audit log we are getting the error below. We have 4 different servers running CACHE 2014.1.1 and this is happening on all 4 of them. I have not been able to find what process is trying to logon but it is happening every 30 minutes. We have no user processes that are running so this has to be a CACHE process. Does anyone have an Ideal what could be running to cause this? What kind of trace can I run to determine what process is running it?

0 1
0 843
· Jun 7, 2016
Atelier bracket problem

We have noticed that when compiling with Atelier (either Atelier itself or sending the code through the REST interface) that the build will fail if all brackets '() {} []' are not closed. This includes brackets opened in comments.

For example, this will fail:

class myclass


//if someVar {


I do not know if this issue has been fixed or if this issue has been brought up, but it has been a nuisance over here.

1 3
0 339

Hi all - I'm running a Zen page that inherits from %Zen.Component.page, and I'd like to step through code and debug it. Is this possible, and how?

I've tried to attach to a process that I think is mine (it has my internal IP address) but is using "Unknown User". Any ideas on where to start debugging the page -- this page calls lots of other pages. I'd thought I'd start at the home page.

Perhaps I need to navigate to my page that I want to debug, and attach at that point.

Any info on the debugger in this atypical use is appreciated.

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