· Jun 6, 2017 2m read
Atelier 1.1 Roadmap

It's been 6 months since InterSystems released Atelier 1.0 and we continue to roll out enhancements and new features through the beta channel (please see the Atelier Download page for details). In the meantime, we have received a lot of messages from the Developer Community with ideas for further improvements. Based on your feedback, we created a roadmap for Atelier 1.1 so you can conveniently track when specific features are going to be integrated.

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I have Caché/HealthShare installed in a local Ubuntu 16.04 LTS virtual machine. I've also installed Apache 2.4 from the apache2 bundle, and enabled SSL. I've configured Caché such that SSL/TLS is enabled on the SuperServer port but not required.

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I have Atelier client installed on a Mac and every now and then it just stops working. Currently I am getting this error when I try to synchronize my workspace with the server.

Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems and if so, what is the work around?

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· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

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To simplify the upgrade processes and to keep up with industry standards, we decided to make Atelier only available as an Eclipse plugin. Those of you who are currently using a standalone Atelier client will not be able to upgrade to a later version.

Please go to the Atelier Download page or see the sections below for the detailed instructions about installing Eclipse and the Atelier plugin. Feel free to reach out to support or leave a comment down below if you have any questions.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Atelier BPL editor

Is there a way to graphically edit BPL processes, or do we still need to use Studio for doing that?

Looking at the documentation, it appear there should be an Atelier BPL editor option available under Open With, but all I have is Atelier Class, HTML, INT, and MAC editors.

There is a BPL editor in the list, but it throws a "Bad editor input" error when trying to open the class file.

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Hi Community,

There is any way that I can use Studio Source Control in Atelier, or adapt it to use?

We have a solution based on Studio Source Control, and I cannot make it works with Atelier, I can not even see the classes .


Andrei L. Nenevê

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I am having trouble finding/using the ability to refactor inherited elements from super classes. In studio this was under the Class->Refactor->override menu. I did note a 'refactor' option on the right click menu, but if you attempt to choose it the option greys out as soon as you get the mouse pointer over it. Does this feature exist in Atelier as of yet?

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I am trying to find documentation on how Cache Studio locks a Routine/Class a developer is editing.

On the flip side, I am looking for documentation on how Atelier does the same.

Ultimately I am looking for the differences and what happens if both Studio and Atelier through different developers go after the same Routine/Class.

I am not asking for an answer (however that would be nice), I am looking for pointers to documentation.

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· May 25, 2017
Atelier and Inspector


Cache Studio's inspector window can show me a Cache class's properties,methods parameters, XDATA blocks, Triggers, Foreign Keys, Queries and more, in a table in the Inspector window. Additionally, for properties, where the property accepts parameters, these parameters are listed together with possible value choices.

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Hello everyone. So as title says, I used to install Eclipse with Atelier plugin recently to work in instead of Cache Studio and spotted that all my JS-code on CSP page is colored green as you can see here:

I couldn't find how to make code-detection on CSP files like JS files. All I found is this element which controls code inside HTML tag <script></script>

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Just today updated Atelier to the latest Beta release.Getting the following error in Eclipse:

Plug-in com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension was unable to load class com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension.Startup.

Unable to open Atelier perspective.

Does anybody else get this issue, how to go back to previous version?



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You probably have a similar experience.
The more I use Atelier the more I miss INSPECTOR that I had in Studio!

First for PROPERTIES that can inherit a variable number of Parameters beyond imagination.
take %XML.Adapter as the most obvious.
Where to find all inherited methods that I eventually want to overload? Take %Persistent as example.

Or where or how can %OnBeforeAddToSaveSet() (the correct camel case) be overloaded ?

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When I open a BPL in Atelier and right click 'Open diagram editor' I get a Java Incompatible browser error message (see below).

I'm using Windows 8.1, Atelier 1.0.190 and IE 11.

All the M.S. updates are up to date.

I also have firefox and chrome installed.

Trying to change default browsers etc. did not work.

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I know you're doing a big effort to build a new IDE in Eclipse ecosystem but Visual Studio Code is a new an even better and faster tool for coding... did you have any plans to release any COS extension for it in the near future? There you can already find extensions for all current more common progrmaming languages and it would be great to have COS as one of them.


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· Sep 6, 2017
Atelier + class query

Atelier seem so be having some issues with class queries.

If I try to collapse the query it will collapse everything that comes after it. Also nothing after this query will show in the outline.

This is on version 1.1.351

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I recently spent some time with Atelier, and tried to use it's inherited (from Eclipse) XSL transformation capabilities.

I have installed Exlipse XML Editor and Tools and Orangevolt XSLT - as it provides Saxon XSLT processor.

I have XSLT 2.0 transformation defined, that uses isc:evaluate() callback function to perform some server side code.

And here is my problem: when I try to run XSL transformation of a file in my project, then as soon as the processor hits isc:evaluate() it fails.

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To be able to replace current Cache Studio user functionality in our source control system, I need to access the current project name that the atelier file belongs to when being checked out and in within the UserAction method of the source control class.
In addition to this, there also appears to be a problem in that when UserAction code is executed by the Atelier callbacks, the process is running as UnKnownUser instead of utilising the authentication values assigned in the Connection settings for the server.

Does anyone know if these properties are currently exposed?

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Atelier Users:

Has anyone found an Eclipse plug-in that provides the capability to connect to a Caché server and give the user a way to write SQL queries using the tables from that server? I'm picturing something like a "WinSQL"-client built as an Eclipse plugin.

I've found and tried the following, but I couldn't get it to connect to my local Caché instance.

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