Let's say I start with a date range of '1-5-2019' to '5-25-2019' that occurs on one row. I'd like to ultimately have this show as 5 rows in Crystal Reports as shown below


1-5-2019 1-31-2019

2-1-2019 2-28-2019

3-1-2019 3-31-2019

4-1-2019 4-30-2019

5-1-2019 5-25-2019

I found a result that worked in T-SQL, but I'm not sure how to translate it to Cache SQL. The T-SQL code is

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will InterSystems fix the Transaction-Handling for the .Net Connection Provider?

Nor the Property IsTransactionAcvtive nor TransactionLevel is set on the Connection when using BeginTransaction.

Latest PreView will give me problem as InterSystems removed removed the TStart() Option to create the Transaction that way which gave back a TransactionObject whith working versions...

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Working on a project to call a web service and the soap header has custom header elements that need to be signed. i reviewed the %soap.inc and didn't see any appropriate macro

EBS and IDP elements need to be signed

here's a provided header sample

this a sample output that I created.

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· Feb 20, 2020
ECP status via $system.ECP


I'm trying to get the ECP status of 2 servers using $system.ECP.GetProperty("ServerStats") and $system.ECP.GetProperty("ClientStats"), but I'm not able to find the documentation of the values returned:

For example, on the server side I execute this:

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I have a couple of questions regarding /api/monitor and configuring it to use with SAM. In our environment we only expose port 443, so even though I define the Web Application to use unauthenticated, SAM is unable to make a connection. Is there any alternatives to get this working?

Also, even if there is a way to configure using port 443, unauthenticated access will never fly in our environment. Are there any plans to enhance SAM so it you use OAuth or even mutual TLS?


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0 284

I have a class:

Class test.Person Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor)
Property Name;

I want to serialize it into this XML:


Is it possible?

It's for the Visual Trace so I can't use %XML.Writer.

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0 283

I am new to Intersystems cache COS scripts (cache is a client system). ThoughCOS scripts basically appear to be straight forward, I am having issues with the logon credentials. From what I have found in the documentation, the first 2 lines of the script contain the U/P. When running the script, the username is picked up correctly but the password is not. Granted, having U/P in a script is not ideal but will suffice as a matter of learning if I can figure out the formatting/syntax required. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Kevin McGinn

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· Feb 28, 2020
How to get a Numbers View

In T-SQL, I can create a recursive CTE to create a subquery or a view that will hold a whole lot of numbers. Is there a way to do this in Cache SQL? I'd like the numbers from 0 to 10000 if possible.


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With ^%SYSMONMGR, there are some brunches that I never found a way to quit out, like shows as the following example: do ^%SYSMONMGR --> Manage Health Monitor --> View Alert Records ...

Does anyone know the answer? thank you very much.

1) Start/Stop System Monitor
2) Set System Monitor Options
3) Configure System Monitor Classes
4) View System Monitor State
5) Manage Application Monitor
6) Manage Health Monitor
7) View System Data
8) Exit

Option? 6

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· Jun 2, 2020
Node.js fails to open database


My attempt to run a node.js command fails at the open command with a "Error loading Cache Library: C:/InterSystems/Cache2018/bin/cache.dll; Error Code 126 (The specified module could not be found.)" result. I can't argue with the error message as the cache.dll file doesn't exist. Apparently I missed an installation step. Could somebody point out what it might be please.

Version: Node.js Adaptor for Cache: Version: 1.1.136a (ABI=48)

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.4 (Build 504) Thu May 14 2020 14:31:34 EDT

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Hello Community,

My Intersystems Caché Version: 1.2014 (Can't update now.)

I have the following issue:

I have for example an articlenumber with 15049950, which is numeric. But sometimes it can also be an alphanumeric string like PK15049950.

How can i set numbers always to string in Json Stream with quotes like "15049950".

Code Example:

set object = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()

set articlenumber = "15049950"

set object.articlenumber = articlenumber

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0 281


I was tring to figure out the correct way of using action code = c under <Encounter>, but havn't got much progress. Here is what I tested and observed:

Quote from the class reference doc:
D = Delete this Encounter and any other Streamlets linked to it via EncounterNumber
C = Clear all Encounters for this Patient and any other Streamlets linked to them via EncounterNumber

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0 279


I am working on Ensemble 2017.2.1 .
I need to export my security settings into an extern database, in order to make a report.

I've created a Business Operation with an SQL Adapter into a Namespace, but I don't know how to get every security data from "%SYS" Namespace ( SQLPrivileges , Resources , Roles , Services , Users ... ).

I dont't want to use the terminal and the ^SECURITY routine, because i don't want to store a XML file on the server.

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0 276

Hello, I am running into a little problem.

I am trying to create a Cache Trigger on a FACS table using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command but I am getting the message [SQLCODE: <-300>:<DDL not allowed on this table definition>].

I am not creating a persistent class but using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command.

Please advise.


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We are developing a BP where we would need to call at the same time to get appointments in two external systems. So then, we would need two threads, one for primary care appointments, and other for specialist appointments . We need to paralelize both calls because of both of them require some time and we would need to shorten it as much as possible.

We are currently using a flow:

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