· Sep 15, 2020

What is the impact of not "closing" queries, when using the%Resultset library?

Hi guys!!

In the system that I work, I came across an iterator pattern that uses the %Resultset library without performing the close after executing the query. Does anyone know how to say what are the impacts of not performing such a procedure?

If you have any model of iterator pattern made in caché to recommend as a good example, I will be grateful hehe  :D

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I agree with Robert. I have seldom if ever seen code that calls the ResultSet Close() method. There may be temprary globals left over in the CacheTemp database but if I am not mistaken there is a system Purge method that is run as part of the standard system tasks to clear-down these temporary structures. However if you want to complete the ResultSet functionality from Start to Finish then there is no harm in calling the Close() method.

I agree with Robert. I have seldom if ever seen code that calls the ResultSet Close() method. There may be temprary globals left over in the CacheTemp database but if I am not mistaken there is a system Purge method that is run as part of the standard system tasks to clear-down these temporary structures. However if you want to complete the ResultSet functionality from Start to Finish then there is no harm in calling the Close() method.