· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: The inconspicuous Menu button

Amongst the large fonts and chunky icons of Portal's pages, the Menu button in the top left corner is easily overlooked:

When clicked, it often produces the following menu:

When I remember it's there, I find the "View Console Log" option particularly handy.

I wrote "often" above because I've also noticed that the Menu contents change when I'm on a page within the Ensemble section of Portal:

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This is a translation of the following article. Thanks [@Evgeny Shvarov] for the help in translation.

This post is also available on Habrahabrru.

The post was inspired by this Habrahabr article: Interval-associative arrayru→en.

Since the original implementation relies on Python slices, the Caché public may find the following article useful: Everything you wanted to know about slicesru→en.

Note: Please note that the exact functional equivalent of Python slices has never been implemented in Caché, since this functionality has never been required.

And, of course, some theory: Interval treeru→en.

All right, let’s cut to the chase and take a look at some examples.

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In this article, we will explore the development of an IRIS client for consuming RESTful API services that have been developed to the OData API standard.

We will be exploring a number of built-in IRIS libraries for making HTTP requests, reading and writing to JSON payloads, and seeing how we can use them in combination to build a generic client adaptor for OData. We will also explore the new JSON adapter for deserializing JSON into persistent objects.

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Hi Developers!

Another way to start using InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager is to use prebuilt container images of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition.

We deploy this IRIS images on DockerHub and you can run it with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 52773:52773 --init --name my-iris -d intersystemsdc/iris-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

Launch a terminal with:

docker exec -it my-iris iris session IRIS

And install zpm-module as:


zpm: USER>install objectscript-math

[objectscript-math] Reload START

[objectscript-math] Reload SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Module object refreshed.

[objectscript-math] Validate START

[objectscript-math] Validate SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Compile START

[objectscript-math] Compile SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate START

[objectscript-math] Configure START

[objectscript-math] Configure SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate SUCCESS

zpm: USER>

And use same commands for InterSystems IRIS for Health using the tag: intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

The images are being published on IRIS Community Edition and IRIS Community Edition for Health repositories of Docker Hub.

We will update tags with every new release of IRIS and ZPM.

Happy coding!

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Whats NLP Stands For?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing which is a field of Artificial Intelligence with a lot of complexity and
techniques to in short words "understand what are you talking about".

And FHIR is...???

FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources and is a standard to data structures for healthcare. There are
some good articles here explainig better how FHIR interact with Intersystems IRIS.

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· Oct 5, 2020 2m read
File Passthrough Feeder

IRIS Interoperability Productions formerly known as Ensemble are fun to work with. Yes, I really think my work is fun. I have seen File Passthrough Services and File Passthrough Operations come in handy. At one point we placed test messages in files, then we utilized a File Passthrough Service with Inbound File Adapter to send the contents of the file as a Stream to a File Passthrough Operation with Outbound TCP Adapter.

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Hey everyone!

I recently learnt something new while working with WRC on an issue, and I wanted to share with everyone on the off chance it could help someone else.


Files are being inexplicably written to a folder on your server and, due to the number of files in the folder and general system throughput, it is not possible to work through the files to track down the source.

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· Jan 24, 2022 2m read

I have created a package that offers a utility to load a Global into JSON object and reverse
to create a Global from this type of JSON object. Efficient refers to the structure created.
Only Globals nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON object.

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Hello everyone, I’m a French student that just arrived in Prague for an academical exchange for my fifth year of engineering school and here is my participation in the interop contest.

I hadn’t much time to code since I was moving from France to Prague and I’m participating alone, so I decided to make a project that’s more like a template rather than an application.

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EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems are designed in a proprietary format/structure and are not based on such market models as FHIR or HL7. Whereas some of those systems can interoperate data in a proprietary format for FHIR and further market models, others cannot. InterSystems has two platforms that can interoperate proprietary formats for market standards: InterSystems HealthShare Connect and InterSystems IRIS for Health.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To resolve the error <PROTECT>, remove the read-only attribute of the system-wide library database (IRISLIB for InterSystems IRIS, CACHELIB for Caché/Ensemble/HealthShare (Caché-based))

Once you have finished importing the routine, remember to change it back to read-only.

[Version 2013.1 and above]
[Management Portal] > [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [System Configuration] > [Local Database] Uncheck "Mount read-only" from the database name link.

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • GitLab CI/CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In the fifth article, we talked about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

In this article let's discuss main components you'll need to run a continuous delivery pipeline with containers and how they all work together.

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The data model of your solution based on InterSystems platforms constantly changes over time. But what do you do with the data that was entered before? Back then, the data was valid, but what’s happening to it now after a number of data model changes? The answer to this question can be provided by the IDP DV tool that checks the property data of persistent and serial classes according to the types of these properties. In case any discrepancies are found, the tool generates a detailed error report for the user.

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InterSystems Data Platforms products allow you to export and import security settings in two different ways.

This article talks about those options:
- On the command line, using ^SECURITY
- Programmatically, using the Export and Import methods of classes in the Security package

Exporting settings on the command line (^SECURITY)

You can export everything or individual sections of the security settings.

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· Oct 23, 2019 2m read
Unit Tests for Data Transforms

Would you like to be sure your data transforms work as expected with a single command? And what about writing unit tests for your data transforms in a quick and simple way?

When talking about interoperability, there are usually a lot of data transforms involved. Those data transforms are used to convert data between different systems or applications in your code, so they are running a very important job.

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Hey everyone,

Need to change your PRIMARY email address (login email) and not lose all your activity on the Developer Ecosystem resources: Community, Global Masters, and Open Exchange?

It's easy! We will take care!

1️⃣ We will correctly transfer all your information from the old DC account to the new one.

All your posts, comments, mentions, likes, etc. will be saved on the new account.

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· May 22, 2023 6m read
Recovering a Mirror after crash

Here we are again with an article related to the Mirror!

In the previous article we saw how we could configure a Mirror between two IRIS instances, one acting as an active node and the other as a passive one. This mirroring system works on the transfer of a journal file that keeps the instance that works as a passive node continuously updated, but what happens if due to some communication failure or permissions of the journal file it is not transferred correctly?

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