· Mar 21 1m read

How to showcase your Credly Badges

Hey Community!

We know that you love to brag about your achievements! To make it even easier for you, we've implemented the data exchange with Credly: all InterSystems and Developer Community badges and certifications you have on Credly will be visible in your DC profile after your Open Exchange apps and before your Global Masters badges.

There is a whole page in your profile dedicated to your accomplishments. Just click on your profile picture and choose Official certifications & Credly badges:

There, you will have all your InterSystems Credly badges, including but not limited to:

  • your ranking on the Global Masters,
  • your moderator status on the Community,
  • completed trainings on Learning,
  • etc.

These badges are loaded automatically, but in case you're missing some, click on the Load my certifications & badges button and follow the cues.

Have fun!

Have you showcased your Credly badges in your profile?
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