· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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· Jan 26, 2021
How to stop task planning

How to stop a task plan when it starts incorrectly and continues to execute due to disk space and other reasons, which may cause system failure

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· Sep 19, 2016
REST json payload


This almost seems like a silly question, but I am new to REST services.

I have a rest service that has a method for adding records to my database.

<Route Url="/userdetails" Method="POST" Call="SaveUserDetails"/>

My REST client sends data using json in the body of the request. I have verified using debugging tools that the data is actually being sent.

On the server side in my SaveUserDetails method where do I find the json?

What is the proper way to serialize that json into an object?

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· Sep 23, 2016
Cache class definition

i got an unspecified character in my try-cache i do sample class definition using stream collection what is my defect plz reply me as soon as possible

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In addition to charts on a dashboard we have a request to have a crosstab which would be populated by some entries queried out of an error log. It's basically a detail query with mostly text data. I have tried making a pivot widget for this using both a cube and kpi source, and while succeeding with the KPI, it leaves a lot to be desired.

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I have been working on changing a web application from using %FileBinaryStream to storing and serving the file content from a %Stream.GlobalBinary property, stored in a new database. I have managed to migrate the data across, and have also been able to redirect the stream so that it is being served through the web link. However, the previous method set attributes on the File stream to have the stream be rendered as the original file type through MIME, using this code

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Some of the templates in Atelier display "on" in the "Auto Insert" column. I can't figure out how they differ from the ones that aren't so marked. Some Googling suggests that it should insert without displaying the template popup if there is only one matching template. However, I see the popup every time.

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· Oct 27, 2016
DeepSee Overview Document


I was wondering if there was a DeepSee overview document available for a non-technical user. Something short and concise describing what DeepSee is and its key features.

I've looked at the documentation and although there are parts of what I am looking for there it is much too technical for my needs.


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· Nov 1, 2016
File size.

Hi everybody,

My name is Sérgio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.

I need to get the size of file that the user wants to upload in my application.

I'm getting it name with %request.GetMineData("fileName").FileName, but not found it at Ensemble documentation how would i get the size of file.

My version is Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0 and I'm doing it at csp.


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Hi everybody,

I created my own REST service class by extending EnsLib.REST.Service.

In some particular conditions of the parameters of the request, the REST service should respond to the client with an HTTP status response code 400 "Bad request".

I read the article "RESTful Exception Handling " and I try to use the suggested:

do ..ReportHttpStatusCode(400)

But the server seems ignore it and get back to client the 500 http response code.

Any suggestions?

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0 1.5K

Hello, I would like to know if CACHE has any limitations on uploading files.

Why am I asking this, why am I going through a problem here.

What happens is that when uploading files or images that are larger than 2.7 MB CACHE is limiting the size to 2.7 MB, any file larger than that is saved corrupted.

Already at the time of uploading the file or image, CACHE is limiting the size of the file to 2.6 MB.

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Since now i have been working from external connection but i want to work with the SQL utility of Management Portal

i dont know how to do with several instructions like in other editors like this example

update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  80 where CodigoNum = '100' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '101' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '102' and Empresa = 'CO'

it returns

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I currently have an MDX query/calculated measure as per the below:

[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 91 - 180]+ [DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 181 - 365]+
[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 365+]

however it currently doesn't sum when there is a blank in the data.
How can I amend this query to include empty cells/only sum cells with data?

I've tried using nonempty but it doesn't appear to work in this context

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