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Member since Apr 23, 2024

I have a large list of functions that returns strings.  I consider a string as true if it is non-empty.  Empty string means false for me.  I keep calling these functions until I get a true (non-empty string).  If none returns true, the result fails.  It is an implementation of a unification algorithm actually.

I did not know how to write the code more readable, this is why I was asking how to check for empty string in a nicer way.

Thank you very much.  Googling and browsing some pages I had arrived at the same idea but I could find no documentation and examples on the Intersystems site.  Searching "URL Rewrite Module" on community I found 11 pages of results but by opening the conversations I see none that provides examples.

Making some random tests I managed to redirect the url to my application entry points but I do not understand how it works in general, to be able to use all its capabilities.  I am not able to redirect as I expect to happen.  It does something, but unexpected for me.

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