· Oct 20, 2024

IRIS SQL - query nested collection property

I'm experimenting with adapting SDA3 object model to store medical data in relational form, e.g.:

class Demo.DemoPatient extends (%Persistent, HS.SDA3.Patient) {}

The HS.SDA3.Patient class has the Aliases property which is a nested collection (list) of objects of type HS.SDA3.Name:

#dim record as Demo.DemoPatient = ##class(Demo.DemoPatient).%New()
set record.Name.FamilyName = "Clemens"
set record.Name.GivenName = "Samuel"
set record.BirthTime = "1935-11-30T12:00:00"

#dim alias as HS.SDA3.Name = ##class(HS.SDA3.Name).%New()
set alias.FamilyName = "Twain"
set alias.GivenName = "Mark"  
do record.Aliases.Insert(alias)

set status = record.%Save()
if $$$ISERR(status) {
    Write "Error: " _ $SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(status)   

How could I select a patient record searching by his/her Aliases.FamilyName? Something like:

select ID, Name_GivenName from Demo.DemoPatient where FOR SOME %ELEMENT(Demo.DemoPatient.Aliases) (???? = 'Twain')
Product version: IRIS 2024.1
Discussion (6)1
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the example builds on the fact that the storage structure of the serial object is known

 Storage Default
<Data name="serItemState">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">

in this case color  is #3 in serial storage  ==>>  $list(%Value,3)

So you need to know the position of FamilyName in  HS.SDA3.Name (e.g.7 ?)

then you can use $list(%value,7) =  'Twain'   as condition

7 is just a guess as I don't have any HS* classes at hands 

To get the property position dynamically by program you may use this ClassMethod

ClassMethod PropSeq(classname As %String = "", propname As %String = "")
   As %String [ SqlProc ]
    if classname="" set classname=..%ClassName(1)
    set pos=0
        SELECT SequenceNumber INTO :pos 
        FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty
        WHERE transient=0
        AND parent=:classname
        AND name=:propname
    if SQLCODE set pos="-1;"_SQLCODE
    quit pos