InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Apr 2, 2022
Subscript with double quoted

Hi Team,

I would like to save the array subscript with in double quotes

eg sub1=111,sub2=444 (these values are dynamic)

set array(sub1,sub2)=""

It will be saved as array(111,444)=""

but I want to save it as array("111","444")=""

I am trying to save it from the class like """"_sub1_"""" but its not displaying as expected.

Kindly do the need full.

Thanks in Advance

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· Mar 21, 2022
Available space in a DB

When we run data purges in a namespace, the size and space of the DB does not change. I assume like Oracle it leaves white space that is usable by cache, but is there a way to see how much of this space is available? Today I increased the size of the disk available to the system as we were reaching critical low disk space, however, with the purges, we should have several hundred GB of available space inside the database to use. And is it safe to allow the system to run out of available disk space, as long as there is enough free space in the DB for writing data?

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0 706

Hi There,

We are upgrading from Cache to IRIS this weekend and I was curious what version of IRIS I need to download. Once our system is live on IRIS, I will no longer be able to use Ensemble. If anyone knows the version of IRIS and could pass that along to me, it would be much appreciated.


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Hi Team,

We are facing an issue connecting to a remote Cache DB server using CacheODBC 2018 on the client side.

The connection works fine without SSL on the Cache server, but when SSL is enabled, we are getting the below error - "Failed to load cconnect executable!, SQL state 08S01 in SQLConnect"

Also, the connection works fine when the PHP script is run through CLI on client server, but fails with the above error when the script invoked from a client browser.

Could you please help us with any pointers in resolving the issue?

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Hi Developers !

Welcome to our 🏆1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest 🏆

Write an article about any topic related to InterSystems technologies from March 14 to April 14, 2022.

We're excited about your participation. Join now!

Build up a team and join sending the article made by the team. There will be a bonus for articles made by teams.

Prizes for everybody: All participants will receive a special prize!

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0 212

Good morning,

We would appreciate your support:

Developing an integration to perform a "Query / Retrieve" circuit with DICOM medical imaging studies, we would need the following:

Options of invocation of the DICOM TCP service that has been published for this integration, alternatives to the command line option.

Specifically we have read: Receive DICOM document with an embedded PDF and metadata.

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0 279

Hello everybody.

My question originated when trying to help a coworker...

There is a system module, specifically a ClassMethod that inserts records into a table as per the pseudocode below:

set Obj = ##class(FooSchema.FooTable).%New()
set Obj.fooProp = fooValue
// Other Foo properties //
set status = Obj.%Save()

From time to time, when trying to save the object, an error , informing that it was not possible to obtain the exclusive lock on the table instance

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· Jun 13, 2016 1m read
Debug: using locks for breakpoints

Hi, Community!

Want to share with you one debugging approach from the Russian forum.

Suppose I want to debug the application and I want it to stop the execution on a particular line.

I add in code this line:

l +d,-d

When I want to start debugging in this line I block d in terminal

USER> l +d

And execute the app.

The app stops on this line and lets me connect to it with Studio debugger.

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1 637

Good morning,

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this question.

We need to find out how to display an EnsLib.DICOM.Document using LOGINFO, in the traces.

We have tried to use:

set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()

set status=writer.OutputToString()

set status=writer.RootObject(..DocumentFromService)

set xml= writer.GetXMLString()

$$$LOGINFO("..DocumentFromService en xml: "_xml)
0 0
0 140
· Mar 30, 2022
Data transformation

Hi Team,

I am trying to call Datetime in CUSTOM.Training.Functions class please refer the below line.

<assign value='##class(CUSTOM.Training.Functions).DateTime(source.{PIDgrpgrp().PIDgrp.PID:7.1})' property='target.{PID:7.1}' action='set' />

My Datetime method

ClassMethod DateTime(DateTime As %Integer)
Set Year = msg.SetValueAt(,"PIDgrpgrp().PIDgrp.PID:7.1","set")
Q Year

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