InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,561 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


We are using Cache to generate HTML pages (complete with Javascript), which we are reading in an Android phone App's WebView.

If, when we generate HTML as follows:


<body bgcolor='red'>

Hello World



Reading this is iPad gets what you would expect, a red page with Hello World written in it.

However in Android phone, the page is both white and blank.

0 16
0 309

Hi Community,

I am using a method taht calls a Dashboard in Deepsee web from an application , but I want to know if it's possible to not showing the header, this part that have the search button, the name of the namespace, etc..

This is the method :

Method %OnAfterCreatePage() As %Status
//Set contratistaId = $Get(%session.Data("ContratistaId"),"")
//Set gerenciaId = $Get(%session.Data("GerenciaId"),"")

1 10
0 553

I've mapped multiple tables (UNION on mapped SQL classes) into a view, using CREATE VIEW.

Through ODBC, in Entity Framework, I am querying against that view and offering paging. The paging is implemented using IQueryable.Skip and IQueryable.Take.

Skip seems to have unexpected results, I believe due to incorrect SQL generated by the Entity Framework provider, though perhaps I've done something incorrectly. The generated SQL looks similar to this (with some bits replaced or altered for security reasons), the basic structure is unaltered.

0 11
0 693

This is a quick note on what happens when, on your CSP page, you call a cache script which returns a %Boolean and store that value in a javascript variable.

When you call a script with language="cache" and returntype="%Boolean" from a javascript script, the return value is interpreted as a string, not as a boolean.

Here's an example:

A cache script that returns (in theory) a "false" value:

0 3
0 545

I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

0 1
0 524

Hi Community!

Here is the digest of the most popular videos on InterSystems Data Platforms we published in 2018 on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel!


Please check the most popular videos by Watch Time. See the details below.

3 0
1 273
· Jan 15, 2019

I have an sql statement that I would like to execute but I get the error

"zSearchChanges+5^MergeHyland.TypeTwoUtil.1 *KeyID"

and here is my sq

l  "&sql(SELECT Key INTO :KeyID FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionalTable WHERE Key = :Key)" any ideas why 
0 2
0 224

I loaded 2017.2 onto a windows desktop that I was going to use for testing. I need to now uninstall 2017.2 but when I do I get a ERROR saying it can not find the INSTANCE name, when there is HEALTHSHARE defined.

Has anyone else had this issue? I would like to uninstall this version and start over from scratch without having to re-image my machine.

0 1
1 672
· Jan 9, 2019
Limit to Ensemble queues

Hi all,

Does anyone knows if there is a limit per second adding messages to an Ensemble queue? I have a Business Service working and sending async requests to a Business Process, but I can't reach no more than 60-70 messages queued per second.

I've done several tests and same behavior seems to happen with all our productions. So I was wondering if there is a parameter anywhere to maximize the number of requests that can be send to a queue per second.

0 4
0 505

Hi Community!

New Badges're already on Global Masters Advocacy Hub!

We're happy to announce that this year we again introduced three annual badges on Global Masters Advocacy Hub to let you remember how much you contributed to Developer Community in 2018. Here they are:

DC Best-Selling Author 2018
DC Expert 2018
DC Opinion Leader 2018

Let's take a closer look at the DC Wall of Fame 2018 and greet everyone with big applause!

8 5
0 323

This code snippet sends an XML request to a server and saves the response to a file. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class objectscript.postXML
    classmethod test() {
        Set HTTPRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
        Set HTTPRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
        Set HTTPRequest.NoDefaultContentCharset = 1
        Set HTTPRequest.Location = "ITOMCZ"
        Set HTTPRequest.Server = ""
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("User-Agent")  
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("Accept-Encoding") 
        Do HTTPRequest.RemoveHeader("Connection")
        Do HTTPRequest.SetHeader("Expect","100-continue")
        Set RequestXML = ##class(%Library.File).%New("c:\test.xml")
        Do RequestXML.Open("RS")
        Do HTTPRequest.EntityBody.CopyFrom(RequestXML)
        Do RequestXML.%Close()
        Do HTTPRequest.Post(HTTPRequest.Location)
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(HTTPRequest)
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse)
        Write HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.Data.Size
        Write HTTPRequest.ContentLength
        Set ResponseStream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
        // Second part is typically the file extension, i.e.: application/pdf -> pdf
        Set FileType = $Piece(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.GetHeader("CONTENT-TYPE"),"/",2)
        Set ResponseStream.Filename = "C:\test."_FileType
        Write ResponseStream.CopyFrom(HTTPRequest.HttpResponse.Data)
        Write ResponseStream.%Save()
        Do ResponseStream.%Close()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

1 0
0 858
· Jun 6, 2016 7m read
Language Extensions

This is a posting about a particular feature of Caché which I find useful but is probably not well known or used. I am referring to the feature of Language Extensions.

This feature allows you to extend the commands, special variables and functions available in Caché Object Script with commands, special variables and functions of your own. This functionality also applies to other languages the Caché supports at the server, including Caché Basic and Multivalue Basic.

Why would I need or want to add new commands ?

14 5
4 1.4K

Hi guys,

I have a customer trying to extract data from Hive. I've tried to use Data migration to migrate a table into IRIS with JDBC driver. But the migration task always fails as below

Then I tried to create a link table, the task fails too with the following error:

0 4
0 357

Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

API Design for REST
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

1 0
0 463

There are situations where we want to provide immediate feed back to inbound Web Service that a particular business operation is not running (status <> "running"). We don't even want to queue up the message. We just want the webservice to respond with an error stating the business operation is down.

0 4
0 476

I am just curious if someone has used this service to send Alert emails through AWS / Ensemble

I have verified 2 email ids - One to send. One to receive

Have also configured an access key for the email smtp server and added the credential to ensemble

but I get this error

ERROR #6033: Error response to SMTP MAIL FROM: 530 Authentication required.


So my first opinion is the authentication is not happening via the credentials settings. It needs to be passed in a different way

0 4
0 1K

Hi Community!

New Badges're already on Global Masters Advocacy Hub!

We're happy to announce that this year we again introduced three annual badges on Global Masters Advocacy Hub to let you remember how much you contributed to Developer Community in 2018. Here they are:

DC Best-Selling Author 2018
DC Expert 2018
DC Opinion Leader 2018

Let's take a closer look at the DC Wall of Fame 2018 and greet everyone with big applause!

0 0
0 273

Hi everybody,

I am looking for a way to detimerine if a certain namespace is ensemble enabled. I´ve seen such a solution somewhere in the past but can´t find it anymore. Is there a simplistic api around for that?

My second question is in context of log some information to the console log file with a certain error level. Also, I´ve seen this in the past and can´t find it agian. I guess there was some kind of simple api to use for this.

Thank you for your help.

best regards,


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