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Member since May 31, 2017

Hi Caza ,

We are facing the following issues :- 

1. We are getting the boolean value for the pass and fail unit test cases in cache Intersystem, but we are not able to assingn this boolean value into a variable in a batch script( r3 in this case)

2. @ECHO %FAILUREFLAG% is not giving any output to us, can you help with that also.

Please suggest us for the following problems or some alternative approach. The Batch script code is here :-


:: Switch output mode to utf8 - for comfortable log reading
@chcp 65001
:: Check the presence of the variable initialized by Jenkins
@SET SUCCESSFLG =%CD%\successflag.txt
@SET FAILUREFLAG =%CD%\failureflag.txt

:: The assembly may end with different results
:: Let the presence of a specific file in the directory tell us about the problems with the assembly
::% CD% - [C] urrent [D] irectory is a system variable
:: it contains the name of the directory in which the script is run (bat)
:: Delete the bad completion file from the previous start

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::
:: line by line in the build.cos command to manage the Cache
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::

:: If the Cache is installed with normal or increased security
:: then in the first two lines the name and password of the user Cache
@ECHO user>build.cos
@ECHO password>>build.cos

:: Go to the necessary NAMESPACE
@ECHO zn "MYNAMESPACE" >>build.cos
@ECHO do ##class(Util.SourceControl).Init() >>build.cos
@ECHO zn "User" >>build.cos

@ECHO set ^^UnitTestRoot ="C:\test" >>build.cos

@ECHO do ##class(%%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("myunittest","/nodelete")     >>build.cos
@Echo set i=$order(^^UnitTest.Result(""),-1) >>build.cos
@Echo  write  i >>build.cos
@Echo set unitResults=^^UnitTest.Result(i,"myunittest") >>build.cos
@ECHO Set r3  =  $LISTGET(unitResults,1,1) >>build.cos
@ECHO if r3'= 0 set file = "C:/unittests/successflag.txt" o file:("NWS") u file do $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(r3) >>build.cos
@ECHO if r3'= 1 set file = "C:/unittests/failureflag.txt" o file:("NWS") u file do $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(r3) >>build.cos
::@ECHO if 'r3 do $SYSTEM.Process.Terminate(,1)
::@ECHO halt

::@ECHO  do ##class(%%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("User") >>build.cos
::@ECHO set ut = do ##class(%%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("User") >>build.cos
::set var = 1 >>build.coss
:: If it did not work out, we will show the error to see it in the logs of Jenkins
::@ECHO if ut'= 1 do $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) >>build.cos
::echo %var%

@Echo On
@ECHO zn "%%SYS" >>build.cos
@ECHO set pVars("Namespace")="MYDEV" >>build.cos
@ECHO set pVars("SourceDir")="C:\source\MYNAMESPACE\src\cls\User" >>build.cos
@ECHO do ##class(User.Import).setup(.pVars)>>build.cos
:: Download and compile all the sources in the assembly directory;
::% WORKSPACE% - variable Jenkins
::@ECHO set sc = $SYSTEM.OBJ.ImportDir("%WORKSPACE%", "*. Xml", "ck",. Err, 1) >>build.cos

:: If it did not work out, we will show the error to see it in the logs of Jenkins
::@ECHO if sc'= 1 do $SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) >>build.cos

:: and from the cos script create an error flag file to notify the script bat
::@ECHO if sc'= 1 set file = "% ERRFLAG%" o file :( "NWS") u file do $ SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError (sc) with file >> build.cos

:: Finish the Cache process
::@ECHO if sc'= 1 set file = "% ERRFLAG%" o file :( "NWS") u file do $ SYSTEM.OBJ.DisplayError (sc) with file >> build.cos

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::
:: Call the Cache control program and pass the generated script to it ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
C:\InterSystems\HealthShare\bin\cache.exe -s C:\InterSystems\HealthShare\mgr -U %%SYS <%CD%\build.cos

:: If the error file was created during the cos script execution - we notify Jenkins about this

Please tell us very clearly how to exit the cache terminal via command line and then that batch script should fail the jenkins job  ? Please tell us if it is feassible in intersystem . We have tried with all methods from intersystem doc library but still we could not progress (Jenkins job is not getting triggered based on boolean value passed from cache). Please suggest

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