There has been some confusion about how to edit Business Process Language (BPL) and Data Transformation Language (DTL) files in Atelier using the graphical editor. The following steps describe how to do this with Atelier version 1.0:

Copy the file you want to edit from the server to an Ensemble-enabled project in your Atelier workspace. To do this, find the file in the Server Explorer, right click and select Copy to project.

Open the file in the Atelier class editor just as you would any other class file.

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In System Administration | Configuration | System Configuration | Journal Settings there is a check box for Freeze on error.

From reading the documentation, it sounds like the choice to freeze on error is one of system availability vs system integrity.

Curious to know whether Ensemble users choose to freeze on error or not.

If you have a best practice recommendation based upon your experience or knowledge, that would be helpful information too.

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I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

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Hi Everyone!

Enjoy a new session recording from Global Summit 2017 on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

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Hi guys, I'm helping one of our customer to use unattended install to standardize their deployment. I'm using Unattended Installation and Installation Manifest.

Although I can use the combination to install HealthConnect and then create namespaces and DBs as they need, there are still several tasks that I did not find the solution yet. As following:

1. Configure mirrors

2. Set the directory to store journals

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· May 30, 2018
Atelier 1.2 csp sessions

I have just upgraded to Atelier v1.2 beta and find that I'm using up the license pool.

The longer I work within Atelier the more csp sessions for application /api/atelier I'm creating. It seems that each class I'm opening in the editor creates a new session. This is ok up to 25 sessions at which point I'm consuming 25 licences units and soon after nobody can log in any more because I'm consuming all licenses. I never really looked at this with v1.1 but that is because I never experienced this problem, so my assumption is that something changed with v1.2.

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Ensemble 2017.2.

I am writing a DTL code action based on the solution described in the posting "How to avoid truncation in HL7 messages with very large fields (32K+)". Because the source value is in a repeating segment, and the specific repetition in which the value is located can vary, I would like to use a variable (specifically the k1 key) to specify the repetition to get. I have been unable to get it to work.

OBXgrp is the location in the path at which the repetition occurs. Hard-coding an index, as in the example below, works.

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· May 24, 2018
image tab

Good afternoon, I have a tabGroup where I populate tabs with images using the scr property. If a user scrolls to the bottom of the image on a tab, when they go to the next tab, they are also at the bottom. When moving between tabs, I would like the user to always be presented with the top of the tab content. I have not been unsuccessful in doing this. Would someone have input on how to make this happen? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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I have generated a class using the linked procedure wizard however I can't get it to work if the datatype of one of the parameters is VARCHAR(MAX). It works fine if I change it to say VARCHAR(500) and rerun the stored procedure wizard.

I get the following error returned.:

ErrorMsg: SQLState: (07002) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

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In old Caché versions it was possible to create a new role based on predefined %Developer by copying it and adding some resources as needed. It was true at least from 2010.1 to 2015.1.

After upgrade from 2015.1.4 to 2017.2.1 it turned that it's only partially true now. User with a "New-Developer" role can enter Studio and open existing cls/mac/etc for editing and everything is OK unless he tries to create something new (Ctrl-N), than he gets a pop-up with %msg: <User xxx does not have enough privilege to execute stored procedure %CSP.StudioTemplateMgr_Templates>

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0 471
· May 30, 2018
Git / Atelier question

I posted a question here about a week ago about GIT. I believe we understand it well enough to use. We are still trying to determine the best flow for our needs.

But now the question is how do we integrate this with GIT?

We are new to both Git and Atelier and would love to get advice.

Currently I believe the flow would be something like this:

1.Create a branch from our origin repository (let's say Ticket 123 branch)

2.Download that branch locally to our PCs with Cache running a local instance

3. Checkout Ticket 123 branch locally

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I was wondering if there is a way of adding additional headings under the settings tab for services etc?

I'm aware its possible to add items under the additional settings heading, but being able to split these out into separate headings would look a lot nicer.

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· Nov 1, 2016
WebSocket proxy to telnet

Is there any easy way to create a WebSocket to Telnet proxy within the Cache environment?

I would like to use a html5 telnet emulator to connect to cache, but need to create a proxy,

Is this a simple task?

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· May 30, 2018
Change property heading

Release 2017.2.

I have created a class that extends Ens.BusinessOperation, and in my class I have defined a custom property. How can I change the property's heading that is displayed on the Management Portal Settings tab?

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· May 23, 2018
DeadJobAlert question

We have received a dead job alert. We want to know when occurs this, I mean, Ensemble kills a job automatically if it is consuming a lot of memory or CPU? Or is the operating system who kills the job and Ensembe detects it and alerts?

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We want to monitor an Ensemble Production and send custom email alerts in function of some Rules. For example, if we normally receive 1 message per second, if suddenly we receive 5 or more messages per second, we want to send an email alert. And if tomorrow we don't want to check this again, we want to disable it through Ensemble Business Rules.

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0 1.1K
· May 25, 2018
Atelier 1.2 has landed!

Just now when I started up my Eclipse I was offered an Atelier update. After waiting for so long, how could I possibly refuse? Wish me luck! laugh

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I have a vendor that is sending me an Abbreviation in FT1:16.4.2 that I need to look up against a table to find the correct ID for.

FT1|1|||20180523161501|20180523161503|CG|1906551^Lipid Profile|||1||||||^^^ LAB&06CL|||Z00.00||00410^Knerr^Joel||721410||30100001^Lipid Profile|

But in my Business Process when I refer to request.GetValueAt("FT1:16.4.2") its not recognizing that this field contains information. Is my syntax wrong?

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While testing Atelier 1.0.255 I noticed that the namespace subtree of my Atelier project used different icon shading for the top-level Classes folder compared with the top-level Routines one:

Drilling down into parts of the Wasabi package helped me work out the significance of white-filled icons versus brown-filled ones:

A package is white if there are no classes in it, but only subpackages.

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0 501

Hi - is anyone successfully using Atelier on a Mac? I seemed to have installed everything correctly but I cannot create Atelier projects or edit mac routines. Eclipse is giving a lot of spurious errors. I have yet to find anyone that has a good word to say about Eclipse and they all use other IDEs but that's what Intersystems have chosen. If people are able to use it on the Mac then fine, I'll just carry on googling... Thanks

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Hi All

I'm looking for the a simple-quick-easy solution to monitor a SQL table thought Ensemble.

I have a process that update a DataBase ,a scheduled task that runs every night (Not Ensemble)

In the end it updates a table (replica_status) with a new recored with two fileds: Id, DateTime

I looked around the community but didn't find an answerd case.

I'm thinking on a Task that will run a sql outboud adapter BO that checks that table and send a alert if no new record was created yesterday

is this the right approach or is there's a better solution?

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