· Jun 5, 2019

Developer Community June 2019 Release

Hi Community!

We have a new release of DC. What's cool?

1. Polls

2. Tag tree

3.  Better site performance 

4. Email digests: better monthly digest design and weekly email digest is introduced

And many more.


Since this release, you are able to add polls to your posts. Learn how to use it and try it in this post below.

Tag Tree

DC has a lot of tags and tags are structured. Now, the tag structure can be seen: click on the Tags menu, or open Tags-> Tag Tree.

And, if you subscribe to a parent tag, you get all the emails for child tags too.

Better site performance

The site performance was improved with this version. The open time of any page was reduced at least by 0.5 sec. Work is in progress.

Email digests improved

As you know every month we send the digest of all the posts on DC and many of you are subscribed to it. And with this release, we introduced a new design, hopefully, better design. Could you please provide the feedback if you like it?

Also, we've introduced a weekly digest - it's being sent on Mondays and consists of all the posts last week on DC. You can subscribe it your subscription settings.

Questions autotranslation to Spanish And English

With the release, you can expand the audience of your question to another language community! E.g. if you have a question in English you can add the translated question in Spanish in one click. Same for Spanish questions - you can ask an English Community too!

It uses Google translate, so the quality of the translation will be of this level. Of course, you are able to edit the question manually too.

E.g. check my google-translated question of this kind: English and Spanish 

Small fixes

The author is able now to add translations for his posts without approval. Yes. This was strange and we fixed it.

We removed the announcement tag because we have announcements as a post type. 

All this new features are eligible for the Spanish InterSystems Community too! 

Fixed a lot of bugs, check the May 2019 kanban. And added new, of course, and will fix it in June 2019

Add your feature requests, bug reports, contribute to InterSystems Developers, and stay tuned!

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