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Member since May 19, 2019

Hi Eduard,

Thank you for you answer.

We are using atelier in eclips photon with TFS PlugIn for developing ensemble interfaces .

Most of the CI/CD article is dealing with the building proccess.

I'm no sure is possible when using object script due to the fact i'm  not familiar with any external building agent that suites for  building our code morover i dont realy understand why should we build it in the first place if we exporting and importing the code as is between the environments(dev-->Test, Test-->Prod).

It May be very halpfull to know if:

  1. Is there a tool wich the TFS can use for export and importing  code between the environments during the CI/CD process.
  2. Also general explenation of the best practices of version/source controling in cache will be very halpfull.
  3. Is there any examples of using sorce control with cache(object script) code.

kind regards,


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