Hi Community,

I am receiving a JSON file as input in ensemble and i need to convert the JSON message to HL7 message.

Can anyone share few points how to read a JSON file into Ensemble production by creating a Custom Business service?

I have created a custom business service as below but i am not aware which parameters i need to pass in OnProcessInput method?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,545 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Integrating frontend React applications with backend services like IRIS database via REST APIs can be a powerful way to build robust web applications. However, one common hurdle developers often encounter is the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issue, which can prevent the frontend from accessing resources on the backend due to security restrictions enforced by web browsers. In this article, we'll explore how to tackle CORS issues when integrating React web apps with IRIS backend services.

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We're looking for an experienced developer to join our team and help with the project on a part-time basis (20-30 hours a week). Required experience includes InterSystems Cache, PHP, and API. We're ready to start immediately if you're available. Fluency in English and the ability to work in the US time zone is preferred.

About Us:
Redline Coders, an IT consulting firm in California.

Position Details:
- Remote
- 20-30 hours a week
- Duration: 1-2 months

0 4
0 184

Hi everyone,

We have successfully configured the Patient Index and are now looking to bring it to upper environments. Our plan is to export the Linkage Definition and import it into higher environments to avoid any manual work. However, I am having trouble finding an export option in the Linkage Definition Designer and locating the globals that hold this setup.

I would greatly appreciate any tips or guidance on how to export/import the Patient Index configuration between environments.

Thank you in advance!

0 4
0 44

I'm trying to keep all writes in local memory.

If you have S %A="""HI THERE"",!,#,33.33,"" "",$ZTIMESTAMP"

and you O 2 U 2 W @%A C 2 ZW ^SPOOL
^SPOOL(1,1)="HI THERE"_$c(13,10)
^SPOOL(1,3)="33.33 67016,59246.6188873"

It works just fine and the output is in the ^SPOOL global.

However, I'm trying to avoid writing to disk.

I can't find anything besides using the SPOOL device that will allow the use of the "@" indirection.

0 1
0 29

I am working on JSON and want to be prepared to handle large Objects. I try this code:

ClassMethod MaxLen() As %Status


set longStr=""

for i=1:1:$SYSTEM.SYS.MaxLocalLength() { set longStr = longStr_"x" }

write "Maximum string length = "_$LENGTH(longStr)


set longObject = {"a":(longStr),"b":(longStr)}

set file=##class(%File).%New("/tmp/longObjectFile.txt")

do file.Open("WSN")

do longObject.%ToJSON(file)

do file.Close()


do file.Open("RS")

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0 52

How do you authenticate with a rest api? The rest api implemention allows us to add in the header Authentication: 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + password) but it is not really secure as a user can inspect and with the right decoding tool see a user password

1 3
0 96


I'm migration an existing integration to InterSystems. The upstream (external) system calls a JSON web service hosted in the interface engine, which converts the JSON data received to an HL-7 messages to send to the downstream system. I'm looking for direction and example of how to do the equivalent in InterSystems, so the the upstream system only has to modify the URL of the web service they call.

I suppose in IS we'll need to create a business service that is a JSON web service? How to access the JSON data (parameters in the web service call) in the Transformation?

0 1
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· Jun 23
Long JSON values

I have JSON object which contains file references. I need to replace the file reference with base64 encoded file which is up to 10MB.

I tried the following but it did not work as expected:

0 9
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Hello Community,

We're super excited to invite all our Developer Community members (both InterSystems employees and not) to participate in our next contest!

💡 The 3rd InterSystems Ideas Contest 💡

We're looking for your innovative ideas to enhance InterSystems IRIS and related products and services. We encourage suggestions based on real-life use cases, highlighting the tangible benefits your idea will bring to other users and how it will enhance developers' experiences with InterSystems technology.

📅 Duration: June 10 - July 7, 2024

🏆 Prizes for the best ideas!

🎁 Gifts for everyone: A special gift will be given to each author whose idea is accepted in the contest.


5 4
1 311


I would like to ask whether there is some option to stop auto-formatting when I compile. The code is sometimes well formatted but the auto-formatter does not work correctly in some situations. I am talking about the compilation in the Studio editor in this image, not about Visual Studio Code.

Thank you in advance,

Alin C Soare.

0 6
0 87


Recently I have been tinkering with VSCode and ObjectScript extension to connect to my dockerized IRIS instance. I have configured the instance to use Apache as a Web Gateway as per instructions and it has been working well. Currently I'm using a self-signed certificate for the SSL part of the connection. The browser nags about insecure certs when connecting to Management Portal but that's expected.

However when I try to connect to the instance with VSCode it simply fails with the following error message

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A new source is sending us CCDs with templates in the structuredBody section that are either just being ignored or being saved in the wrong data type. Ex notes being saved under the Encounters fields. We would like to use the Notes.xsl (out-of-the-box) to transform a certain template section into a Document SDA. Could you tell me how that can be accomplished?

0 0
0 23

Hi Community!

We're super excited to invite you to the LinkedIn Live event dedicated to online learning!

🌐 Two Decades of Innovation in Learning and Development 🌐

📅 Thursday, May 30, 10 am ET | 4 pm CEST

🗣 Presenters:

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0 51

Greetings and welcome to the new era of AI innovation on the Developer Community...

🚀 InterSystems Developer Community AI 🚀

Developer Community AI (DC AI), our new chatbot assistant, is here to answer your questions!

It leverages the InterSystems IRIS Vector Search and is powered by SerenityGPT, providing the most relevant answers sourced directly from the InterSystems Developer Community. Additionally, it can respond in any of the six supported languages (EN, ES, PT, JP, CN, FR)!

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