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· Sep 28, 2015 1m read

The Business Processing Language - for orchestration and long-running business processes.

Ensemble can orchestrate calls to external systems. Very often this is done to implement or automate a long-running business process - that is, real business processes where people interact with a series of different systems to complete complex tasks. BPL (the Business Processing Language) provides a graphical way to create these orchestrations.

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Executive Summary

An accountable care organization (ACO) is a group of providers that are collectively responsible for the total cost and quality of care provided to a specific population of patients. Together, the group assumes risk and shares rewards. As with high-performing organizations in other industries, the hallmarks of ACOs are quality measurement and continuous improvement.

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How do you balance the need to achieve an early success with SOA against the requirement for an architecture that will deliver long term success? You don't want to get bogged down in architectural committees for three years, but you don't want to make short term decisions that will be roadblocks to long term success.

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Executive Overview

One way financial services firms can improve their operational efficiency is to revamp their data management infrastructure. Creating a central repository for data that is used by multiple applications can ensure data consistency and quality across the enterprise, ease integration bottlenecks, and lower the number of failed trades.However, different applications have different database usage patterns. To satisfy them all, any central data repository must:

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· Sep 28, 2015 1m read
Ensemble Getting Started

Are you new to Ensemble? InterSystems provides several tools to learn the basics of Ensemble and get on your way to becoming an expert in the technology. Before installing Ensemble, take a look at the Ensemble Technology Overview and Getting Started with Ensemble in documentation. Respectively, these documents explain features and major components of Ensemble as well as how to install the software.

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Strategic Interoperability

Executive Overview

This white paper discusses the critical requirements for the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) to share Service members’ medical records – including real-time access to a complete composite health record – and it proposes an immediate solution via implementation of a health informatics platform. This approach will provide significant and clearly visible results in a matter of months, while positioning the Departments for strategic improvements in the years ahead.

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With the growing popularity of smart phones and tablet computers, consumers are coming to expect that software solutions will be presented as "apps" on their mobile devices. The challenge for most application developers is to find ways to make their existing solutions run on modern mobile platforms without incurring the delay and cost of a complete rewrite.

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In healthcare, information accessibility can impact the outcome of a medical decision, or the success of a bundled payment initiative. To ensure that the right information is available at the right place and time, healthcare organizations typically have used HL7® interface engines to share data among clinical applications. But the demands on healthcare information technology are changing so rapidly that these simple engines are no longer sufficient.

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Strategic interoperability —The key to connected care


The aging population and increasing incidence of chronic diseases are putting unmanageable pressures on healthcare services, not just in Europe, but worldwide. The current models of healthcare are unsustainable in the face of increased demand for services and rising costs. This was evident even before the financial crisis led to severe cuts in healthcare budgets in many countries.

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Using Two-Factor Authentication


If the administrators responsible for securing applications had their way, passwords would be long complex strings of random symbols, and users would memorize different passwords for every application they use. But in the real world, few people are capable of such prodigious feats of memory. The typical user can only remember a handful of relatively short passwords.

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Case Studies in Performance

Executive Summary

The best way to compare the performance of database products is in a head-to-head test using a real application, preferably one of your own. This is especially true when evaluating Caché's post-relational technology, because "standard" transaction processing benchmarking methodologies assume the restrictive "row and columns" format of a relational database. They cannot accurately predict the performance of real applications, which often use complex data models.

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Introduction - Analyzing Textual Big Data

Big Data for Enriching Analytical Capabilities - Big data is revolutionizing the world of business intelligence and analytics. Gartner predicts that big data will drive $232 billion in spending through 2016, Wikibon claims that by 2017 big data revenue will have grown to $47.8 billion, and McKinsey Global Institute indicates that big data has the potential to increase the value of the US health care industry by $300 billion and to increase the industry value of Europe's public sector administration by Ä250 billion.

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The European Space Agency (ESA) has chosen InterSystems Caché as the database technology for the AGIS astrometric solution that will be used to analyze the celestial data captured by the Gaia satellite.

The Gaia mission is to create an accurate phase-map of about a billion celestial objects. During the mission, the AGIS solution will iteratively refine the accuracy of Gaia's spatial observations, ultimately achieving accuracies that are on the order of 20 microarcseconds.

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Information Sharing Enables Health Plans to Leverage Data and Analytical Assets to Deliver Sustained Value

Executive Summary

The shared-risk payment models that are central to health reform all require tight coordination among payers, providers, and patients if they are to succeed. As payers and providers enter into more and more such agreements, they need to enhance success by communicating and collaborating more effectively with their partners and actively engaging, supporting, and empowering their members.

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Australia's recent launch of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) - a significant step towards establishing a national e-Health infrastructure - has simultaneously provided a boost to shared Electronic Patient Record (EPR) projects and delivered a wake-up call to healthcare providers about their readiness for connected care initiatives. In countries around the world, the era of connected care is here.

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Providing a reliable infrastructure for rapid, unattended, automated failover

Technology Overview

Traditional availability and replication solutions often require substantial capital investments in infrastructure, deployment, configuration, software licensing, and planning. Caché Database Mirroring (Mirroring) is designed to provide an economical solution for rapid, reliable, robust, automatic failover between two Caché systems, making mirroring the ideal automatic failover high-availability solution for the enterprise.

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This document is intended to provide a survey of various High Availability (HA) strategies that can be used in conjunction with InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare Foundation. This document also provides an overview of the various types of system outages that can occur, as well as how each strategy would handle a given outage, with the goal of helping you choose the right strategy for your specific deployment.

The strategies surveyed in this document are based on three different HA technologies:

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