Hi @Menno Voerman
the DTL Generator is still in development and was presented at the last Virtual Summit to gather some feedback, which we are still incorporating and fine-tuning with some partners. Are you interested in the DTL generator for migrating interfaces to InterSystems IRIS or for other reasons?
Kong is in the process of renaming some of their products and features. When you look closer at their documentation you will find that they still differentiate between Kong Gateway (OSS) and Kong Gateway (Enterprise). Kong Enterprise is not free of charge (it's part of Kong Konnect). Kong Enterprise includes many features that are essential for many use cases, like support for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, as well as the capability to build your own Developer Portal - to mention a few.
IAM will soon catch up to current releases of Kong Enterprise.

Another option is to look into the Request Transformer Advanced, since this plugin support regular expressions and allows for dynamic content: https://docs.konghq.com/hub/kong-inc/request-transformer-advanced/