We've our Cache running on Windows 2012 Server, but I've a Macbook Pro. Earlier I was using Miscrosoft Remote Desktop 8, to remote into our Windows server & everything worked.

Since version 8 is discontinued, I installed Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.5, which works for everything except starting Terminal.

I get error 'NTI Connection Error'

(287) Error writing to Pipe
Reason: (998) Invalid Access to Memory Location.

If I do remote desktop from Windows machine (using same credentials), it works.

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· Nov 17, 2020
Terminal replacement


Has anyone found a good terminal emulator replacement for Cache Terminal?

We want one where the up arrow works to bring back the last command typed (without extraneous characters appearing at the beginning of the line) and be able to run D ^JOURNAL and have it display correctly.

I tried WebTerminal a couple of years back and but it didn't work properly with the journal. I've tried RoyalTS and that doesn't do up arrow or the journal correctly even though it's supposed to be emulating a VT400.

Any suggestions?


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version cache for windows, 2017.2.1 build 801_3 - windows 10

I had this system set up for 3+ years now, and background tasks such as converting emails, have always worked, suddenly it's stopped working and I've tracked it down to any network references.

reading the emails, I look for any attachment files, and save them to a network drive before processing them within a class method,

I've been testing it by sending exactly the same email repeatedly and checking the saving of the attached file in both the background and in the terminal.

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0 467
· Oct 1, 2020
Terminal error


I have installed windows 10 and cache 2018.

I run terminal not from cache cube but through localDemon.exe (for report outputting from my programs to excel).

All worked fine but after some time error occured "Cannot load supporting modules" (in attached file) and localDemon.exe is not launching.

But terminal from cache cube is still launching without problems (but from it reports are not working, localDemon.exe is required)

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0 232

Hi Developers

Is there any way that we can pass the values to the read prompts via cache routine.

For example, we have a couple of reports/routine in our system which accepts some inputs and after taking the inputs it generates some data. Right now it has proper UI and where User enters the value and in routines we have Read statements which accepts those inputs for further processing.

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0 498

Let's say I have this simple script file try.script

write 1
write 0

I can execute it in a terminal (csession) by calling:

csession cache < try.script

And I get the following output:


However I want to use a try catch block in my script:

try {
write 1/0
catch {}

But as script is executed line by line, it's interpreted like this:

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0 1.1K
· Mar 4, 2016 7m read
Weather station on Arduino

It was InterSystems hackathon time and our team, consisting of Artem Viznyuk and me had Arduino board (one) and various parts of it (in overabundance). And so like that our course of action was set - like all other Arduino beginners, we decided to build a weather station. But with data persistent storage in Caché and visualization in DeepSee!

13 8
0 1.7K

Simple problem:

  1. I leave a long-running command in terminal
  2. Switch to another task(s)
  3. Remember that I need to check on my command after a few hours

Is there any way to force terminal to the foreground after current command ends?

This is Windows with cterm/iristerm although Putty/Kitty solution would also be nice.

1 6
0 586

Some weeks ago, I was reading a book by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design. At a certain point, trying to define why do we exist? , why do we use the models we use in physics?, ...those kind of things you know... they pointed at the Game of Life example invented by the mathematician John Coward in 1970... Basically he wanted to show that a system with really basic fundamental laws (Physics) could evolve and "live" to become a more complex system (Chemistry) in which "something" (humans) could work out its own model and complex rules to explain its reality… the rules for this deterministic model that he exposed were so basic that I thought it could be funny to implement them in ObjectScript when I had some spare time... there are others implementations in JavaScript and other languages... but not in ObjectScript... and that had to be corrected!!… so here you are!

7 10
2 814

Hi Developers!

Create Database, Namespace, REST Applications using Portal Management is an easy task. You just need a few clicks or maybe more clicks than you expect.

But, what if you traded all those clicks for a simple command-line ?!

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.GenerateDB).CreateNew

You just need to answer a few questions:

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0 252
· Mar 24, 2020
Cannot type password in Terminal

I just tried to log into our QA server and connect to Terminal (v 2013.1).

I can type in my username but when I attempt to type my password, no characters are typed. When I press ENTER the password is invalid.

I can connect to the management portal and the studio development environment without any problems. Also, I do not have this problem when connecting to the terminal in our production environment (2010).

Does anyone know what can cause this type of problem?


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0 248
· Feb 19, 2020
Disabling Telnet

Good Day;

looking at disabling Telnet - on Windows - Cache 2012,2017. The security scans don't need it on network.

But still leave users able to use `Terminal - direct - on the box should be fine.

am posting here for quick refs (as this is a common security vulnerability out there).



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0 632


Forgive me if this is a rather low-level question - I am a physician informaticist who is learning cache/mumps for the first time. I am sure this probably relates to some setting but I can't find a similar issue anywhere.

When I create a list, and then try and return that list - I get a bunch of symbols back along with my results, or sometimes I just get symbols.

I pasted a screenshot below. Thank is advance for the help!


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0 251

I was searching for the most simple way to connect from visual studio code to my local instance via terminal without having to change any window.

I know this can also be achieved via telnet but seems a bit overhead if you're in your local machine.

For me the simplest sollution is to open a terminal window in VS Code, navigate to the /bin folder of your instance installation and run .\csession.exe INSTANCENAME

For simplicity you can just include your /bin folder in your path so you don't even need to navigate there

1 1
1 1.2K


I am wondering the best way to disable a user account using this class in Cache (Security.Users).


Example User Account = jhipp

Currently is Enabled

I know that we can use the auto-generated EnabledGetStored method, for example:

%SYS> w ##class(Security.Users).EnabledGetStored("jhipp")

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0 397


I am taking the 'Creating an InterSystems Class Definition' course, and the Exercices asks to open a Terminal from the Management Portal to create and interact with a new object. I didn't found how to acces tot the Terminal from the Management Portal, and the documentation I have seen doesn't help me... sad

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