I am setting up a new Caché instance and I have managed to configure it where Caché username/password is required to initiate the Caché session:

csdfalsdkfjf@fra23e234sco:/opt/labmed/test/test81/proc$ csession cache1

Node: frxxco, Instance: CACHE1


I cannot find the setting in the management console that allows for unauthenticated login to a Caché session. Any help is much appreciated.

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Container Images

In this second post on containers fundamentals, we take a look at what container images are.

What is a container image?

A container image is merely a binary representation of a container.

A running container or simply a container is the runtime state of the related container image.

Please see the first post that explains what a container is.

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· Jan 2, 2018
Upgrading from 2014 .1.2

I am wondering about upgrading our Healthshare mirrored environment to the latest release. Has anyone upgraded recently to what version and what kind of effort was put into it. I am thinking it will take 2 analysts full time for 3 months. Am I out of the ball park on this estimate? We have bout 600 operations, Processes and services. What are some of the benefits we get from upgrading and what are some of the problems you ran into during the upgrade? Any information you have to share would be greatly appreciated.

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We have noticed in the course of the last 18 days our CACHE.dat has grown by 20 GB. Is there a way we can break down the data in CACHE.dat to see what could be growing in size?

Let me state it another way.....Is there a way to see what space an Operation/Service/Process is taking up within a certain Production?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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We will be transitioning from a server running HP OpenVMS to one running RHEL 7. The main question some of the team had was what would be the best method for moving the globals to the new system.

Also, I was wondering if any others have transitioned from OpenVMS to RHEL. If so, were there any kinks that we should be aware of prior to transition?

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Hi, all!
As I know, InterSystems recommends the use of Huge Pages. And if count of Huge Pages is enough, we'll see (in cconsole.log) something like this during Cache startup:

12/29/17-14:40:50:360 (3625) 0 Allocated 4630MB shared memory using Huge Pages: 4096MB global buffers, 256MB routine buffers

But if count of Huge Pages is not enough for location of all Globals and Routines caches, Cache won't use Huge Pages.

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· Dec 13, 2017
Cyclic Redudancy Error


We are using Cache 5.0.15 version. We are facing error. I tried to copy the dat file, I am getting cyclic redudancy error.
I did run the integrity check and repair utility . Nothing works.
Now My question is how to recover the dat file with data.

Thanks in Advance!

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· Nov 29, 2017
TCP adaptor + SSH Tunnel


We have one vendor who requires us to send data using TCP

through an SSH port forwarding tunnel that is set up in advance.

UNIX scripts maintain this, and the Ensemble interface uses a TCP Adapter.

I was thinking that Ensemble could maintain the SSH tunnel,

which would improve our detecting of issues.

Has anyone done something like this?

I see that the class %Net.SSH.Session has a method ForwardPort,

but it doesn't stand up the tunnel by itself. Instead, it appears

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0 441

I installed the Cache client along with Atelier on my mac.

My question is:

How do I access the Management Portal on a mac?

My Atelier stand-alone app allows me to use the Cache instance, but how do I get to the Management Portal to set up security and create new namespaces, etc.?

Also, where to I check to see when Cache is actually running?


Bob Harris

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0 689

Hello; We are managing several Ensemble instances on several servers. One server has 4 instances, and two other servers have one instance each (those are production servers). We encrypt all instances using the Caché encryption in the management portal.

Currently we are using two different encryption keys: 1 key on the server with 4 instances, which is used for all 4 instances, and a second key on single-instance server. ( I'm installing the newest production server now.)

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0 574

Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

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0 456

Hi guys,

I am trying to run a command line code using $zf(-1) in cache terminal. it is returning access denied error.

I have tried to run the code in cmd itself it is also throwing Access denied error. But if opened cmd as administrator and run the same code it is working perfectly. I am using windows system.

Hence i need to know how can i run the cmd line code as administrator using our terminal or studio. Please help me out.



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I'm trying to write an installer manifest that can create a namespace, resources (%DB_namespace) and a role (with the resource, above), based on the namespace. So you could pass in "ABC", or "XYZ", and it would create the %DB_ABC resource and the ABC role with %DB_ABC:RW permissions; or it will create the %DB_XYZ resource and the XYZ role with %DB_XYZ:RW permissions, accordingly.

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0 355

Recently, we scheduled two tasks (1008 and 1009) within Task Manager. Task ID 1008 is set to run after Purge Tasks (%SYS-ID:3), and Task 1009 is set to run at 7:00:00 each day.

In attempt to provide as much detail as possible, each of the tasks are as follows:

  • Task 1008

    WHILE (($p($h,",",2) < $ZTH("10:00 PM")) && ($P($g(^Task.1008(+$h,$j)),"^",1) = +$h)) { J ^ROUTINE, ^ROUTINE2 D SUB^ROUTINE3 H 5 }

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0 771
· Sep 28, 2017 1m read
Terminal license expire message

If you are facing out the license expire warning message on your terminal ("*** Warning: This Cache license will expire in 3 days ***") and you do not want that message to be displayed, you can disable/enable that by rinning the following commands:

Do ExpirationMessageOff^%SYS.LICENSE - Disable

Do ExpirationMessageOn^%SYS.LICENSE - Enable

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