I installed the Cache client along with Atelier on my mac.

My question is:

How do I access the Management Portal on a mac?

My Atelier stand-alone app allows me to use the Cache instance, but how do I get to the Management Portal to set up security and create new namespaces, etc.?

Also, where to I check to see when Cache is actually running?


Bob Harris

0 4
0 721
· Dec 14, 2016
How do I free licenses?

I have a server with public web application with Unauthenticated access and there seems to be a problem that CSP session ends, but associated license persists for some time (hours). If several users log in, we can hit license limit and all the other users get 503 Service unavailable error.

We are currently debugging it and moving to authenticated web applications, but is there a way to free these licenses quickly?

Here's how it looks like in SMP:

0 1
0 712

We are currently implementing the Data Innovations Instrument Manager product. In setting up our backup process we are wanting to use Veam snapshots. The application runs in a Caché 2016.1/Windows Server 2016 instance. We are running an HA primary/secondary/arbiter config. The statement below is from DI. I am curious to see what others that have implemented the DI Instrument Manager in the same or similar config have in place for backup.

"DI recommends is recommending that we not perform snapshots, but if you do choose to do so, here is some important information to consider.

0 4
0 694


I want to online backup one Caché database by windows bat, I find some article from the online documentation about terminal script and the ^DBACK tool and External Entry Points for ^DBACK, so I can invoke the External Entry Points for ^DBACK from terminal script like this: send: Do BACKUP^DBACK<CR>

Is there other better way for backup database from bat/script?


0 2
0 671

Good Morning and thanks in advance for all replies. I have created a PowerShell script for backing up CACHE and all related files to be run on a nightly basis. My script works as long as the Unknownuser has %all access which is not acceptable in our production environment. I have tried every format I can thank of to get the script to use a specific id with no luck. How can I get this command to run under a specific id?

..\bin\cache -s. -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze() <d:\backup\login.scr"

The file just has

1 5
0 667

Hi -

I know that when specifying Caché password rules (i.e. what constitutes a valid password definition) that the "Pattern Matching" logic is what is getting leveraged under the covers to enforce the "A Password Must conform to X" rule. I was hoping that people could share some more sophisticated pattern matching rules. (in particular, I was wondering what a rule that would require non-repeating mixture of letter, numbers, & punctuation of an overall minimal size)

1 3
0 652

Hello; We are managing several Ensemble instances on several servers. One server has 4 instances, and two other servers have one instance each (those are production servers). We encrypt all instances using the Caché encryption in the management portal.

Currently we are using two different encryption keys: 1 key on the server with 4 instances, which is used for all 4 instances, and a second key on single-instance server. ( I'm installing the newest production server now.)

1 1
0 649

I have a Powershell script to backup up a Cache database. The script runs through and backs up the database with the normal 4 iterations. The script successfully produces the backup file and an associated log file. However, after completion of the backup there is what appears to be a permission error. I have not been able to find any information that would help me determine if this message impacts the integrity of the back up. From the end of the output of the backup:

0 2
0 624
· Sep 1, 2021
Database increase a lot


The database is increasing a lot (almost a 1TB) and getting bigger with no sense after migration, the use of the plataform did not increase after the migration so is strange for us this increase.

how can I check everything is ok in the database? for example any table getting bigger.

Before the migration the logs were like:

07/22/21-17:18:26:304 (19701) 0 Starting Expansion for database /opt/Intersystems/HS/HS_201521705/mgr/cachetemp/. 276 MB requested.

0 7
0 604
· Mar 18, 2022
EnsLib.HL7.Message Querying

We are trying to track down the source of Orphaned messages and noticed that we are unable to query EnsLib.HL7.Message with any kind of WHERE or ORDER BY clauses in our SQL statement.

I know EnsLib.HL7.Message is a system table, but is there a way we can add additional Indexes to the table to make the query run better/faster without affecting the system?

0 4
0 600


Is it possible to write global output values to STDOUT, in a similar way to how csession can take routine intput, like below:

(In Cache Terminal)

%SYS>d ##class(%SYSTEM.License).ShowSummary()

License Server summary view of active key.

Distributed license use:

Current License Units Used = 1

Maximum License Units Used = 1

License Units Authorized = 200

Local license use:

Current Connections = 1 Maximum Connections = 1

0 5
0 587

Sometimes global mapping of the same globals can be defined in different ways. E.g., I need to define it for 3 globals ^qAuditC, ^qAuditLog, ^qAuditLogC from the same database named APP-NOJOURN. Which approach should be better from the performance point of view?

1) qAudit* => APP-NOJOURN (one record in global mapping table)

2) qAuditC => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLog => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLogC => APP-NOJOURN (three records in global mapping table)

0 3
0 589

Our development server is set up to automatically keep the .INT code of compiled classes and routines, but the live servers are set to not keep the .INT code.

I know how to set the system to keep this code ($SYSTEM.OBJ.SetQualifiers() ?) but what are the ramifications of keeping this code on the live servers? Is it just a space issue? I always thought it was to keep the code more private.

0 4
0 587

I have created a class file that I want to execute daily to gather Metrics (Message Header, Space Available, etc..) and write the data into a Cache table. Now that I have written the class I want to add it to the Task Scheduler within Ensemble to run every morning. How do I go about getting the class file created as a Task within the Task Scheduler? The Documentation isn't as clear cut for creating custom tasks as one would expect.

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0 580


Please, advise how to programmatically set "System Mode" value.

Manually this value can be set via Management Portal > System > Configuration > Memory and Startup > System Mode dropdown.

Value can be programmatically obtained via $SYSTEM.Version.SystemMode() , but I couldn't find a programmatical way to set it.

Thank you.

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