· Apr 5, 2024
Introducing mg_web

Hot on the heels of our announcement last week about our ultra-high-performance mg-dbx-napi JavaScript interface for IRIS, we are now pleased to announce a significant new technology - mg_web - which not only represents a new paradigm for JavaScript Web Frameworks, but also delivers significantly higher performance than even the fastest of the established Node.js Web Frameworks, whilst leveraging all the benefits of the big-three industry-standard Web Servers.

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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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I'm using a customised IRIS Community Edition Docker Container: Node.js has been added and the Native API for Node.js directory moved to a node_modules folder in /home/irisowner. I've changed the _SYSTEM password using the Management Portal (which connects to IRIS just fine)

If I shell into the running container and try to connect with a JS script file containing this:

const IRISNative = require('intersystems-iris-native');

let connectionInfo = {

host: 'localhost',

port: 1972,

ns: 'USER',

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If I test the Native api for Node.js from the documentation, I noticed (if I'm correct) all methods and calls are synchronous. By default due to the nature of Node.js, there is only one thread of execution and normally all JavaScript methods and all calls should be asynchronous and use either a callback function (the "old way") or promises or the async/await contruct to return their result, e.g.:

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I'd like to announce the release of something really rather interesting - revolutionary in fact. That may sound like hyperbole, but I don't think you'll have seen anything quite like this, or even thought it possible!

We've pushed out a new JavaScript/Node.js module named glsdb which you can read all about here in detail:

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Hey Community,

Learn how you can develop a Node.js application and connect to InterSystems IRIS data platform through the Native API:

Using Node js to connect to InterSystems IRIS
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I am a newbie who is trying to learn how to set up a basic connection to Iris using a node js application. I am astounded at the lack of documentation there is on how to do this and even more concerning there are a few errors within the documentation. For example I am on the Native API application within the below link.

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I am currently running a docker image with Iris 2021.1 and I would like to install node js on to it. I have had a look at the instructions on the intersystems online learning portal and I must say its very confusing. Some of the documentation says that you can only install it on 2019. Other parts say that it doesn't matter and you can install it if you have a dev directory. I checked my dev directory and there it isn't there. Sadly this is very inconsistent. Does anyone know if it is possible to install on the above mentioned version of Iris ?

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I wrote a step by step tutorial in the qewd-howtos repository how you can write state of the art multi-page web apps with Node.js using a QEWD-Up WebSocket/REST api back-end integrated with a mainstream web framework like NuxtJS & Vue.js.

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QEWD is assumed by most people to only integrate with IRIS (or Cache) via a connection through IRIS's high-performance C interface. This requires QEWD (and its Node.js environment) to be installed and configured on the same machine as IRIS.

I'm frequently asked if QEWD can run on a separate server (or servers), and access IRIS (or Cache) over a network connection. The answer is yes it can, but the information on how to set it up in this way has been admittedly a bit tricky to discover.

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Hey Intersystems Community,

I have a Problem with the Session Handling in .csp.

I wrote all my Web Services in .csp-Pages and do the work for example in the OnPreHttp Method for to get some data.

After that the Web Service response is in JSON.

I call These Web Services via fetch in my react Single Page application, also Many request parallel. The react App is Rolled out as index.html.
Everything Works Fine with the session Handling via Cookie.

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Those of you who are following the FullStack competition here in the Developer Community will know that I submitted an entry named qewd-conduit. I wanted to summarise why I think it's something worth you taking a bit of time to check out.

qewd-conduit uses the Node.js-based QEWD framework alongside IRIS to implement the back-end REST APIs for something known as the RealWorld Conduit application:

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Building Data-Driven Web Apps
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If you're interested in building a browser-based CRUD application for maintaining data on IRIS, check out the detailed, step-by-step tutorial at:

To get a preview of the application you'll build in the tutorial, along with background on its technology stack, watch this video:

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· Jun 2, 2020
Node.js fails to open database


My attempt to run a node.js command fails at the open command with a "Error loading Cache Library: C:/InterSystems/Cache2018/bin/cache.dll; Error Code 126 (The specified module could not be found.)" result. I can't argue with the error message as the cache.dll file doesn't exist. Apparently I missed an installation step. Could somebody point out what it might be please.

Version: Node.js Adaptor for Cache: Version: 1.1.136a (ABI=48)

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.4 (Build 504) Thu May 14 2020 14:31:34 EDT

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Hi Community!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems IRIS Native API Programming Contest! We have 8 applications — so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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Hey Developers,

The recording of the Kick-Off Webinar for InterSystems IRIS Native API Online Programming Contest is now available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:
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@Bob Kuszewski, InterSystems Product Manager
@Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

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Hi Community!

We are glad to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems IRIS Native API Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the 3rd IRIS Programming Contest.

Date & Time: Monday, May 18 — 9:00 AM EDT

@Bob Kuszewski, InterSystems Product Manager
@Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

What awaits you? Please check the agenda below:

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