I've writing a short classmethod that extracts an HL7 message from EnsLib.HL7.Message by ID and returns it as a stream. It's to be called as a stored procedure via ODBC (or ADO.NET) to fetch messages into an application.

I'm not using an SQL query in the classmethod itself, but it will be called as part of an SQL query via ODBC, but I can't figure out how to set a custom SQLCODE and error text from within the classmethod that propagates back to the external application. I thought %sqlcontext would be useful for this, but it doesn't appear to do anything. Here's the class:

1 13
1 367

Hi colleagues!

Every day Johns Hopkins University publishes new data on coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic status.

I built a simple InterSystems IRIS Analytics dashboard using InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in docker deployed on GCP Kubernetes which shows key measures of the disease outbreak.

This dashboard is an example of how information from CSV could be analyzed with IRIS Analytics and deployed to GCP Kubernetes in a form of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition.

Added the interactive map of the USA:

19 13
3 948
· Jan 3, 2019
iris.node not found

I followed the instructions in the documentation https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... (Install iris.node on nodejs for windows). Procedures made:

=> Copy iris.node to the location specified in the NODE_PATH environment variable: C:\Program Files\nodejs

=> I used: var irisobj = require('iris') on my js file

But is not work. Error: The specified procedure could not be found.

2 13
2 680

Hi Everyone,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

GitHub Repository Template To Develop and Debug ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

9 13
3 513

InterSystems IRIS currently limits classes to 999 properties.

But what to do if you need to store more data per object?

This article would answer this question (with the additional cameo of Community Python Gateway and how you can transfer wide datasets into Python).

The answer is very simple actually - InterSystems IRIS currently limits classes to 999 properties, but not to 999 primitives. The property in InterSystems IRIS can be an object with 999 properties and so on - the limit can be easily disregarded.

5 13
1 597

Monitoring IRIS through SAM (sam:

While I've used to make it work in the past, I'm not able any more to fix the already faced issue : "State: Unreachable"

Despite all the ip-addresses attempts (or hostname = host.docker.internal) and while "/api/monitor/metrics" is running well...

Could someone provide good practices to make it work cleanly ?

1 13
0 386

Hi community!

Is it possible generate HTML documentation to my project ObjectScript classes (.cls)?

In Java we use Javadoc to do it. Javadoc get class comments and java metadata information and when I execute javadoc -d doc src\*, I get whole html documentation to my classes. Has IRIS something like javadoc? Is it documatic? If yes, how can I use it?

1 12
2 602

I usually receive complains from our customers about the BPL and DTL web pages automatic refreshes, it's a common problem among newbies users but for veteran developers too, they forget to save the changes regularly and automatically the web page is reloaded, losing all the work done.

Maybe an autosave would fix this problem that produces a deep feeling of hate and resentment against InterSystems technology among our customers. I've added an idea in our portal, so feel free to vote it!

4 12
0 234

Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Warning: if you get confused by URLs used: the original series used screens from machine called dk-gs2016. The new screenshots are taken from a different machine. You can safely treat url WIN-U9J96QBJSAG as if it was dk-gs2016.

Part 2. Authorization server, OpenID Connect server

9 12
3 5.1K

Hello developers!

Share the best practices: 1) saving frequently used code sections, 2) quickly finding it, and 3) quickly including it into the current program?
There was a thought for 1,2 to use DC(this resource), but the search is not always convenient not only for me

The idea on the surface is to use the git repos wiki.
Are there any other best practices?

0 12
0 202

InterSystems supports use of the InterSystems IRIS Docker images it provides on Linux only. Rather than executing containers as native processes, as on Linux platforms, Docker for Windows creates a Linux VM running under Hyper-V, the Windows virtualizer, to host containers. These additional layers add complexity that prevents InterSystems from supporting Docker for Windows at this time.

12 12
6 3.7K

Hi everyone, i cant understand what is wrong in my query:

ALTER TABLE MyNamespace.MyTable ALTER COLUMN CurrentColumnName RENAME NewColumnName

I just want to rename column name using sql.

I could not find any life example using this syntax.

SQLCODE for this query is -25:

-25 Input encountered after end of query

Quote from documentation:

0 12
0 542

Hi all,
Does anyone have experience with obtaining logs from Caché databases and parsing them now? Please leave me a message.

I ask because my project involves some hospitals that used Caché when creating databases over 10 years ago. Currently, we cannot replace the database, but we need to check and parse the database logs from the Caché.


0 12
0 118

At the George James Software booth at Global Summit last year we took the wraps off the work we've been doing to make our popular editing and debugging tool Serenji available on the Visual Studio Code platform.

Rather than requiring you to pull code from your namespaces into local files, then push the changes back to the namespace to run it, you work directly in the namespace. In other words, the editing experience is like Studio rather than like Atelier.

As well as editing code you can also debug it directly from VSCode.

3 12
1 787

Good evening Intersystems Community,

I want to participate in the Advent of Code 2020 and followed the installation instructions in "The Advent of Code 2020 contest ObjectScript template" (https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/aoc2020-objectscript-template).

Unforunately I get "Error: Invalid Community Edition license, may have exceeded core limit." at the step "docker-compose build".

0 12
0 791