· Nov 20, 2020

DBeaver officially supports InterSystems IRIS

We are glad to announce that DBeaver has supported InterSystems IRIS out-of-the-box since version 7.2.4. You don't need to configure it manually anymore, just find the IRIS icon in the Connections list. 

All necessary fields are already filled. But please, do not forget to enter your username and password.

By default, InterSystems IRIS driver doesn't include in DBeaver. For the first connection DBeaver suggests downloading the driver from the official InterSystems GitHub repository. This driver will be used for all further connections.

The current version does not contain IRIS specific features, but all main DBeaver functions will work for your database. If you think that it can be important to add something else, please let us know.

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I've used it with Cache 2018, but not as far back as 2016. You'll have to manually add the driver to DBeaver first to try it. To do that, first get a copy of the JDBC driver, which should be in the installation directory for your Cache instance. Look for a folder called dev, then java, then lib, then JDK17 or JDK18 depending on which version of Java is installed on your machine, then there should be a jar file with a name like cache-jdbc-x.y.z.jar. Copy that somewhere easy to get to.

In DBeaver, click on the Database menu, then Driver Manager. Click New. Give the driver a name like Cache 2016 or something you'll recognize. Under driver files, click Add File and choose that .jar file. The class name for the driver should be com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver. In the sample URL field put a URL that would connect to your Cache instance, which would look like jdbc:Cache//(server):(port)/(namespace). Click on Test Driver to verify. If it works, click OK.

Now when you go to Database, New Connection, you should see that driver listed as an option.

Does anyone know how to use TLS with DBeaver for Mac? I found online that the way to do it is to copy the keystore file into DBeaver's .../jre/lib/security directory (which didn't exist by default), which I did, but I still can't connect. I feel like I'm missing something. I've watched someone do this on a PC and it's completely different. I have the key in both .pem and .jks formats. Appreciate any help!