Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

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I am designing the software architecture for an Ensemble/Healthshare production to be deployed on Amazon AWS EC2 servers (2 mirrored m4.large - 4 vCPUs / 16 GiB RAM running RedHat Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 and Healthshare for RHEL 64-bit 2016.2.1). It's a rather CPU-intensive production involving massive XSLT 2.0 transformations (massive both in terms of size and volume). I was wondering if anyone has experience configuring Ensemble productions on EC2 servers. My question or concern has to do with the following statement in the Ensemble documentation:

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Reading through the installation guide I found a fairly stern warning in the robustness checklist not to use the inbuilt apache web server.

>Use a robust web server. Do not use the limited Apache server installed with
>Ensemble. It is provided as a convenience for use on development systems and
> is not a fully capable web server.

We only have a few users, the Interface team (3), an integration consultant(1) and an interface monitoring/development vendor.

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Hi there.

I was wondering if there was a supported way of editing the Title bar of the management portal so that at a glance it is clear as to what environment is being worked on. This would be in addition to the namespace and server name being displayed.

Ideally I would like to make it clear at a glance that a user is working within the Dev or Live environment.

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Hoping someone can help.

I had posted a similar question outside this group a while ago "Errors requesting data from local Ensemble FHIR Repository" but haven't had the chance to follow up on it since. It was suggested I re-post inside this group.

I'm trying to request data from my local FHIR repository using a simple JavaScript client and am getting the following CORS errors . ( It is a standalone client not inside HealthShare without CSP etc. on my localhost ).

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I am a beginner on intersystems technologies ! and i want implements Oauth2 for our projects ( Angular 2 + Caché REST Backend).

i read the article that the link is below :

But : i need to create all servers ( Auth and Resource ) on Caché and dont' to use google server.

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1. Scope and Objective:

Recently we supported a few NHS cases that required TIE (Trust Integration Engine) integration with the PKB service. Hence this article is meant to be a 10-minute quick guide to describe a demo solution (simple configurations and end-2-end implementation steps) for Health Connect (Ensemble) Integration with PKB (Patient-Knows-Best) service.

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HealthShare HealthConnect and Information Exchange version 15.03 support import transformations from C-CDA 2.1 to SDA. You can find these transforms in your installation's csp/xslt/SDA3 directory. For general information about import transforms, see "CDA Documents and XSL Transforms in HealthShare" in Overview of Health Connect.

Among the enhancements to import functionality added in connection with C-CDA 2.1 support is the ability to preprocess your C-CDA input files prior to the transformation done for import.

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Hello everebody,

I'm begenning with intersystems, and i woul like to customize the screen patient Search psorposed by HealthShare,

i have to change the form and delete some fields....

the name of the standard page is 57772/csp/healthshare/hsaccess/HS.UI.PatientSearch.cls

if someone can help me that's greet

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For a HL7 production, How will I be able to use two different segment level transformation (sub transform) in the main transform.

For Ex:
Few mappings from source PID --> target ZAX segment (subtransform 1)
Few mappings from source PV1 --> target ZAX segment (subtransfrom 2),

In the main mappings, I have used subtransform 1 followed by subtransform 2. It doesn't seem working fine.

Any suggestions please. Thanks:)

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· Sep 5, 2017
Create Patient via FHIR?


I've been trying to create a patient using FHIR, but all I seem to get back is:

{"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"invalid","details":{"text":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"},"diagnostics":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"}]}

I've tried a variety of requests and read operations work, but create doesn't seem to. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks.

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I wanted to share a little tidbit which is in the Studio documentation ( but many people who have been using the InterSystems Studio for a long time missed the addition of this *very* useful feature, and every time I mention this to an audience I see at least one face light up because of how excited they are to learn about it!

Within Studio, the Output pane (View -> Output) is actually misnamed. It is actually an Input/Output window which can be used to run Caché ObjectScript commands!

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· Mar 17, 2017
Convert HL7 to FHIR

Hello Greetings-

I am exploring on converting HL7 to FHIR.

1. I saw there are built in DTLs “FHIR.FromSDA” and “FHIR.ToSDA” to convert SDA -> FHIR and FHIR -> SDA. Similarly Do Intersystems have DTLs for HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7?

2. The reason why I am asking is, I see in HSLIB namespace HS->GateWay->HL7->HL7toSDA3 and HS->GateWay->SDA3->SDA3toHL7 DTLs. Like-wise I am trying to locate HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7. Please help me to locate them

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A sophisticated alerting solution lets you solve problems quickly and proactively. Watch the recorded webinar: Proactive Alerting: Advanced Approaches for Alerting Solutions webinar presented by Michael Brady, InterSystems Technical Trainer, to learn how to make the most out of your alerting solution.

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· Apr 1, 2017
XML to Json conversion


Are there any utilities/api in HealthConnect 2016.2.1 that will allow conversion of XML virtual document to Json format? We were thinking to convert HL7 ADT message to XML via Ensemble DTL and then send it to another BP to convert to Json format for transmission via Web Services. To my understanding there isn't anyway to represent Json as a virtual object so it can be use for direct mapping of HL7 2.x message to Json via Ensemble DTL.



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Hi, Community!

A sophisticated alerting solution lets you solve problems quickly and proactively. So, check the new video:

Proactive Alerting: Advanced Approaches for Alerting Solutions
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I needed to pass through a file with Ensemble but the operation wasn't writing some filenames as given because the EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation 'sanitizes' filenames removing characters that are not valid on some operating
09000655_AEDC_C3344059_A/E_Martin Browne_09000655_201706221018.pdf

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