· Apr 4, 2016 1m read
2015.2.3 Maintenance Release

I am pleased to announce that Caché and Ensemble 2015.2.3 are now available as maintenance releases.
For a complete list of the corrections in 2015.2.3, please review the release notes.

Caché and Ensemble 2015.2.3 are available now for the same platforms as 2015.2.2

The complete set of supported platforms, including specific point releases and/or patches, is detailed in the Supported Platforms document.

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This article is a small overview of a tool that helps to understand classes and their structure inside the InterSystems products: from IRIS to Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare.

In short, it visualizes a class or an entire package, shows the relations between classes and provides all the possible information to developers and team leads without making them go to Studio and examine the code there.

If you are learning InterSystems products, reviewing projects a lot or just interested in something new in InterSystems Technology solutions — you are more than welcome to read the overview of ObjectScript Class Explorer!

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· Mar 29, 2016
I/O Logged messages question

Hi -

I was looking at the “Purge Data Management” page, and one of the “Record Types” is the “I/O Log” which sometimes doesn’t clear when you purge all of the message.

But I’m not sure what it’s actually reporting as “I/O Log” messages (and I can’t find anyplace to view what is being considered I/O Logged Messages - so I can understand what’s happening)

Can anyone shed some light on these messages?

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We need to add some stored data to an ACK message being sent back to the originating system. I have been looking at how to adapt the standard "EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine" to do this as I cannot see any obvious way. Any suggestion?

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InterSystems Official
· Mar 17, 2016
Caché and Ensemble 2016.1

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Caché and Ensemble 2016.1.

The highlights of 2016.1 are

  • Significant improvements in JSON support
  • Continued advances in SQL performance
  • Database scalability improvements
  • New REST services for DeepSee

These and other new features are summarized in this video introduction to 2016.1

For complete technical details of what’s changed in 2016.1, review the Caché release notes and the Ensemble release notes.

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Prompted by the words Rick didn't actually say to his pianist in Casablanca, I want to draw attention to the the "Resend" button at the top of the Ensemble Message Viewer.

It's pretty easy to use. Find the message or messages you want to resend, set the associated selection checkbox(es), then click the button.

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One aspect of source code management is how to deal with the almost inevitable need to upgrade your Caché or Ensemble platform to a newer InterSystems release.

It's long been my experience that InterSystems does a very good job of maintaining backward compatibility. Code that works correctly on, say, 2012.1 is very likely to work correctly on, say, 2015.2 without any modification.

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We have to route messages in a Process Class by their source (using either the SourceConfigName from the Message Header or the Source in the Message Body.

The inputs are standard HL7 messages from different Services but need to be routed on to different Processes depending on where they come from (not my design & I can't change it now) does any one have any suggestions how I could do this?


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· Mar 14, 2016 3m read
Source control and the production class

When you create an Ensemble production your namespace acquires a new class definition. For example here is what the class that defines the Demo.Loan.BankUSProduction production in the ENSDEMO namespace looks like when opened in Studio:

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In this posting I want to raise the profile of a feature that arrived in 2009.1 but is perhaps not very well known.

It is sometimes useful to make certain packages, globals or routines available to all of your namespaces. Of course you can add the necessary mappings whenever you create a new namespace, but here's a simpler way.

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· Mar 10, 2016
Enterprise Monitor

Has anybody managed to get Enterprise Monitor to work to monitor multiple namespaces on manay instances?

I am hitting an issue trying to get a local instance namespace working.

I have this error for my first local namespace sytem configured.

"Ensemble encountered an error while loading this page"

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I currently have an Ensemble production which accepts and handles SOAP requests. I now need to support the exact same data, but instead of coming in as a SOAP request, comes in as a multipart/form-data request. The body of the message would look something like:

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If your Ensemble environment is actually a HealthShare one, here's a snippet of information that I wasn't able to find in the documentation.

When a namespace is HealthShare-enabled it gets some mappings added to it in order to fetch stuff from the HSLIB database. The most obvious mapping is a package mapping that gives your namespace all the HS.* classes.

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· Mar 8, 2016
Multiple Namespaces vs One

We are beginning a project to switch over to a differnt EMR for our inpatient system, and we are wondering if others out here have worked on a similar project and how did you handle your Ensemble environment?

Currently, we use one namespace for all of our HL7 interfaces. Has anyone used a separate namespace for a project to keep the build separate until go-live? What were the pros/cons for you using a different namespace? Or did you use one and what issues did you have because of it?

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· Mar 6, 2016 2m read
Who does Windows think I am?

When my COS code is executing in a Caché process it might want to interact with the host operating system. For the purpose of this post I'm focusing on a Windows host, but much of it applies to other host OS platforms as well.

A common example of host OS interaction is when my process wants to read from or write to a file. What credentials will apply when Windows is checking whether or not to allow me access to the file?

To answer that we need to consider another question. How did our process start?

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If you've got more than one developer on a project, do you each work in your own namespace? Or do you all use a common namespace?

Through my work at George James Software I have encountered many different Caché and Ensemble development setups. At risk of over-generalizing, the older and more established users of InterSystems technologies seem more likely to have all their developers working in a common namespace, whereas the newer 'converts' tend to favour giving each developer their own namespace.

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The cdirectmgr utility will no longer be included with product distributions beginning with the Caché 2016.2 release . This was an older VB application (predating the Caché cube) which allowed users to define server connections for Visual M/Caché Direct applications. As VB 6 is no longer supported by Microsoft, we will no longer ship this component. The same functionality is already available from the cube utility.

It is also posted in Compatibility blog.

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What is the recommended approach to handle the following scenario: Large number of HL7 messages are serviced via Ensemble. Those messages are then transformed and routed to an Operation which calls a web service which does a number of different activities. If will do address normalization, location geo coding, MPI lookup and resolution, and insert into a SQL Server database to stage for an analytics product. Unfortunately all of this work takes time and the first thing that happens in the web service is a lock taken out on the Patien in SQL Server.

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I'll be doing my first xml transform soon and I'm hoping to find a good graphical mapping tool to generate the XSLT. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've tried the demo of Altova MapForce and it's exactly what I want but it's super expensive. Working for a non-profit it would be nice if I could find a free or cheap solution.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that Caché and Ensemble 2015.1.4 are now available as maintenance releases.
For a complete list of the corrections in 2015.1.4, please review the release notes.

Caché and Ensemble 2015.1.4 are available today for the same platforms as 2015.1.3.
The complete set of supported platforms, including specific point releases and/or patches, is detailed in the Supported Platforms document.

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I wanted to share a little tidbit which is in the Studio documentation ( but many people who have been using the InterSystems Studio for a long time missed the addition of this *very* useful feature, and every time I mention this to an audience I see at least one face light up because of how excited they are to learn about it!

Within Studio, the Output pane (View -> Output) is actually misnamed. It is actually an Input/Output window which can be used to run Caché ObjectScript commands!

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· Feb 23, 2016
Ensemble 2016.1


Does anybody know when Ensemble 2016.1 will be general availability?

We are holding off upgrading, providing the wait won't be too long.



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· Feb 19, 2016 4m read
Why Atelier? And what about Studio?

I have been meaning to make a post about this topic for a few weeks and the other day an issue came in through the WRC about it so it seems this is a conversation we should be having. I want to begin by taking a few moments to explain "Why Atelier" then we can talk about what this means in the general sense for Studio and Atelier and Caché developers. We have wrestled with what to do with Studio for years. When I moved to Product Management in 2008 this was already a "thing". At the time we could not reach a consensus. Some felt Studio was fine as is.

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· Feb 17, 2016 3m read
Listing files in folder


How do I get a list of files residing in a certain folder/directory, according to some wildcard/filter.

For example all '*.txt' files in 'C:\Temp'.



You can use the %Library.File's FileSet class query.

Here's some sample code using it (also attached):

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