I am converting a HL7 msg to xml and one of the field is as below -

DTL = <assign value='"Message"' property='target.{req.ID.scope}' action='set' />

DTL response = <ID scope='Message'>3</ID>

my xsd has -
<xsd:element name="ID">
<xsd:element name="SimpleContent" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="scope"/>

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I am using this "$ZDATETIME($h,3,1,3)" and getting response as 2024-09-03 12:07:45.000
But I need proper values at the end instead of zeros (000)

Something like below -
2024-09-03 12:07:45.658

1 6
0 122

I have some Services using EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter to go directly to respective operations using EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has a 'File Path' specified.

Using this File Path as a root directory, I'd like to instead pass this through a Router where I could somehow inject a subdirectory to place the file into on the outbound side based off the source service it is coming from. There will likely be several inbound services writing to each outbound operation and I'd like to be able to sort the output into subfolders.

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I've more than 100 classes that are packed like CRD.Health.MyClass so I've defined the global mapping as CRD*, but now I would like to map some of the classes (CRD.Health.SomeClass) to different database so how can I exclude it from my current mapping to be in the new one because if I map it in the new database it will still conflict with the old mapping?


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0 71


I created a property in a Business Process class and added that property to the "settings" parameter to display it as a field in production settings.

Property ServerName As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Parameter SETTINGS = "ServerName:Server Config";

Property names cannot contain characters such as underscore or whitespace. Is there any way to change the display name in production so that I can show this setting as "Server Name" and not "ServerName"?

0 3
0 69

Hi Guys,

I've created a website and set the path to my csp pages in Web application setting and can populate all my .cls zen pages with no issues but when it comes to CSP pages I always get sent back to login page am I missing something in security ?


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I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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0 57

Hi Guys,

I'm getting ERROR #6237: Unexpected tag in XML input: imageclickbutton when running Build All for all existing classes, imageclickbutton is one of custom components we use in our application and I can actually compile imageclickbutton.cls class with no issues and also I can compile the class containing the imageclickbutton tag with not issues but I get the errors when running the Build All not sure why?

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0 56

I receive response from Business Operation(HTTP GET) as below :


I am not able to read the "message_code" as response.message_code ?
is it because of underscore ?
Is there a way to read it ?

0 4
0 88

Hi Guys,

Is there a way to import /export Web Applications? I can see that those web application that I created are also showing in Studio under CSP Files folder and I tried right clicking on some on the folders that seems to be representing my web application then export but didn't work.


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· Jul 16
Add Zen component

Hi Guy,

I'm currently using a classmethod to load my page's display content in a form of html want look good, I'm wondering if I can add a Zen component in my classmethod eg. <dataCombo> or Label...etc?

I've tried the bit of code (circled in red) but didn't work


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when using $zt($P($H,",",2)) from terminal it gives the correct local server time but when using it in my cache code it gives an incorrect time (5 hrs difference)

but from the code it gives 13:14:54 !?


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Could any one tell me, how the index works in cache db, Consider for example, I have a table called "Employee" and the fields as "EMPID, EMPNAME, EMPAGE" and I am having index for EMPID as IDX_EMPID and trying to get the record using the following query as


and the table data be like


001 ABC 20

002 AAA 21

003 ABB 23

004 BBB 20

005 BDF 24

006 EEE 22

0 2
0 91

I have an HL7 message that contains NTE segment with line break inside.

when I try to transform it (with DTL) it stops reading the message after the line break inside the NTE because it treat that as "End of Message".

Is there a way to solve this in the DTL or I need to run a pre process on the HL7 message that identify the line break inside the NTE segments and replace it with an escape char?

1 1
0 80

Our client getting sometimes this error and we need to change port number on JavaGateway process to continue,

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000
> ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response

Can you tell as why it is happenning? intersystems runtime is under linux.

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· Jun 16
Securing URL

Hi Guys,

Not really familiar with how to secure URLs and using SSLs, but we currently looking to change our url from http:/www to https:/www so my understanding is once we get a certificate its a matter of creating a new SSL/TLS configuration and assign the certificate to it, then what how to apply it in out URL, or do we have to do this in IIS?


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I will try to explain my problem. I have a Main ZenPage on one server that has 2 buttons: each button will launch a different ZenPage on a separate server in an iFrame. All 3 servers have the same user.

Currently, the user logs in to the Main ZenPage, but when they click either button to launch the other ZenPage on the separate server they get the login screen again to login to that server.

Is there anyway I can pass the credentials from the Main ZenPage to the child ZenPages, so that the user doesn't have to login again? Thanks.

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0 76

Hi Guys,

This is more of a Javascript question but just in case would have an idea.

basically I'm calling the below JavaScript function from a classMethod to add Options to an html <Select> tag (Dropdown) and after adding all options I would like to set a specific value or index to be selected, its working and actually the required option is selected but not showing as selected in the dropdown box.

For testing purposes I've set option 4 to be selected by default as example and it's not showing as selected in required dropdown (green)

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