EnsLib.HL7.Message.cls provides many API methods for manipulating an HL7 message. RemoveSegmentAt(), for example, can be used to remove a segment by path or index, but only one segment at a time. There may be times that you'll need to remove all segments within a group or even many groups of segments from the HL7 message. Surely you can iterate through each segment in each group and remove them one by one, but there's a much easier way.

With just one command, like below, you can remove all OBX segments in an ORU_R01 message (msg):

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· Aug 15, 2018
ASTM TCP/IP Business Service


Trying to build a passthrough based on ASTM . I have created 2Way TCP/IP Business Service and specified a PORT (as Adapter Settings). The Source system is broadcasting from IP 20:30:100:100 , Port 10000 . Ensemble is on 20:40:40:100 , What is the possible change that I have to implement to receive this broadcasted messaged ? . Should the Ensemble Server be on the IP range to receive the broadcast ?

Many Thanks,

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0 446

Hi, I want to create a service which on start will simply go through a list of values in a global and compare dates. If criteria is met, it will send an email.

But what kind of Adapter do I use? I see SQL, FILE, HTTP etc..etc.. But I dont want to use them

Please can you advice on how I should go about this?

Should I create a BS. Class and do onAdapterTASK() and simply build a method? Even then it is asking the kind of adapter I want

Would appreciate some guidance on this



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Hello guys,

I want to be able to export a range of messages from my production (from within a specific date interval), but while digging into intersystems documentation, it isn't giving me any details on how to perform this task.

It teases me saying "Ensemble provides a Message Viewer page for HL7. You can use this page to display, transform, and export HL7 messages (either external files or messages from the Ensemble message archives).", but then there are no signs of further information.

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I have an Ens.StreamContainer which holds XML that was received, and I need to validate that against an XSD schema. The schema is very simple, only looking at the root element and maybe a couple other items to ensure the XML is what we expect before continuing the data flow.

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· Mar 22, 2017
Unable to sFTP to vendor

We have many sFTP business operations that work successfully. I just modified an existing one to point to a new IP and Port, as well as use new credentials (username and password only). When I attempt to sFTP a file, I receive the following error.

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I'm currently working on a project to run our medical device integration through ensemble.

I've noticed a potential problem with the volume of messages . The feed generates around 474K messages daily( average of 1 message per minute per device from 300+ devices).

We currently keep all our other feeds message data for 90 days and purge automatically. From what I can see is that the purge functions in Ensemble are production wide and cannot set it at the Business Operation, Service or Router level.

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The context of the rule set contains an ArrayOfDT(I've also tried Collection.ArrayOfDataTypes).

I need to access an element using its key in the rule set using the assign function. I've tried everything I can think of and searched the documentation, but can't find anything. It is probably very obvious.

Can you please help?

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0 348

I am trying to find out when a Business Service was created, and by who. I have reviewed the audit trail and it doesn't appear that this information is actually logged there. I am hoping that this might be logged in a SQL table or global someplace. I have reviewed the SQL tables in that namespace and have come up empty. I thought it might be located in Ens_Config.Item, but that table is sparse.

Anyone know where this information might be logged?

Thanks, Jim

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0 216
· Sep 6, 2018


I'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.

I set the source to Request and all the other properties.

The error I always get back is Method does not exist...

Could anyone help me out?

Kind Regards


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0 421

InterSystems IRIS supports publish and subscribe message delivery. Publish and subscribe refers to the technique of routing a message to one or more subscribers based on the fact that those subscribers have previously registered to be notified about messages on a specific topic.

This article demonstrates how several InterSystems IRIS capabilities can work together:

In this article we would send emails about:

  • New workflow tasks
  • Unassigned workflow tasks
  • Uncompleted workflow tasks
  • Ensemble alerts

Email recipients would be determined using Publish/Subscribe operation and each user would receive only digest email whenever possible.

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1 575


We have Mirroring established between NODE 1 & Node 2 . We have set the "cachesys" database enabled for Journalling. But we dont see the User Accounts , Roles, Resources created on Node 1 ( favoured Primary) reflected on Node 2 . Is creating them manually again is the only option for this ? . Is there any way to sync them or would adding %SYS to MIRROR a possible solution. Would it be great if anyone has faced this as we have an issue that during failovers Team is locked out .

Best Regards,

Arun Madhan

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1 840

Hello, our Team is trying to develop Ensemble DTL to transform incoming X12 files into persistent data records. We created a persistent class and we can insert data using SQL. We tried to verify that %Save() gets called by adding %AddToSaveSet() method to persistent class and there writing to a global. We had to extend our persistent class with Ens.VDoc.Interface class or we could not see %Save() being called from Ensemble DTL. We suspect that %Save() gets some kind of error. We tried to debug by overwriting Transform() method in our DTL class.

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0 781
· Sep 7, 2018
Remove FHS segment from file

Is there any out of the box capability in Ensmeble to remove an FHS segment from a batch file? We have a client that is creating a batch of HL7 messages and they insert an FHS but there is no trailing FTS.

We are hoping to avoid custom COS code to handle this scenario.

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· Oct 11, 2018
Double Quotes


I am trying to have the output of a field in sql have double quotes around them. The script is in Studio and I am accessing It through a task.

I have tried """"tect"""" and others...Please help



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