
I have a qeustion if it possible to let Ensemble manage user rights from AD-user group?

What i want is to let external user have access to certain CPS-pages to read information. But not let them have access to Ensemble it self. And instead to set up individual accounts in Ensemble for each one of them i rather want to have dem in an AD-securitygroup.

Is that possible and also limit them only to choosen CSP-pages?

0 6
0 384
· Feb 20, 2019
Extend XData UrlMap

Hi all,

I'm wondering if is possible to extend the UrlMap.

I want to create a base class and one method will be in all extended classes, so I've tried to create the map route in parent class, and the specific methods in extended class. But it doesn't work.

I've create the method in parent class and I've wrote the map in extended class. It works, but I want to put it in base class to prevent forget this call.

Note: The base class extend to %CSP.RES

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

1 5
1 650

I have a business process.

if it has an error it dies, or if a have a catch all/fault handler the execution flow goes there.

However, I want another behavior.

If any error occurs I want the process to "Pause" (and alert me), so I can figure out what went wrong and resume from the last request.

Here's an example of how it could work:

  1. If an error is caught, call BO
  2. BO defers response
  3. BO sends alert
  4. Fix BP
  5. Manually resolve deferred response

I'm not set on the exact pause/resume mechanic but I hope it makes the general idea of what I want clear enough. Ideas?

0 4
0 307

Hi All,

I am trying to get JSON data from a REST api. I am using my web browser to get the data by hitting the URL.

The data is receiving properly, but the JSON contains a few HTML tags.

These tags are not not receiving in the browser while hitting the url. Is there any way to overcome this issue ?


0 2
1 491
· Feb 13, 2019
Record Map - MAXLEN

I am trying to read in a data file via a Record Map and I am getting the following error...

ERROR #7201: Datatype value '030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_B452' length longer than MAXLEN allowed of 50 > ERROR #5802: Datatype validation failed on property 'osuwmc.MatSys.DataStructures.MatSysIVT.Record:Bin', with value equal to "030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_B452"

0 1
0 585

Does Intersystems Ensemble support (for LGBTQ+) gender code "U" in Healtshare? Specifically for the clinical (or physician) viewer?

Test shows the gender code is consumed without error and stored, but the viewer does not present it except (as far as I can see) in the patient search drop-down.

The 2.3.1 HL7 ADT schema code table lists "U" as a supported option.

Would this require customization in the viewer code to support this?

0 3
0 427

Hi All,

I created a Business Operation to Integrate with Amazon S3.
I have used HTTP Outbound Adapter for the same. Used Get method of Adapter Class.
Basically in a request I want to send Unique File Name and File and in Response I want to get Version ID and if operation was successful, then set flag to true.

I have created a class for request in that I have two properties, as shown Below :

Property fileName As %String;
Property file As %GlobalBinaryStream;

This is in my Operation Class

0 8
1 881


We are in process of moving our first Production from development to test. We exported our project from Studio. On test server, we cannot Open the Production because it is not a valid production because nothing exists in Ens. Config.Production class. What are we missing? How do we add our Production in Ens.Config.Production?

0 3
0 658

Good morning,

I have another question regarding batch files and Ensemble/Healthshare. Is it possible for a batch file to check the status of the mirror monitor and return it as a status or value?

At present, we store the name of the instance in an echo and reference that. In the event we have to use a different echo, is it possible to have that in a different variable at all?

I hope this makes sense. If I can provide any other information please do let me know.

Kind regards, Alexi Demetriou

0 2
0 450

Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

1 2
1 403

Let Say I have
Class Carrier Extends %Persistent

Property Employee As Array of Class Employees

Class Employees Extends %SerialObject

Property Name As %String

Property Address As Array of Class AddressDetail

Class AddressDetail Extends %SerialObject

Property Street1 As %String

Property Street2 As %String

I can get value for Employee Name as Employee_Name.

But I want to Get Value of Address Street1 and Street2 of Class AddressDetail using SQL Query
How can I get that?

0 3
0 394

Hello, we have a couple of BPL processes. This works with a limited amount of messages but we run into issues when we process thousands of messages in a session. One BPL calls a Validation BPL process with async='False' and there is a response defined. The timeout is two seconds and that seems to be plenty of time for the validation process. I expected the calling process to wait for a response but that is not happening.

0 1
0 294


We have created an Ensemble production that receives HL7 information via TCP Adapters, but the requirement from the vendor is that we submit an ACK message with the MSH segment mist have a date and time populated with seconds.

We are utilising the standard class for the Service Adapter (EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService).

HL7 Version 2.5 no modifications currently.

The messages received via the service is correctly received in ddMMyyyyhhmmss but our ACK back is only ddMMyyyyhhmm.

0 1
0 1.3K
· Jan 9, 2019
Limit to Ensemble queues

Hi all,

Does anyone knows if there is a limit per second adding messages to an Ensemble queue? I have a Business Service working and sending async requests to a Business Process, but I can't reach no more than 60-70 messages queued per second.

I've done several tests and same behavior seems to happen with all our productions. So I was wondering if there is a parameter anywhere to maximize the number of requests that can be send to a queue per second.

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0 499