Show ResultSet content in Business Process
Hello everyone!
I need to have a ResultSet of type % SQL.Statement show its contents when it is trafficked in a message property by Business Process.
I tried to use the % XML.DataSet type that inherits properties of type % XML.Adaptor, but did not work.
Is there any other way to traffic as an object, other than within a Stream?
Note: I can not traffic Streams and I will not be able to use Correlate in this case.
Can you explain a bit what do you want?
Do you want to execute some query and pass all results in it from one process to another in a message?
Yes, I would like to pass through a message a ResultSet. However, I'd like to show the contents of the ResultSet when trafficking the message.
I would like to advise against this course of action, there are several reasons:
If you want it for debugging purposes you can add a trace event which would store ids only for example, but if you actually need to pass a set of results between different business hosts it may be beneficial to you to rethink the production architecture.
Here's some questions: