Hello community!

I'm facing a base growth issue, which is being generated by a process and an Ensemble feature.

When executing the process of cleaning up the message queues, the Ensemble “preserves” the Streams that were part of these messages, deleting only the Header and Body. In this way the database (of one of the namespaces) has grown around 60GB per day, which has been maxing out the disk capacity.

InterSystems informed that this is a characteristic and that it is explained in the documents mentioned below.

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0 865

At the moment we're creating multiple BPLs are using a router (or another BPL) to direct to these based on a unique key modulo the amount of BPLs available, e.g. if we have 3 BPLs created.

Message key = 1 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL02
Message key = 2 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL03
Message key = 3 mod 3 + 1 -> BPL01

FIFO only matters in that each messages for each key is processed in order.

1 7
0 57

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to create integration tests using the Cache unit test framework in order to test an Ensemble production?

For example, what would be the best way to create automated tests for a BPL that calls multiple business operations (SQL, WebService ...)?

Should we create some kind of mock service/operation to simulate the response from the business operations ?

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· Oct 19, 2016
Upgrade to Ensemble 2016

Hi All,

We are Upgrading the Application from Ensemble 2009 to 2016.1. We have imported the user, Roles and Resources.
But the Sql Tables and Sql Procedures are not being visible in Management portal -> Security Management -> User.
Please give me a solution or basics steps for importing those.

Manoj J

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0 495

I am trying to determine the write-access to a windows-directory, using the method %File.Writeable(). But, this method always returns the boolean "true", even when I have revoked the write-access of Healthshare-user in this directory.

1) When the same ensemble-service tries to write a file in this directory (which it says is "writeable"), it fails.
2) The method %File.Writeable(...) works perfectly in the case of files.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance... :-)

1 17
0 996

I am currently working on an Upgrade to HealthShare 2019.1.1. As described in the steps once the upgrade was complete to run $system.OBJ.Upgrade(). When I run $system.OBJ.Upgrade() , it is not finding any classes to update. However I am getting an Error 5116 on one of my Productions...

Class dictionary version for '%1' is out of date, please run upgrade utility $system.OBJ.Upgrade()

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1 788

I have a project where I will need to take an HL7 messages and transforms it into a multi-line flat file. I tried creating a complex record map but those require leading data to identify the record type I'm dealing with but based on the destination vendors spec they do not want any leading data prior to the actual data being sent. Also the lines in the output file require different pieces of data pull from different HL7 fields in the messages and in the third field in the flat file I need to generate a unique line number.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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0 745
· Mar 3, 2024
base64 data to pdf

hi there , when i convert a pdf to base64 data, and then restore the data to pdf,i find that ,i must read the same as length of base64 data every time convert ,or i can't get the right pdf. the code is:

1 3
0 249

how do we do estimation in Intersystems ? what is the unit of work that we refer for intersystems ? let's say for example if we to add 200 fields how many business classes ( Business service, Business process, Business operations) that we must change ?

Any thumb rule ? Please let know

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0 457
· Sep 25, 2018
Wireshark with ensemble


We see a lot of TCPIP connection error for few of the components not sure if it is a network glitch at the source/target or is it with us. And most of the times these errors are very transient and vanish on their own and the connection gets re established and the messages get processed. Here is the error we mostly see

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|50007|10620, data received =''


1 3
1 1.5K

Hello Community,

For the Business Rules in a process i want to use a constraint where source could be FromA or FromB.

But looks like the constraint does not allow multiple source values.

Is there a way to provide multiple source in Constraint? Or is there a way in Rules to identify the Source ?


Jimmy Christian

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1 373


I am investigating creating builds from TravisCI, which will pull the source from github.
This will also involve a code review process, pull request, etc.

It will be done in Multiple phases. The first one will not involve automated testing using TravisCI yet. It will only involve travisCI pulling the latest code from github and creating a release for testing(A deployment file in a format that can be loaded by Ensemble0)

1 8
0 278

We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

1 10
3 652

Hello everyone!
So, I am supposed to receive a REST-request into my production, and I need to send it, exactly as I received it, to another server.
I am struggling to find any good info on this, and have a hard time coming up with a good approach.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
- I have so far thought about possibly doing it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericService and then sending it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation.

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0 243
· Oct 24, 2016
Multiple Rulesets


In my routing rules I'd like to work with multiple rulesets. When running the proces, it only seems to execute the first ruleset.

Is it possible to have multiple rulesets active in the same business rule, or is there another way to not have to jam all rules in the same ruleset?

Thanks in advance,

Joost Houwen

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0 508

I have a Enslib.REST.operation which I want to use to send a JSON message. In Ensemble I am using the request message to the Business operation as an input for ObjectToJsonStream function so I can send it out (this is the way to go right?). However, I am now running into the fact that one of the attributes (template_name) contains an underscore and that I am not allowed to use the underscore to define the property in my ensemble RequestMessage:

Property template_name As %String;

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