Hi Community!

I'm sharing a little tool (REST service) to download interoperability messages from your browser.

You only need to:
1. Create a web application in Management Portal (e.g. /downloadmsg) and set DispatchClass=Util.DownloadMsg.
2. Call the tool using your browser passing the namespace and the message header id to download.

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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.665.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.2 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.2.0.665.0

There is a wide range of changes to the 2016.2 Field Test, 145 of them in total. You can find a complete listing here:


Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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· May 25, 2023 2m read
API to import/export routines

This is an article on the InterSystems FAQ site.

1. Export API

a. Use $system.OBJ.Export() to specify individual routines to export. For example:

do $system.OBJ.Export("TEST1.mac,TEST2.mac","c:\temp\routines.xml",,.errors)

The format to specify is routine name.extension, and the extension is mac, bas, int, inc, obj.

Errors during export are stored in errors.

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InterSystems technologies are renowned for their high performing databases, which support the systems and operations of many organisations. However a key ingredient to this success is the quality and maintainability of their code.

The quality of code can impact everything from speed and ease of fixing bugs and making enhancements, to the overall performance of your organization and your ability to get ahead in the marketplace.

By ensuring your code is maintainable, you can reduce approximately 75% of the systems life cycle costs*. This is why, at George James Software, the solutions we build are always straightforward and written in high quality code - because we know that this solid foundation can positively impact the rest of your organization.

With a maintainable system you're able to reduce your overall maintenance as any issues that occur are significantly faster to identify and fix. This means you're free to allocate that time and budget to enhancements, enabling you to get the most value out of your applications and ultimately better support your organization.

Keep an eye out for our next few posts about what a maintainable system looks like and the tools that can help you keep your code maintainable, in order to help you to reduce those maintenance costs.

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· Dec 15, 2016 1m read
Version history for the production class

Last week I was onsite with a new customer of ours, implementing Deltanji to give them control of their development and deployment cycle. One particularly satisfying part of the visit was seeing their pleasure at how their production class now records its changes over time, allowing them to quickly diff the versions and see what configuration items have been added or what settings altered. ​

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· Oct 27, 2016 1m read
Ensemble's Workflow Inbox portal

Hi - If you want to embed Ensemble's Workflow Inbox, (that offers workflow task items to workflow users) inside of your application - you can access the URL directly without necessarily giving users access to the Management Portal - but more importantly, you can strip away the Titlebar, Worklists and Borders that make up the page by default.

You do this by using the same URL parameters you would use, if embedding a regular DeepSee dashboard into your application.

For example, adding &EMBED=1 at the end of the URL as depicted below:

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Every developer has made the mistake of accidentally leaving temporary debug code in place when they meant to remove it after debugging is complete. The great thing about writing in ObjectScript is that there is a way to make temporary code be truly temporary and automatically self-destruct! This can also be done in such a way that the code has no change of making it into your source control stream, which can be helpful as well.

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Requirement: Transform source XML message to target JSON.

step1: First create json equivalent xml from any online tool.

step2: use add in studio utility create persistent classes from json equivalent xml and compile it , now target persistent classes are ready

step3: Do the above step for source xml or xsd and generate persistent classes for source and compile it

step4: complete the DTL by selecting root node from source, target persistent classes and complete the mappings and compile it

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· Jun 30, 2020 3m read
Replicating Audit Log Near Real Time
Many organisations implement centralised log management systems to separate and centralise the log data in order to e.g. automate threat detection (and response) and to comply with regulatory requirements. The primary systems of interest are the various user facing applications, but increasingly also other kinds of systems including integration platforms.
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I work as an Integration Engineer for United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). I work on a Health Connect production which processes many RecordMap files. I do not fully understand RecordMaps and I wanted to develop an application for the Interoperability contest where I could learn more about working with RecordMaps. I browsed InterSystems documentation for inspiration on how to start. I was happy to find CSV Record Wizard.

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· Oct 5, 2020 2m read
File Passthrough Feeder

IRIS Interoperability Productions formerly known as Ensemble are fun to work with. Yes, I really think my work is fun. I have seen File Passthrough Services and File Passthrough Operations come in handy. At one point we placed test messages in files, then we utilized a File Passthrough Service with Inbound File Adapter to send the contents of the file as a Stream to a File Passthrough Operation with Outbound TCP Adapter.

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About regulations

Personal data privacy regulations have become an indispensable requirement for projects dealing with personal data. The compliance with these laws is based on 4 principles:

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Some time ago I developed an application that tackled a familarial problem faced by many developers when required to update multiple UAT or PRODUCTION sites with the latest Software patches that have been developed and tested on your DEV server and now need to be deployed to multiple sites running that software.

In principle the solution works as follows:

1) Prepare an XML export of affected classes/routines/csp pages/hl7 definitions et al

2) Optionally create a global export of any new globals or changes to existing globals

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

It can be retrieved using the schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a system schema and is not displayed by default in the SQL menu of the Management Portal.

The method to display it is as follows.

  1. Open Management Portal → System Explorer → SQL menu.
  2. Check "System" on the left of the schema drop-down.
  3. Select INFORMATION_SCHEMA from the schema dropdown.

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