I am currently working on an Upgrade to HealthShare 2019.1.1. As described in the steps once the upgrade was complete to run $system.OBJ.Upgrade(). When I run $system.OBJ.Upgrade() , it is not finding any classes to update. However I am getting an Error 5116 on one of my Productions...

Class dictionary version for '%1' is out of date, please run upgrade utility $system.OBJ.Upgrade()

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1 715

We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

1 10
3 592

Hello everyone!
So, I am supposed to receive a REST-request into my production, and I need to send it, exactly as I received it, to another server.
I am struggling to find any good info on this, and have a hard time coming up with a good approach.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
- I have so far thought about possibly doing it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericService and then sending it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation.

1 4
0 170

We have a new requirement being push down by our Data Security to no longer use Local SQL Accounts to access our Databases. So they asked me to create a Service Account that is on the Domain for our connections to each database.

I tried just changing my JDBC connection to using this Service Account and Password but I am not having any luck trying to connect to the database.

" Connection failed.
Login failed for user 'osumc\CPD.Intr.Service'. ClientConnectionId:ade97239-c1c8-4ed1-8230-d274edb2e731 "

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0 3.8K


I am investigating creating builds from TravisCI, which will pull the source from github.
This will also involve a code review process, pull request, etc.

It will be done in Multiple phases. The first one will not involve automated testing using TravisCI yet. It will only involve travisCI pulling the latest code from github and creating a release for testing(A deployment file in a format that can be loaded by Ensemble0)

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0 227
· Mar 19, 2023
heavy processing tasks

Hi Guys,

I've a task that runs every 10 mins executing the below code, but the issue is that it slowing the system down affecting other processes, so is there a way to maybe spread the execution of this so it doesn't slow down the system? I've tried spreading these fucntion in two different tasks but doesn't seem to change much.

1 4
0 273

Hi I want to utilise the file adaptor to pick up some PDF documents however I must not delete the source files from the server. I can see that there is a setting in the FTP adaptor to not delete from server but not in the file adaptor. Is there an easy way to do this or do I just need to create a custom adaptor that copies the files to a working location and records in a tracking global when I have done this so that I don't process the same file twice?

1 5
0 308

What is the recommended approach to handle the following scenario: Large number of HL7 messages are serviced via Ensemble. Those messages are then transformed and routed to an Operation which calls a web service which does a number of different activities. If will do address normalization, location geo coding, MPI lookup and resolution, and insert into a SQL Server database to stage for an analytics product. Unfortunately all of this work takes time and the first thing that happens in the web service is a lock taken out on the Patien in SQL Server.

1 2
0 681

Consider the below scenario:

1. HL7 Service -> Process

2. DTL makes a call to a webservice (Post) via a REST operation via SendRequestSync call.

a. if the post is successful, end the DTL

b. if the server that hosts the webservice is down, i would like to keep retrying with the same message and not lose any messages in the queue.

does a simple "quit 0" at the DTL will rollback the message and will retry? please let me know how not to lose any messages if the webservice server is down.

Appreciate it.

1 8
1 510

Hi community,

I have a SOAP Client class that connect to a WS Service. This structure and configuration is the same for some providers that are integrated with my solution.

If I call to a provider, it returns the XML expected. But there is a provider that raises an error:

ERROR #6243: HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned response with unexpected CONTENT-TYPE: application/wsdl+xml

1 3
0 294

Hi Guys,

I'm converting our system from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and we do have Security package of classes in deployed mode in our 2014 (eg. Users, Role, ...etc) which doesn't exist in our newly installed 2018, so how can I include those classes in 2018?


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0 116
· Oct 19, 2016
LDAP Adapter - Credentials?

I'm writing an operation to use the LDAP Outbound Adapter to query AD.

The operation's settings include a basic Credentials selector, to allow you to use the built in Credentials function of Ensemble. This can be referenced in the operation with ..Adapter.Credentials

1 6
0 710

I am trying to determine the write-access to a windows-directory, using the method %File.Writeable(). But, this method always returns the boolean "true", even when I have revoked the write-access of Healthshare-user in this directory.

1) When the same ensemble-service tries to write a file in this directory (which it says is "writeable"), it fails.
2) The method %File.Writeable(...) works perfectly in the case of files.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance... :-)

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