· Jul 28, 2021

How to schedule a Production to run only during office hours?


Is there any way to schedule a production to run only during office hours ?


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As I know, there is no way to have a schedule for the whole production. Just only services can have scheduled.

With working hours 8:00-18:00, will be something like this.



It is possible, but not on the graphical level or management portal.
You would have to write ObjectScript routines and schedule them via task schedulers. 

The start task script should have something like:

Class YourAplication.ManualProductionStart Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Parameter TaskName = "ManualProductionStart";

Method OnTask() As %Status
    Set tSC = Quit ##class(Ens.Director).StartProduction("InsertNameOfYouPrduction")
    If ( $System.Status.IsError( tSC ) ) {
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog( "Error in ManualProductionStart: " _ ##class(%SYSTEM.Status).GetErrorText( tSC ) )
    Quit ##class(%SYSTEM.Status).OK()


In [System > Task Manager > New Task] create a scheduled task named, for example, ManualProductionStart.
It should be daily, for example: 08:00

The stop script file should have something like:

Class YourAplication.ManualProductionStop Extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Parameter TaskName = "ManualProductionStop";

Method OnTask() As %Status
    Set pTimeout = 60 /// means 60 seconds to stop all transacitons
    Set pForce = 0 /// If you set to 1 it will performance a force stop, not ideal, could brak integraty.
    Set tSC = Quit ##class(Ens.Director).StopProduction(.pTimeout,.pForce)
    If ( $System.Status.IsError( tSC ) ) {
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog( "Error in ManualProductionStop: " _ ##class(%SYSTEM.Status).GetErrorText( tSC ) )
    Quit ##class(%SYSTEM.Status).OK()


In [System > Task Manager > New Task] create a scheduled task named, for example, ManualProductionStop.
It should be daily, for example: 18:00


A major question. Why the need to start/stop production? 
Fail me to see a plausible reason to do so. Integration plataform should be a 24/7 application.
It more common some business services / operations had a delimited scheduled hour, not all the production.

And if you will use CronMaker you can go with two following commands.

First to start Production every working morning:

USER>zw ##class(dc.cron.task).Start("Start Production","0 0 8 ? * MON-FRI *","##class(Ens.Director).StartProduction(""InsertNameOfYouPrduction"")",1,.taskId)

And to stop Production every working evening:

USER>zw ##class(dc.cron.task).Start("Start Production","0 0 8 ? * MON-FRI *