· Mar 4

Message Count

Looking for a SQL query or any other method to find the Unique/distinct message counts for all productions or at least per production namespace within a given time frame. For e.g TimeCreated = January 2025 (Whole month)

I have used the following, but its not restricting the numbers based on the TimeCreated filter. Every time a new message is processed by system, its added to the total. I am running the query in today's date

Select Sum(MsgCount)


(Select DISTINCT TargetConfigName, count(DISTINCT SessionID) as MsgCount

FROM ENS.MessageHeader 

Where TimeCreated >='2025-01-01 00:00:00' and TimeCreated<='2025-01-31 23:59:59'

Group By TargetConfigName) as Table

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: 2018.1.8 Cache for Windows
Discussion (5)2
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