Some Usage cases

1. A deployment may consist of two high availability instances and two disaster recovery instances in a different data center.

The corresponding UAT environment could replicate this giving a total of 8 instances. How do you confirm CPF and Scheduled task alignment across ALL instances.

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0 383
· Dec 15, 2022
Installation Manifest

I am trying to make application deployable using Installation Manifest.

I use IRISHealth_Community-2022.2.0.368.0-win_x64.exe to run manifest during installation

I run it from windows command line using the following command:

IRISHealth_Community-2022.2.0.368.0-win_x64.exe INSTALLERMANIFEST="C:\FixxerInstall\src\Installer.xml" INSTALLERMANIFESTLOGFILE="Log.txt" INSTALLERMANIFESTLOGLEVEL=3 INSTALLERMANIFESTPARAMS="FlaggerCSPDir=C:\FixxerInstall\src\csp\flagger,ClassImportDir=C:\FixxerInstall\src\import\"

It works but a little bit strange.

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0 369
· Dec 12, 2022
IRIS Runtime Environment

Hello community.

I have project on IRIS.

I am trying to make application deployable.

The Idea is to have 1 file that customer can download and run. For now I realize that whole intersysytems developer kit that includes Studio, terminal acts as runtime environment (Like Java has JDK).

Is it possible to wrap my project to 1 archive (Back to Java example .war or .jar) and run it on some application server (like Tomcat) without Studio etc..?

Thank you!

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Suppose you have developed your own app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform multiple deployments on the customers' side. During the development process you've composed a detailed installation guide for your application, because you need to not only import classes, but also fine-tune the environment according to your needs.
To address this specific task, InterSystems has created a special tool called %Installer. Read on to find out how to use it.

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Predictable storage IO performance with low latency is vital to provide scalability and reliability for your applications. This set of benchmarks is to inform users of IRIS considering deploying applications in AWS about EBS gp3 volume performance.


  • An LVM stripe can increase IOPS and throughput beyond single EBS volume performance limits.
  • An LVM stripe lowers read latency.
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Being interoperable is more and more important nowadays. InterSystems IRIS 2022.1 comes with a new messaging API to communicate with event streaming platforms like Kafka, AWS SQS/SNS, JMS and RabbitMQ.

This article shows how you can connect to Kafka and AWS SQS easily.
We start with a brief discussion of the basic concepts and terms of event streaming platforms.

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Good morning. Perhaps someone can tell me if this IRIS health communit version (IRISHealth_Community-2022. is supposed

to work in an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation in an Oracle Virtual Box .

I am trying to install different versions on Ubuntu . I tried with the 18 version. No luck. Than I've tried with the 20.04 version. No luck either.

The error I am having now is below

///////////////////////// error message from the install ////////////////////////////////

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0 393
· Jul 21, 2022 11m read
ECP With Docker

Hi community,

This is the third article in the series about initializing IRIS instances with Docker. This time, we will focus on Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP).

In a very simplified way, ECP allows configuring some IRIS instances as application servers and others as data servers. Detailed technical information can be found in the official documentation.

This article aims to describe:

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

I this article we'll discuss:

  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • Connecting your environments to GitLab
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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: DevOps on June 2nd at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we focus on DevOps. We'll talk about InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring, which offers unified cluster monitoring in a single pane for all your InterSystems IRIS instances. It is built on Prometheus and Grafana, two of the most respected open source offerings available.

Next, we'll dive into the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator, a special controller for Kubernetes that streamlines InterSystems IRIS deployments and management. It's the easiest way to deploy an InterSystems IRIS cluster on-prem or in the Cloud, and we'll show how you can configure mirroring, ECP, sharding and compute nodes, and automate it all.

Finally, we'll discuss how to speed test InterSystems IRIS using the open source Ingestion Speed Test. This tool is available on InterSystems Open Exchange for your own testing and benchmarking.

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· Jun 18, 2022
[Video] Saving on Storage

Hey Community,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Saving on Storage
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I am new to Intersystems, in our project we are directly connecting to the server (environment) using Intersystems VSCode extensions and publishing our changes from local machine. This is not the way we usually do as development process.

Is it possible to implement continuous integration ? So that developers can check-in their code in GIT Hub and can integrate Jenkins and automate the deployment?

Could you please help me on this ?

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Does anyone have experience using SCCM or any other enterprise application management tool to deploy updates to a thick client (internally developed standalone app) across the enterprise? I have a client that is attempting to get this working for their customer and running into some trouble. If you have any knowledge or experience you can share it would be greatly appreciated.

I have read some MS Technet pages that appear to indicate this is possible

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0 488
· Jan 26, 2022 4m read
Container configuration management

If you're deploying to more than one environment/region/cloud/customer, you will inevitably encounter the issue of configuration management.

While all (or just several) of your deployments can share the same source code, some parts, such as configuration (settings, passwords) differ from deployment to deployment and must be managed somehow.

In this article, I will try to offer several tips on that topic. This article talks mainly about container deployments.

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Hi folks!

Sometimes we need the docker image of the InterSystems IRIS solution we build to be published on some docker registry. The cases could be:

  1. Deploy it then in Kubernetes cluster
  2. Let your pal run the image of your public repo without building it locally.

You can push the image to Docker Hub Registry or Github Registry.

In this very short article, I provide a way how to do it automatically on every push to your GitHub repository.

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For those that, at some point, need to test what means that of ECP for horizontal escalability (computing power and/or users and processes concurrency), but they're lazy o have no much time to build the environment, configure the server nodes, etc..., I've just published in Open Exchange the app/sample OPNEx-ECP Deployment .

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Deploying InterSystems HealthShare code, supporting lookups and artifacts like ssl certs, keys etc is relatively straight forward using Gitlab Runners. Not only does this approach enable managing the code base and deploying with git type workflows, but it also lends to a speedy recovery and repeatable environments for some implementations.

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This post provides useful links and an overview of best practice configuration for low latency storage IO by creating LVM Physical Extent (PE) stripes for database disks on InterSystems Data Platforms; InterSystems IRIS, Caché, and Ensemble.

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So I've got the IRIS AMI spun up in AWS EC2; it seems to be running fine.

I've added an EBS volume to it for persistent storage, and now I'm pondering how to make it actually do something useful.

What's the best way to do deploy code to this instance? I can think of a few ways to do it, but what's the least painful way? Push my code to an S3 bucket and figure out how to load it at system start? Github project?

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