Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them.
I have an operation using $ZF this operation ran and did not error but the job has been active and it can not be stopped I have tried stopping it from the front end and through the terminal using ##class(ENSLIB.Job).%New() Stop method. Now my production will not update even if I add a new item to the production I cannot update the item is there a way to force stop this job.
In the settings of the IRIS web application configuration page there is an option "Redirect empty path" which allows a user to access REST endpoint URL without trailing slash, eg. /csp/api/rest instead of /csp/api/rest/. How could I change this option declaratively in my ZPM manifest?
Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2), is it possible to install IRIS and run it from there? I am wanting to test IAM, but unable to run Docker Desktop on my VM, and do not have access to a Linux machine to install and test with.
Looking for advice on best practise (or at least reasonable approaches) for handling the Production class when utilising source control. (And perhaps wider advice around deployment.)
I am running into an error trying to send an Alert Email to test the functionality of IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1 compared to Cache HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3. I was trying to send an Alert email, when I am getting the following error on my EMailAlert operation which is using EnsLib.EMail.OutboundAdpater.
ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>FText+4 ^%occMessages *msg -- logged as '-' number - @''
The Idea is to have 1 file that customer can download and run. For now I realize that whole intersysytems developer kit that includes Studio, terminal acts as runtime environment (Like Java has JDK).
Is it possible to wrap my project to 1 archive (Back to Java example .war or .jar) and run it on some application server (like Tomcat) without Studio etc..?
I am new to Intersystems, in our project we are directly connecting to the server (environment) using Intersystems VSCode extensions and publishing our changes from local machine. This is not the way we usually do as development process.
Is it possible to implement continuous integration ? So that developers can check-in their code in GIT Hub and can integrate Jenkins and automate the deployment?
Does anyone have experience using SCCM or any other enterprise application management tool to deploy updates to a thick client (internally developed standalone app) across the enterprise? I have a client that is attempting to get this working for their customer and running into some trouble. If you have any knowledge or experience you can share it would be greatly appreciated.
I have read some MS Technet pages that appear to indicate this is possible
I love the frequent mentions of versioning the CPF merge files in Source control. One thing that is not yet clear to me is how this would work for rolling back a change:
I'm deploying IRIS for Health on a Google Cloud VM, and I note that the SuperServer port is 1971, rather than good old 1972. Is this as it's supposed to be? I can't see that it's documented anywhere.
So I've got the IRIS AMI spun up in AWS EC2; it seems to be running fine.
I've added an EBS volume to it for persistent storage, and now I'm pondering how to make it actually do something useful.
What's the best way to do deploy code to this instance? I can think of a few ways to do it, but what's the least painful way? Push my code to an S3 bucket and figure out how to load it at system start? Github project?
We are seeing more and more customers being lured with latest infrastructure technologies, particularly Composable Infrastructure. Coming with all sorts of data center consolidations and costs savings.
Question is: are there any concerns for HealthShare/TrakCare being run on these platforms or things to look out for? Anyone out there, already on these platforms?
To be more specific this is HPe Synergy with 480 Compute blades booting as bare metal.
I'm almost running out of disk space so I want to move 1 DB to a different hard drive. It's a rather simple but lengthy action during a shutdown of IRIS. But is this somehow possible under runtime in a stand-alone installation? I'm looking for kind of a "local drive failover"
I have a need to create a custom deployment package for our production. I can't do a full deployment of the production so I need to create a custom deployment package that will add our new classes, business processes, rest end points and transforms. I would like for the production to add and configure the business services, process and operations as well.
I am investigating creating builds from TravisCI, which will pull the source from github. This will also involve a code review process, pull request, etc.
It will be done in Multiple phases. The first one will not involve automated testing using TravisCI yet. It will only involve travisCI pulling the latest code from github and creating a release for testing(A deployment file in a format that can be loaded by Ensemble0)
Do you have a guide or tutorial with recommendations to configure IRIS to a production environment? The better strategies, recommended disk, memory and processing settings, etc?