· Feb 4, 2023 2m read

How to deploy your production in the simplest way

Usualy, if you want to deploy a solution, you need to add the items, configure your lookup tables and default configuration manually. 
It's okay if you have all the permissions and privileges to perform these actions. If you want to deploy to a client's production server, and you don't have the permissions, you need to indicate in a document ALL the steps that the deployment manager has to perform. Therefore, once again, the deployment manager must manually enter the production items, the lookup tables, the default configuration, etc... 
You can create an installation class that indicates all the steps automatically and avoid errors in the deployment. `

Class MySolution.Installations Extends St.Tools.Deploy 
    Parameter PRODUCTION = "MySolution.Production"
    /// Add items 
    Do ..AddItem(, "Item1","myPath.MyClass","Internal"Do ..AddItem(, "Item2","myPath.MyClass2","Internal"/// Add default setting 
    Do ..AddDefaultSetting(,"myPath.MyClass",,"Port","21",1/// Add value into a lookup table 
    set itemCount = 0 
    set pList($Increment(itemCount))=$Listbuild("MyTable","Campo1","Valor1"set pList($Increment(itemCount))=$Listbuild("MyTable","Campo2","Valor2"set pList = itemCount 
    do ..AddLookupTable(.pList) 

Using this tool, the next time you need to deploy your production you will save a lot of documentation and you will have full control of the deployment.

Hapy code!!!

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