
as you can see in title my problem is with file ccontrol. I want to install whole Ensemble with Manifest if on machine wouldn't be any, or if I somehow find out instance of Ensemble I want to only use settings from included Manifest. I read that I can use file ccontrol to solve this task.

So can someone said me, how to work with ccontrol, is there some variable or function which returns me somethig? I have read some parts of documentation about ccontrol, but nothing help me so much, so you can give me link to part in documentation, where is this desribed.

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0 699

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Fast Provisioning in Any Cloud

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0 244

I've seen a few password change posts, but I wasn't 100% sure it was the same process, so I am asking here. We periodically have to change the passwords for a few Cache user accounts across several servers. Is there a process/script to change these passwords without having to go into the web portal on each server? Thanks so much, and I apologize if this was covered in some of the other articles that I've run across. Just looking for the best method.

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This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

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2 446

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD

In the previous article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software. Still, our focus was on the implementation part of software development, but this part presents:

  • GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process - from idea to user feedback
  • Continuous Delivery - software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. It aims at building, testing, and releasing software faster and more frequently.

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3 3.2K

Hi guys!

Suppose you developed a tool, framework, library on InterSystems ObjectScript for InterSystems Data Platform, share it via Open Exchange and want people to install it.

What is the best strategy if it is a library and supposed to be called from different namespaces?

Here are the following thoughts:

1. Tool's developer should be able to use globals to read/store data the tool needs.

2. Tool's consumer should be confident, that the thing he/she installs will not harm the application's data.

3. A tool should be callable from any application's namespace.

4. Tool's installation(in general) should not request manual security changes (e.g. grant the write access to IRISLIB) and %YourClass is not an option.

5. It's easy to uninstall the tool - just delete the namespace/database (maybe delete some web-apps too).

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0 458


We are in process of moving our first Production from development to test. We exported our project from Studio. On test server, we cannot Open the Production because it is not a valid production because nothing exists in Ens. Config.Production class. What are we missing? How do we add our Production in Ens.Config.Production?

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0 712


I am trying to copy an xml file generated on an Apache server into the Jenkins workspace post-build. I was thinking to use a 'send files over ssh' post-build script, but have not done this before and do not know how to refer to the file location on Apache server vs on Jenkins.

For example, if I want to copy from Apache's location of: "classes/UnitTest/Results.xml" into Jenkin's workspace: "/ReportFiles/Results.xml",

How does the script differentiate between whether the location address refers to the Apache server or Jenkins workspace?

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0 21.4K

The following post outlines an architectural design of intermediate complexity for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings. This post introduces two new databases: the first to store the globals needed for synchronization, the second to store fact tables and indices.

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0 771

Hi Everyone!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Advanced Cloud Provisioning & Deployment

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Everybody has a testing environment.

Some people are lucky enough to have a totally separate environment to run production in.

-- Unknown


In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab WorkFlow
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • CI/CD with containers

This first part deals with the cornerstone of modern software development - Git version control system and various Git flows.

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4 4.7K

Just got the new beta version of Docker, with depreciation warning of AUFS. It's so bad news when InterSystems does not support used by default storage driver overlay2. Recently I thought to play with Google Kubernetes Engine, and realized that I can't work with InterSystems products there due to incompatibility with Storage Driver. Maybe it's already time to think about support?

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0 760


I would like to know if anyone has had some experience in building systems for multiple end-users.

To keep things simple, in a hypothetical example, say an Event Booking System, where a Venue could sign up to use such a system and define it's Venue, costs, calendars, etc.. and then invite their customers to book the Venue on different days/times.

If I wish to offer such a system to many Venues, there are a number of options available.

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0 2.1K

If you are attending Global Summit 2018 please be sure to say hello to George James Software in the Partner Pavilion.

You are also invited to the informal lunchtime meeting we're hosting at Global Summit on Tuesday 2nd October from 1pm in Indian Paintbrush, a meeting room at the conference venue. We will be previewing the next versions of Deltanji, our integrated source code management solution, and Serenji, our editor and debugger.

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0 363

The following post outlines a more flexible architectural design for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings, and synchronization globals. This example introduces one new databases to store the DeepSee indices. We will redefine the global mappings so that the DeepSee indices are not mapped together with the fact and dimension tables.

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0 613

This is a FYI for anyone who has experienced the following error after upgrading an existing instance to any product based on Caché 2017.2.2. In our case, the products are HealthShare HealthConnect for Redhat x64 and for Windows x86-64 but I believe it would be a common problem for any InterSystems product on any platform, if based on Caché 2017.2.2. After upgrading our development instance from 2016.2.2 to 2017.2.2, we experienced the following errors when attempting to start a pre-existing Java Object Gateway that was defined prior to the upgrade:

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we have Angular solution and Cache server. We need to have separate users and sessions on same browser (laptop, table etc) for every user and for one user with many connections.

Thought this was resolved, but unfortunately not.


I got the code away from here, because it was some how ok.

The session on server mixed, but no any more, thanks our folk and local engineer's tools :)

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0 558

Hi All,

Who, in the age of digital transformation, doesn't want to reap more benefits out of any process, procedure, and resource we have? At InterSystems Solution Developers Conference (part of InterSystems Global Summit 2018) we will have sessions on how to improve the way applications are built with modern tools like Docker containers, Gitlab, Circle CI, Travis, etc., how continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes can help us deliver more value quickly to the end-user, and how we can start thinking about modernizing traditional applications.

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1 434

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Deploying Shards Using the API

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0 409

Hi Community!

New video "Deploying Shards Using InterSystems Cloud Manager" is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

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0 299
· Jul 17, 2018
Create studio project file

Hello guys,

I have been playing around with the deployment tools from Ensemble (mostly based on this article https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...) , but so far the one thing I still couldn't figure out is how to group files into a single "Studio project file".

By using the deployment tool UI, supposing that I want to add a bunch of custom files to my deployment file (XML), it's practically impossible because I need to add one by one.

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0 854

Hello guys,

Based on this article (others as well, but this is the relevant one): http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...

I have been playing around with the Management Portal deployment tool, which involves:
Ensemble > Manage > Deployment Changes > Deploy and
Production Settings > Actions > Export
Production Settings > Actions > Re-Export

Everything was going fine , until I came across this:

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0 445

Often InterSystems technology architect team is asked about recommended storage arrays or storage technologies. To provide this information to a wider audience as reference, a new series is started to provide some of the results we have encountered with various storage technologies. As a general recommendation, all-flash storage is highly recommended with all InterSystems products to provide the lowest latency and predictable IOPS capabilities.

The first in the series was the most recently tested Netapp AFF A300 storage array. This is middle-tier type storage array with several higher models above it. This specific A300 model is capable of supporting a minimal configuration of only a few drives to hundreds of drives per HA pair, and also capable of being clustered with multiple controller pairs for tens of PB's of disk capacity and hundreds of thousands of IOPS or higher.

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0 3.4K

I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

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0 1.7K