Hello Cache experts,

Has anyone tried using Cache object script to check windows service is running or windows service installed or not on same computer or remote computer ? basically i am trying to develop cache program which will check "windows service" running or installed on current computer or remote computer. Based on the status of this windows service, i want to write some business logic in our application. Any suggestions will be more welcome

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I'm using studio for the first time. I copied the Security.Users Class to my own UCDavis.Security.Users

I can't edit the copied file. I totally get why I can't edit the Security.Users class - but why is it stopping me from editing the class I created??

Thanks in advance!


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The release of IBM POWER 8 processors with AIX 7.1 introduced up to 8 SMT threads per processor core (logical or physical). Which SMT level (1, 2, 4, or 8) to use can be confusing and varies based on multiple factors. This article is meant to help with a starting point for your specific application.

Firstly, if running on a version of 2014.x or older, it is advised to use SMT 4 or lower. SMT 8 with those older versions of Cache' has shown a decline in performance and scaling in benchmarking applications.

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0 2.7K
· Aug 2, 2016
Use of $ZUTIL(49) is deprecated

Hi all,

I'm using $ZUTIL(49) to get information of the databases I want to add to a mirror. This information is passed to ##class(SYS.Mirror).CatchupDB(plstPathDatabases) in order to Catchup all databases addes to a Mirror.

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0 689

I have a NewBie Question.

I have been playing around with "Basic CLass Queries."

I have defined a very simple "Basic Class Query." (see below)

However, I cannot find in the I/S documentation how to execute this query.

Any help is appreciated.

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0 2.3K

We are creating a package (written in Caché Object Script) that will provide access to an external DB (MySQL). Because applications that use our package will be run from machines with various, potentially unexpected, operating systems, we’d like to establish a connection to the external DB without using DSNs (we’ve heard that setting up DSNs on certain non-Windows machines can be cumbersome and problematic).

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0 1.1K

I'm getting the above error. My zen page calls other javascript methods and other server methods just fine. But when I call my method, I get the error. Yes, I've tried making it look exactly like the methods that work. But for some reason, it doesn't seem to know that DoLogout is a zen method.

Anyone ever get this error?



for example

ClientMethod logout() [ Language = javascript ] { zenPage.DoLogout(); }

Method DoLogout() [ZenMethod] { //blah blah }

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0 884

I want to override the Get and Set methods of a class property. The class maps to a pre-existing global. The property is defined like so:

Property Invalid As %Library.Boolean;

with the property mapping to a node like ^GLOBAL(Code,"INVALID")=1
Code is a property in the same class.

The value can be 0 or 1 or the node might not exist. When it doesn't exist I want the value of the SQL field to come out as 0 (false).

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0 1.6K

Cache 2015.2

I need to get a sort order stored in my database with mutiple decimal places, but I want the string stored and retrieved EXACTLY as I enter it. so if someone enters 700.3000 I don't want cache to treat it as a decimal and strip the trailing zeros storing it as 700.3

once it comes back, I want the sorting to sort AS STRINGS, again, none of that stripping training/leading zeros.

this ay, I can create local arrays in exactly the order they think? they created them

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· Nov 19, 2015 1m read
Disk and storage design considerations

There are many storage technologies available today from various vendors. The storage technology and configuration best for your application depends on the application access patterns and workloads.

The attached document discusses the various design considerations and recommendations for various technologies. This guide is to help you during discussions with your storage vendor to determine the appropriate storage technologies and products that will work best to meet the performance goals for your applications.

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· Jul 26, 2016
Find mapped file

Hello, guys.

I have a set of file names (e.g. file.cls, file2.mac and so on) and I need to check whether these files are mapped in %ALL or current namespace.

I found that if I open Globals in the current namespace I can see mapped packages. And If I open this global I see all files that are to this namespace and %SYS. The problem is these files are enumerated in a json object(apparently)

ex. "{""class"":{""%Activate.Enum"":{},""%Activate.GenericObject"":{""CreateObject"":0,""GetObject"":0},""%Activate.HandleEvents"")

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0 319

Cache tricks

Several years ago, long before Developer Community Portal was launched, I published a series of Caché tricks at one of Czech web sites. In this article, I’m posting translated version of one of them.

Capturing output of someone else’s methods or routines

Suppose you, or someone else created a useful method or routine, that was producing some computation that you’d like to benefit from, but the routine was writing output to process principal device.

You would like to use the data, but you need it not written to a device, but assigned to a variable. And, for any reason, you can’t modify the code. What can you do?

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0 2.6K


I want to create a table with a dynamic display of data using the DataGrid.

On the page there dataCombo and the table.

According to the plan, when the user selects an item in dataCombo the table is filled with data. If select another item - data is updated.

But in fact, the data in the table are loaded once when the page is loaded, and when I select value in DataCombo, I receive an error:

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0 402

Let's say that we wish to store the documents sent to us via all of our Customers, and that the documents could be in PDF, spreadsheet, RTF, plain text, Comma-Separated-Values and XML.

It would be hoped that %Stream.Object would be a good choice of property to hold these documents, especially as you would expect %Stream.Object to morph between BINARY (for PDF, spreadsheet, RTF) or CHARACTER (for plain text, CSV, XML) depending on which type of stream was being persisted.

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0 406

Today I'm releasing a new EWD 3 module - ewd-feder8.

ewd-feder8 is a federation or integration platform, built as an extension of the EWD 3 ewd-xpress module. So what does it do and what's it for?

It's all about federating and integrating multiple web or REST service end-points.

At its simplest you can use it as a proxy server in front of a remote web service or REST end-point.

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0 393
· Jul 18, 2016 15m read
Remote proxy objects via dynamic dispatch

This article created as side effect of preparations to the longer set of articles about simple, but still handy MapReduce implementation in Caché. I was looking for relatively easy way to pass arguments to (potentially) multiple targets via remote calling facilities. And after several attempts I have realized that we do have very powerful mechanism in the Caché ObjectScript which might be of particular help here – dynamic dispatch for methods and properties.

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I am new to Cache and I am trying to convert a JSON string (msgdata) that contains a JSON payload to an object to be saved into a Driver. Entity table. I am running into 2 issues and would appreciate any help:

1) It seems that when the 1st element of a list within the payload (Choices) is an empty string, after I call %ConvertJSONToObject, the obj.%data("payload").Choices contains just 1 empty element, removing the next 3 valid values (10,20,30). The same does not happen if I change the input to [10,20,"",30], in this case it works correctly.

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