· Mar 4
Message Count

Looking for a SQL query or any other method to find the Unique/distinct message counts for all productions or at least per production namespace within a given time frame. For e.g TimeCreated = January 2025 (Whole month)

I have used the following, but its not restricting the numbers based on the TimeCreated filter. Every time a new message is processed by system, its added to the total. I am running the query in today's date

Select Sum(MsgCount)


(Select DISTINCT TargetConfigName, count(DISTINCT SessionID) as MsgCount

FROM ENS.MessageHeader

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I have a repeatable field within HL7 that I want to create a List from. Do I have to initialize the List by using $LB, or can I just use $LI to keep adding on to the end of the list as it is looping through the field?

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As of InterSystems IRIS® data platform version 2025.1, InterSystems is officially deprecating MultiValue and including it in the Deprecated and Discontinued Features list. While InterSystems will continue to support existing customers using MultiValue, it is not recommended for new applications.

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Hi Community,

In this article, we will explore the concepts of Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL within the context of InterSystems IRIS, provide practical examples, and examine their differences to help you understand how to leverage them in your applications.

InterSystems SQL provides a full set of standard relational features, including the ability to define table schema, execute queries, and define and execute stored procedures. You can execute InterSystems SQL interactively from the Management Portal or programmatically using a SQL shell interface. Embedded SQL enables you to embed SQL statements in your ObjectScript code, while Dynamic SQL enables you to execute dynamic SQL statements from ObjectScript at runtime. While static SQL queries offer predictable performance, dynamic and embedded SQL offer flexibility and integration, respectively.

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I started programming back in 2015, when I was doing my bachelor's in computer science. I didn't know about ObjectScript until I started my new job four months ago. Objectscript isn't actually a young programming language. Compared to C++, Java and Python, the community isn't as active, but we're keen to make this place more vibrant, aren't we?

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I have been trying to get to grips with the new dot Net Gateway used in IRIS as the import of the DLL to construct proxy classes is no longer supported in IRIS I have a third party DLL that when I try to instantiate throws an error complaining about the class not instantiated as it does not support parameterless constructor .I am using this new

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Hello everyone

I have a question about the maximum number of active license users for CACHÉ.

When I run the command: Do $System.License.ShowCounts()

I get the following return:

1 Current active users
3 Maximum active users
0 CSP users currently active
1 Maximum active CSP users
0 CSP sessions currently in 'grace period'
1 Maximum CSP sessions in 'grace period'

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I have an old .NET 4.5 project, working with database InterSystems.Cache. The project is deployed on a Windows server. Data is retrieved using the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll library.

But now I'm planning migration of the project to .NET 8 to container with linux centos.

How can I get data from InterSystems.Cache in this case?

As I understand it, InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll is only for the .NET framework.

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Dear Fellow Cache Gurus: I would like to know if there is either any built-in Cache Date/Time function or an easy way to include a timezone abbreviation such as EST, PST, MST, etc... within the Cache Date/Time formats.

I read through the Cache Documentation but could not find anything to achieve this.

So if I do the following command: $ZDateTime($H,1,4,,,4,,,,,"InvalidDate"), then I get an output like this: 02/27/2025 11:10AM

But I am looking for the output to be formatted like this: 02/27/2025 11:10AM EST

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So, you checked your server and saw that IRISTEMP is growing too much. There's no need to panic. Let’s investigate the issue before your storage runs out.

Step 1: Confirm the IRISTEMP Growth Issue

Before assuming IRISTEMP is the problem, let’s check its actual size.

Check the Free Space

Run the following command in the IRIS terminal:


When prompted, enter:

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So i want to use the INSERT OR UPDATE command so i can update a COUNTER for a given name:

SET name='Omer', counter = counter + 1;

as you can see with the above code - if the row is non-existent then we get an error because COUNTER is NULL!
I tried the following to fix this but all have failed:

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Hello community members!

I am trying to connect to Caché database from Azure data factory using ODBC connection. The aim is to read data from Caché and write it in Azure blob storage using copy activity. The ODBC connection is successful and i can see the Caché tables, but i'm facing an error while reading the table contents.

I'm getting the below error :

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This article is a small overview of a tool that helps to understand classes and their structure inside the InterSystems products: from IRIS to Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare.

In short, it visualizes a class or an entire package, shows the relations between classes and provides all the possible information to developers and team leads without making them go to Studio and examine the code there.

If you are learning InterSystems products, reviewing projects a lot or just interested in something new in InterSystems Technology solutions — you are more than welcome to read the overview of ObjectScript Class Explorer!

23 38
4 5.9K

Hi Community,

I have a problem I am hoping someone can help with - I have created a front-end with HTML/CSS/JS in a CSP page in Iris Studio. I am trying to use objectscript on the back end to connect to a SQL Server Database (with valid credentials), and execute a stored procedure.

I have a fileList variable that is a stored as a comma separated string through a user input textBoxContainer. This is to be used as a parameter in the stored procedure called @Docs

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Hi, this post was initially written for Caché. In June 2023, I finally updated it for IRIS. If you are revisiting the post since then, the only real change is substituting Caché for IRIS! I also updated the links for IRIS documentation and fixed a few typos and grammatical errors. Enjoy :)

23 29
8 11.4K

We're looking for an experienced developer to join our team and help with the project on a part-time basis (20-30 hours a week). Required experience includes InterSystems Cache, PHP, and API. We're ready to start immediately if you're available. Fluency in English and the ability to work in the US time zone is preferred.

About Us:
Redline Coders, an IT consulting firm in California.

Position Details:
- Remote
- 20-30 hours a week
- Duration: 1-2 months

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Hey everyone,
Might be a stupid question, but i was trying to set the ContentLength of the %response object in my website.
In different places (like the onPreHttp / onPostHttp etc) but none seems to work.

The reason behind it is to send a more accurate representation of the actual data I send, instead of having the overhead of the broker that adds more characters , I want the exact length of the response accounting only for the data that I actually returned.

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