· Sep 5, 2021
Global Access command query

Hello everyone,

I am new to cache. I want to know is there any direct command to know how to find maximum number of subscripts in global A through direct command.

I mean the answer is 9 but how to check it using a direct command on terminal.

Thanks in advance!!







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· Aug 12, 2020
dotnet core

Is there an InterSystems supported dotnet core library or community contributed repo on the horizon? At this time we are exploring installing the ODBC driver in our containers but would rather use more robust solution.

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0 1.3K

Hello everyone

I am new to cache. In an interview i was asked how to optimize a sql query.

I just said I will create index on conditions which are present in where clause. But as per interviewer I should check How query plan is getting executed. This will help in optimizing Sql queries.

I want to know what will be the answer for how to optimize SQL query in cache.

Thanks in advance!!

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0 214

Hello Everyone

I am new to cache. I know there are 2 types of methods in cache. One is Instance method (Which can be call through object creation of particular class) and other is Class methods (which can be call through ##Class(MyPackage.Car).CarModels()).

I want to know the difference when to create a instance method vs when to create a class methods.

Thanks in advance!!.

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0 216

I wanted to write it as a comment to article of @Evgeny Shvarov . But it happens to be so long, so, decided to post it separately.

Image result for docker clean all images

I would like to add a bit of clarification about how docker uses disk space and how to clean it. I use macOS, so, everything below, is mostly for macOS, but docker commands suit any platform.

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3 6.9K
· Sep 1, 2021
Database increase a lot


The database is increasing a lot (almost a 1TB) and getting bigger with no sense after migration, the use of the plataform did not increase after the migration so is strange for us this increase.

how can I check everything is ok in the database? for example any table getting bigger.

Before the migration the logs were like:

07/22/21-17:18:26:304 (19701) 0 Starting Expansion for database /opt/Intersystems/HS/HS_201521705/mgr/cachetemp/. 276 MB requested.

0 7
0 576
· Sep 1, 2021
Querying a task

How do I programatically query a task set up in the task manager? I need to know the code being executed.


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0 187
· Aug 31, 2021
Understanding process jobTpe

I have a client running cache on an AIX platform. I put together a objectscript to allow for the viewing the processes running against the database using a select from SYS.Process. One of the values I want in the view of the processes information is Jobtype but I want to convert it from the numeric value to a string value. In the Intersystems documentation there is a reference to an include file $ that should include macros that make this translation. I have not been able to track down this include file.

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0 147

There is a finite list of date formats that users want to use to enter a date in a form. These formats include single digits for month and day and double digits for year. The field is represented by a dateText control.

How would one get to allow a dateText control to accept multiple date formats ? I see only 3 listed here, do those include using single digits for month and day ?

0 1
0 462
· Aug 27, 2021
SSO Login


We have an application that is logged using AWS SSO.
We are passing username and password from the AWS SSO to our application for validating the user.
But what we need is, we need to login to application without using the password.
Is there any possible way available for this?

Syed M

0 1
0 260
· Jul 22, 2021
Strange query result

Can someone tell me why this query

select vet.ID, svp.ID_PACIENTE, vet.conselho, vet.uf, vet.numConselho, vet.nome, svp.SEQ_SOLICITANTE, vet.numConselho , vlab.numConselho
from RPE.Veterinario vet
inner join RPE.VeterinarioLab vlab
    ON vet.conselho = vlab.conselho
    AND vet.numConselho = vlab.numConselho
    AND vet.uf = vlab.uf
left join MySevi.SolicitanteVeterinarioPaciente svp
    on svp.ID_VETERINARIO = vet.ID
where svp.ID_PACIENTE in ('6408||284144||47633', '6408||284145||47634')

does't return any value and this query

0 4
0 230

After linking in Oracle Table with Field Column's Data Types of NUMBER, my updates into these table fields are resulting in data that is being rounded to 2 decimal places. I insert a record with 1234.1234 and 1234.12 is stored.

It appears Cache xDBC might be manipulating my values prior to sending to Oracle. Is there a setting or system parameter that is controlling this? If so, is there a way to relax this from occurring so the values I send are being stored in Oracle with the same values?

0 10
0 516

Good morning everybody,

In Html sometimes we need to use entities code for don't have problems with browsers all over the world. Ex. 'á' is converted to code: 'á' / 'é' is converted to 'é'.

I have a question, how can i convert a string like my name to this type of code? Ex. "Flávio" will be "Flávio". I tried this way:

0 10
0 745


We need to upgrade our cache instance from 2016.2 to the latest version.

I find the documentation about the "Upgrade Path" but I cant find where I can get the files to upgrade in the documentation.

Also I cant find how to make this upgrade, they talk about strategies but dont talk how to perform the task to upgrade.

Is there any documentation of how to make and upgrade and where I can get the files?

0 4
0 217

Hi developers,

We have just published an update to the Deltanji version control extension for Visual Studio Code.

When used in certain Deltanji workflows, triggering an automatic checkout on first keystroke could result in the developer working on an outdated copy of the code and only being notified of this later when saving their changes. In order to prevent this from happening checkout now reloads the document immediately.

Error messaging has been improved in two areas - when attempting to cancel code that is not checked out, and when trying to register new code onto a withdraw system.

We have also improved interoperability between the Deltanji extension and the InterSystems ObjectScript one, as well as its handling of multi-component objects.

If you're already a user of Deltanji then your extension with automatically update. You can find out more information on Deltanji and the latest release here.

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0 149
· Aug 5, 2021
Convert hexadecimal to base64

Hello, first of all thanks for your time reading our question 💭

We would need to be able to transform a hexadecimal string to a base64 coded one. 🔄

To be specific, our use case is this:

1º We have our hexadecimal as follows:


2º We convert it to ASCII:


using this online tool:

0 5
0 1.5K

I'm trying to implement an OAuth2 server, but I have som issues when trying to setup JWT under OAuth 2.0->Client.

I get the error message saying "No match between server name 'localhost' and SSL certificate values 'cache'". I have set up a SSL/TLS configuration as simple as possible without any certificate files. I'm accessing my server via HTTPS with an unsigned certificate.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to resolve the issue I'm encountering.

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0 565

My objective is to find routine's Date/Time Saved someplace inside Cache. The routine's Date/Time Modified as returned by various queries like %Library.RoutineIndex and as seen on the File Open screen is actually Date/Time Compiled last, not Date/Time Saved last. Does anyone know if Date/Time Saved is created when the Save icon is pressed or the routine is imported? Such a timestamp should be immune to subsequent compilations with no changes.

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0 481

In a typical database, changing the type of a column from some kind of date/time to a string would require a degree of migration effort for existing values. In Caché, my suspicion is that this is not the case, and I could simply change a property definition from %Timestamp to %String (MAXLEN = "30") and recompile, without needing to worry about damaging the existing data stored for this property. Is this correct? Or would I find the existing data in this property being lost or corrupted?

Thanks in anticipation

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