Hi developers, 

Serenji 3.2.0, the latest version from George James Software, was released last week and our current users have been enjoying trying out the new features (which you can find more about here). 

If you're thinking about trying Serenji for the first time, we've made it easier to get set up by adding a walkthrough on the VS Code Welcome page. It takes you through: 

  • Setting up the server components.
  • Selecting a server namespace.
  • Saving and extending your workspace.
  • Requesting a debug license (don't forget we offer a free 30 day trial!) 

We've also added prompts and guidance throughout VS Code to open and add Serenji folders to your workspace and when going to run and debug code. 

This is just one of the ways we've enhanced the Serenji debugger to make straightforward and easy to use - so all you need to do is focus on your code. 

Serenji 3.2.0 Welcome Page Walkthrough

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I am executing the command:

set fileComp = ##Class(SYS.Database).FileCompact(obj.Directory, freeSpace, .actualFree)

where obj.Directory contains the location of the current database

This executes correctly. However, the resultant OREF object does not contain any displayable properties but rather is of the value:

"0 "_$lb($lb(380,,,,,,,,,$lb(,"%SYS",$lb("e^zFileCompact+38^SYS.Database.1^1","e^^^0"))))/* ERROR #380: Completed but skipped some blocks, details recorded in the console log. */

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I can start cache without issue. There are no errors in the console log. However, when I access the management portal the page fails to display instead displaying the error page with the error "CSP application closed the connection before sending a complete response". This was working yesterday so the root cause is not clear. Reviewing all log files, the only error I have found is in the csp.log. The error is:

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0 500

How to find a global's original namespace ? Potentially mapped from a different namespace .

I have a global ^Custom that exists in multiple namespaces but it could mapped from namespace Drone(A) to Launch(B)

Without access to Cache management portal how to find where is my global located using cache code ?

Like if ^Custom == ^[Drone]Custom ??

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0 368
· Sep 8, 2021
Arabic Language

Good Day

I have http response comes with strange characters "ليس لديه الØ", but it's normal when i test in postman. Is there any method to read arabic.


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0 624

I have a terminal script that queries sys.process' and then parses the results writing to a logfile. As part of the processing of the results, each row of the result set includes an element from the static string. But I am not clear on the scoping of the static string. The write statement sees the static string as undefined. What I want is something to the affect:

set statStr = "aa|bb|.."

set sqlStatement = xxx

set tState = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

set qStat = tState.%Prepare(< sql statement> )

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0 225

Hi community,

I have a SOAP Client class that connect to a WS Service. This structure and configuration is the same for some providers that are integrated with my solution.

If I call to a provider, it returns the XML expected. But there is a provider that raises an error:

ERROR #6243: HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned response with unexpected CONTENT-TYPE: application/wsdl+xml

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· Sep 23, 2021 1m read
Zero configuration debugging

The latest release of Serenji by George James Software introduces zero configuration debugging, so it's ready to go in just one click - no matter where you are or what you're doing, your on-the-spot debugger is ready to go. 

We have introduced a host of new features to enhance the debugging experience so you can focus on identifying and fixing errors, without losing focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration. 

Check out the new features in our release notes

If you've already started using Serenji 3.2.0 let us know how you're getting on! 

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2 214
· Sep 22, 2021
embedded sql select locks

i noticed -by reading .INT files of one class- that some of embedded sql select statements code blocks translates into code that uses lock command.

even if i use %nolock in the select, still cursors and arrow referencing notations "->" have the same results.

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I am writing a report for a client that will create a report of the current process with a format that mimicks the Management Portal process display. I am writing a cterm script file to generate the report.

In the loop that process the results I am writing the columns in a formatted manner that will result in a CSV format very similar in content and order the process page. However, it appears that the write statement is limited in size such that I can not write out all of the elements of the sys.process query. My query result processing that works correctly is of this format:

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0 194

The goal is to construct a comma separated string, using a loop but the same way $listtostring(var,",") would do (i.e. "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" without starting or ending comma).

What is the best way to do it, concerning the readability of the code and its performances?

To do so, there are more than 5 methods, but in this example we will test 4 :

1) using a "if" in the loop

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1 457
· Sep 15, 2021
day of the month

Hello everyone
I use cache script, I would like to know from you if there is any function or class in the cache where I can get the start and end date of a given month:
Example: What is the first and last day of the month of February 2015.


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Dear Developers,

I have a complex ZEN PDF report that has multiple tables that essentially are the same but are populated by different global definitions. The code has hardcoded groups for these tables but I would like the number of tables to be variable as many as there are global levels for a particular report.

Is there any way that I could build a report from a variable source of data rather that hardcoding 10 or more exact sections like the code below ?

The code below is for table 2 in my report

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· Sep 13, 2021
RDP ODBC Connection Issue

Interesting issue we found. When making an ODBC connection from a host via RDP, the IP address shown as making the connection is the client IP address, not the host from where the connection initiated. Has anyone seen that or know how to get around it?


My Computer(10.X.X.112) -> RDP to Host1(10.X.X.93) -> ODBC connection to Server1(10.X.X.12). Cache Portal -> System -> License Usage -> Usage by User shows My Computer's IP address as making the connection rather than Host1.

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0 192

So I am working with an inherited SQL query that queries 8 different tables. 5 of which have over a million records.
I have 3 different servers.

Server 1, Server 2 and Server 3. They all have the same data/tables/structure across all servers.
Server 3 has an Iris database engine and the other 2 are Cache 2015.1.4.

I have a problem with views and performance across the servers being inconsistent.

Thankfully Server 1 is the current live server that performs "fast enough".
Server 2 is being synced from Server 1 and acts as a report server.

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This post provides useful links and an overview of best practice configuration for low latency storage IO by creating LVM Physical Extent (PE) stripes for database disks on InterSystems Data Platforms; InterSystems IRIS, Caché, and Ensemble.

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1 4.6K

I'm trying to save a list of AccessTokens a user for a specific user. This way I could present it together with other user-data.

I have tried calling ##class(OAuth2.Server.AccessToken).OpenByCode(authCode) from %OAuth2.Server.Authenticate's AfterAuthenticate() method. This only returns things like State and AuthorizationCode, but the AccessToken is empty at this point (afterwards it becomes filled out).

Is there a way to achieve storing the AccessToken as part of the login system?

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0 260
· Sep 9, 2021

This function is supposed to tell me that argument 1 is a valid variable name or not.

Doesn't work with an array variable, eg W $ZNAME("WLCOM(I)",0).

Not a question, just a whinge really.....

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· Sep 13, 2021
SQL - use specific index

Hello Community,

we want to use a specific index on our sql-class.

The index we want to use is called "iFilter".
Currently we use the following technique of ignoring all other indices because the automatically chosen index is always too slow.

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1 297

I'm using FOP 1.1 for ZEN reports and would like to install fonts within the Windows/Fonts directory.

I added the xml tags in fop.xconf but so far I have been unable to get the correct font.

<renderer mime="application/pdf">

<!-- automatically detect operating system installed fonts -->



Any advice would be appreciated.

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0 454

I am trying to get a list of databases using the DatabaseByServer method but I am only getting an empty string. I have not found any useful examples of the proper usage of this class/method.

I have tried 2 formats. First

set dbList=""

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList)

I also tried:

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList,"/cachesys/")

In each case dbList is empty string. I can not figure out what I am missing.

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