The company I work for is a client of Epic Systems Corporation. Their electronic health record system runs on Cache. Since I am not one of our ODBAs, I do not have access through the WRC to download it. I am a business intelligence architect and software engineer, and while most of my work occurs in the relational reporting databases Epic supplies, I often need to research the code that is built into Epic's transactional DB (based on Cache). I can connect to our non-production Cache instances, but cannot (and should not) do anything other than look. My goal was to create an environment on my workstation where I could experiment without risking Epic's code.
I get that you all are promoting the latest product. I'm sure IRIS is fantastic. It just doesn't help me at all for what I want to accomplish.
Thanks anyway!
Thank you for the responses! On the Community site, click PRODUCTS drop down, and choose Cache. This is what I see at the top of the page:
As noted in response to Vic, I'm just trying to learn the product so I can be more effective at my job (business intelligence architect and software engineer supporting Epic's electronic healthcare record system). IRIS doesn't do me any good because Epic doesn't run on it. It runs on Cache.