First time post, also a new Cache developer, hence the <Beginner> tag.

If our data has Predefined terms in a dictionary, and a user can add terms on their own, can the terms exist in different tables?

Lets call the tables "Terms" and the user data in "UserTerms".

If a third class definition has a property of "Term" can it not be either Terms or UserTerms?

I'm leaning towards using a Subclass strategy where the pseudo "Parent" (forgive me) is Dictionary.Term and the child is along the lines of Dictionary.Term.User

0 5
0 303

This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

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2 432

InterSystems Data Platform includes utilities and tools for system monitoring and alerting, however System Administrators new to solutions built on the InterSystems Data Platform (a.k.a Caché) need to know where to start and what to configure.

This guide shows the path to a minimum monitoring and alerting solution using references from online documentation and developer community posts to show you how to enable and configure the following;

  1. Caché Monitor: Scans the console log and sends emails alerts.

  2. System Monitor: Monitors system status and resources, generating notifications (alerts and warnings) based on fixed parameters and also tracks overall system health.

  3. Health Monitor: Samples key system and user-defined metrics and compares them to user-configurable parameters and established normal values, generating notifications when samples exceed applicable or learned thresholds.

  4. History Monitor: Maintains a historical database of performance and system usage metrics.

  5. pButtons: Operating system and Caché metrics collection scheduled daily.

Remember this guide is a minimum configuration, the included tools are flexible and extensible so more functionality is available when needed. This guide skips through the documentation to get you up and going. You will need to dive deeper into the documentation to get the most out of the monitoring tools, in the meantime, think of this as a set of cheat sheets to get up and running.

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7 2.1K

I have one abstract class and several subclasses. All share one data/id global.

How can I get concrete class name from id (without opening the object)?

What I have so far:

write $p($lg(^DATAGLOBAL(<id>),1),"~",*-1)

It does the job, but is there a more official way?

0 3
0 268

Here's a simple indirection snippet. It fails with <UNDEFINED> error and I'm not sure why.

ClassMethod ind()
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info


I'm getting this exception: <UNDEFINED>zind+5^test.Client.1 *active

0 6
0 497

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD

In the previous article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software. Still, our focus was on the implementation part of software development, but this part presents:

  • GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process - from idea to user feedback
  • Continuous Delivery - software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. It aims at building, testing, and releasing software faster and more frequently.

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3 3.1K

I have a date in this format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+HHMM" how can I convert it to UTC?

write $zdth("2018-02-01 00:00:00+0600",3,5)
write $zdt("64680,0",3,5)

As you see, timezone is lost. Docs for $zdth in timeopt (5) state: Specify time in the form "hh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm" (24-hour clock). The time is specified as local time. The following optional suffix may be supplied, but is ignored: a plus (+) or minus (–) suffix followed by the offset of local time from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

0 2
0 1.9K
· Apr 26, 2017 2m read
How to install and use TFS in Atelier


This is a quick tutorial how to install and use TFS in Atelier. It is based on my self experience and some tricks that I 've noted.

If you are used to using visual studio maybe you feel that is a bit slow and heavy, but you have the same TFS panel as you have in Visual Studio, so don't need any special "training" to use it smiley

12 3
2 1.3K

Today in docs I found this example using NULL:



zzdump $LB(NULL)

and NULL can be case-insensitive:

zzdump $LB(null)

seems the same as just:

zzdump $LB()

But if null variable is defined then list would contain value from variable. Case sensitive in that situation.

Does anyone have any Idea what is this? Is NULL used anywhere besides as a list element?

0 5
0 343

Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

1 2
1 390

I have an in-memory list of items and I want to check which items match my pattern string.

Pattern string is a comma-separated list of items and special symbols like '*' and maybe '?'.

There's something similar in $system.OBJ.Compile, it accepts patterns: "*.data.*,Sample.*" - and it would compile 'Sample' package and all 'data' packages.

For example:

set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
zw result
0 7
0 723

I have a persistent class.

I want to store one of the properties there as a stream or a string depending on a size.

99% of values would be strings (less than $$$MaxStringLength characters) so I don't want to store everything as streams.

What do you think of this approach?

What's the best architecture to implement in this situation?

0 4
0 563

There are situations where we want to provide immediate feed back to inbound Web Service that a particular business operation is not running (status <> "running"). We don't even want to queue up the message. We just want the webservice to respond with an error stating the business operation is down.

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0 453
· Jan 3, 2019
n00b questions


I have some beginner questions as I am working through the InterSystems Cache learning path:

- Where I work, we us Cache, but we often learning about and train on MUMPS. No one really talks about or mentions MUMPS here, but my understanding is that ObjectScript is basically MUMPS plus whatever new things InterSystems put on top of it. Is that a fair assessment?

0 16
0 694

The following post outlines an architectural design of intermediate complexity for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings. This post introduces two new databases: the first to store the globals needed for synchronization, the second to store fact tables and indices.

5 5
0 701

InterSystems products (IRIS, Caché, Ensemble) already include a built-in Apache web server. But the built-in server is designed for the development and administration tasks and thus has certain limitations. Though you may find some useful workarounds for these limitations, the more common approach is to deploy a full-scale web server for your production environment. This article describes how to set up Apache to work with InterSystems products and how to provide HTTPS access. We will be using Ubuntu, but the configuration process is almost the same for all Linux distributions.

7 2
9 2.5K

This article was written as an attempt to share the experience of installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for production environment.
We all know that the development configuration of a DBMS is very different from real-life conditions.
As a rule, development is carried out in “hothouse conditions” with a bare minimum of security measures, but when we publish our project online, we must ensure its reliable and uninterrupted operation in a very aggressive environment.

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5 1.7K
· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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