Hello Everyone,

I'm want to know, what is more common for your company to use, the abbreviation syntax or the complety name of commands, and why?


S VAR=10 / D FUNC^ROUTINE F 1:1:1000

Set VAR=10 / Do Func^Routine / For 1:1:1000

set var=10 / do func^routine / for 1:1:1000

Here in my company, we are familiar with the abbreviation syntax, because to spell is more faster.

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0 1K

Currently, when we want to write data to a file that will be viewed in Excel, we parse the data in tab deliminated format to the file and name it with .xls at the end. That is sent to end users via email. They get a warning that the data is not formatted properly (it's not really an Excel file after all) but it does display somewhat correctly as the tabs are understood (this does not work if we deliminated with commas however).

3 28
3 3.9K

I'm aware of two ways to get list of files in a dir:

set dir = "C:\temp\"
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, , , 1)
do rs.%Display()


set dir = "C:\temp\"
set file=$ZSEARCH(dir_"*")
while file'="" {
   write !,file
   set file=$ZSEARCH("")

Yet they bot return only files and directories in a current directory, but not files in subdirectories.

I suppose I call one of these recursively, but maybe there's a better solution?

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I have a program that displays the current running processes to the screen. I need to have a program execute that display program and capture the results to a file. The display program does pause at the bottom of each page waiting for an 'enter' to go to the next page.

Note( the display program will not successfully compile on the current system but it does work)

Also - very, very new to Mumps.



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NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Traversing A Global

Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure. This session and several that follow it deals with the Global Structure. However, just presenting the material will not guarantee your understanding of it. You must experiment with the data and concepts that are presented.

1 20
0 802

Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

0 18
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All responses are appreciated. I am new to both scripting and CACHE so please bear with me. I am setting up a nightly backup script for freezing cache then backing it up and then thawing it back out. Currently when I enter the freeze command I am getting a response of access denied even though my id has %all access. I've tried passing the userid/password as a parameter in the externalfreeze command and passing it from a file. I've used my id and lastly I used the _system id in the file. What ID should I use for this or am I passing it wrong?

0 17
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Hi Developers!

Recently we launched InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. And one of the intentions of the ZPM is to let you package your solution and submit into the ZPM registry to make its deployment as simple as "install your-package" command.

To do that you need to introduce module.xml file into your repository which describes what is your InterSystems IRIS package consists of.

This article describes different parts of module.xml and will help you to craft your own.

I will start from samples-objectscript package, which installs into IRIS the Sample ObjectScript application and could be installed with:

zpm: USER>install samples-objectscript

It is probably the simplest package ever and here is the module.xml which describes the package:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25">
  <Document name="samples-objectscript.ZPM">
      <Resource Name="ObjectScript.PKG"/>

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· Jan 3, 2019
n00b questions


I have some beginner questions as I am working through the InterSystems Cache learning path:

- Where I work, we us Cache, but we often learning about and train on MUMPS. No one really talks about or mentions MUMPS here, but my understanding is that ObjectScript is basically MUMPS plus whatever new things InterSystems put on top of it. Is that a fair assessment?

0 16
0 749

Hi Developers!

Often we need to use relatively small arrays with constants, static arrays in algorithms, etc where we need to do something with each element of an array. There are several ways to deal with it in ObjectSctipt.

Previously I used to use globals, locals, PPG for this but not so long time ago figured out that %List is a way too handy.

Indeed, suppose we have an array of months and need to set up and use it in our code.

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· Sep 28, 2022

Hi ,

I am Converting HL7 message into SDA3 format by using Ens.DataTransform Class but transformation is not happening while using this class and throwing the below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zTransform+1^Hosiptal.SDA3.DataTrans.1 *target -- logged as '-' number - @' Set target.Patient.Name=source.GetValueAt("PID:5")'

Let me know if any mistake please refer the below code

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0 501
· Aug 28, 2018
Replace elements in $lb

Let's say I have a list structure:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", $c(0), 2)

I want to replace all $c(0) elements with empty elements, so my list would look like:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", , 2)

What's the fastest way to do that?

0 13
0 603

NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Judging from the number of responses to Session 27 Traversing A Global, developers are passionate about their methods. I am not here to judge the merit of the various methods.

Over the next few pages I will demonstrate a number of methods to Traverse a Global. If you don't already have a favorite they may help you pick one.

2 13
0 613

I need to know if given package exists or not.

Currently found two solution - one doesn't work, another works but I don't like it.

Solution 1.

I started, of course, with %Dictionary package - it has PackageDefinition class after all.

However, %ExistsId returned 0 on packages that clearly do exist, so I went to %LoadData, it uses this macro to determine if the package exist:

0 12
0 460
· Jul 16, 2019
Interface Monitoring

Hi all,

I'm looking to set up monitoring for several interfaces. I understand that I can set an Inactivity Timeout. However, obviously there are messages coming through more frequently during certain hours than other hours.

Is there a way to set an Inactivity Timeout for each hour of the day instead of one value that is used all day long?



0 12
3 773
· Jul 17, 2017
Connecting to a web service


I am new to coding web services and trying to connect to an API that returns its format in xml or json.

I have a class as follows.. when I run I get back a 6059 in my status - Unable to open TCP/IP socket to server

Can someone help me identify what I am missing? Thanks

0 12
0 3K

I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

0 11
0 867

Hello dear developers,

I am currently doing an internship and learning about InterSystems IRIS and ObjectScript and have downloaded and installed the community version of IRIS.

I have not made any changes in the Management Portal.
In Visual Studio Code I have loaded the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.

If I now want to compile a file, VSC throws an error:
"ERROR #16006: Document name 'x.csp' is invalid"

0 11
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Since now i have been working from external connection but i want to work with the SQL utility of Management Portal

i dont know how to do with several instructions like in other editors like this example

update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  80 where CodigoNum = '100' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '101' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '102' and Empresa = 'CO'

it returns

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