I'm trying to find a good way to control the Filename for X12 Acknowledgement files, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that without custom coding. Here's what I figured out so far:

EnsLib.EDI.X12.Service.FileService allows you to set a Reply Target Config, which would likely be an X12 File Operation. The Service doesn’t have any settings related to the name of the Acknowledgement file though. That’s determined entirely by the Operation.

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0 707

Starting with 2016.2 the Java XEP binding will no longer support the in-memory connection mode. The in-memory mode was deprecated in earlier versions and applications should switch to the TCP/IP connection mode instead.

The TCP/IP connection mode has bridged the gap in performance to a large extent over the past couple of years and enables the Java client to run on a remote machine.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

1 0
0 317


I'm posting this for the benefit of others. Not often one changes certificates in Cache, at least in my case. I run a system, that uses certificates to encrypt SOAP messages, and since the last time I ran it, my certificates expired.

So I renewed them using our PKI tool, so far so good. I gave all (3) certificates the same names (and filenames too) as to those expired, thinking that everything would just work fine next time I call the SOAP service.

Unfortunately, I got trapped.

2 0
0 640
· Apr 21, 2016
iFind index missing data

I've been using iFind indices in one of my applications but this morning discovered that the index is missing data. I confirmed the issue also exists in our test environment and rebuilt the indices there. That seems to have fixed the immediate problem. However I'd like to understand how this came about to avoid it happening in the future.

Has anyone encountered this before and know the cause?

0 2
0 654

I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

1 8
0 604

Good afternoon, I have image files stored on disk. I would like to display those images in an <image> control as the end user clicks on rows in a tablepane. I already do this with image data stored in a cache database:

s imageComp = %page.%GetComponentById("ImgTab"_tLdCnt)
s imageComp.disabled=0
s tId=rsId.Get("ID")
s tPageObj=##class(My.PageObj).%OpenId(tId)
s oid=tPageObj.ImageBLOB.%Oid()
s encryptedOid=..Encrypt(oid)
s imageComp.src="%25CSP.StreamServer.cls?STREAMOID="_encryptedOid

0 2
0 739
· Apr 22, 2016

Hi this is my first post, so a little about my background. I've been programming in PHP/JavaScript for about 10 years.
I've got quite a bit of knowledge surrounding object orientated programming and know the basics.

Last year I looked into the Mirth integration engine and did some work around that.

I've now moved jobs and I'm doing some work (surprise, surprise) with Ensemble.

0 1
0 657
· Apr 20, 2016
Open Declaration for macro

Is is possible in Atelier to open a macro declaration? Using the context menu results in a "Current text selection does not resolve to a Script element" error in the status area at bottom of window.

Also the arguments for the macro are not shown on hover.

Doesn't seem to matter if the associated include file is added to the project.

(Version: 1.0.142, Mac OS X)

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0 373

It looks like the normal usage of calling an Ensemble based Web Service via Ensemble is to create an Ensemble Business service that inherits from EnsLib.SOAP.Service which is then used to call a business operation which inherits from EnsLib.SOAP.Operation and the SOAP Outbound Adapter which can be generated via the SOAP wizard.

0 1
0 614

I tried logging into https://beta.learning.intersystems.com to view a video. My browser auto filled the login form. The username, the same one I use here and on many other ISC sites, is "sbeeson_MHCX". Now I have a message that says "Only lowercase letters allowed" and any time I visit the login form it just shows the same message. I cannot get back to the form.

I could obviously use an incognito window or clear my cache, but this needs to be fixed.

0 9
0 646

The following situation always catches out new Ensemble users, and is likely to continue doing this until it is addressed..

A business operation, service or other host that is configured with a dedicated # of actors, (ie, not using the actor pool) runs with the version of compiled code that existed when the host was started. This code is loaded in memory.

0 1
0 535


In my project, I am calling a store proc on third party database. I am using SQL Gateway and ODBC. Everything is working fine until the store proc changed. In store proc they have changed the return alias name for a column. In Ensemble Snapshot I am not seeing the modified alias name until I restarted the whole Healthshare instance.

Here is my question, is there any other way? We do not want to take the instance down if it happens after we go live.



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0 574
· Apr 15, 2016
SQL Parsing error

Found in:

  • atelier-1.0.0AT.142.0
  • Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 636U) Wed Apr 13 2016 21:07:40 EDT

Breaks on FOR SOME when using a table reference:

1 3
0 440
· Apr 19, 2016
SQL Sequence

Does Caché support SQL CREATE SEQUENCE as in PostgreSQL?

If not, what would be the best alternative? Create my own sequence logic as the example bellow?

0 4
0 671


In every Atelier project you can find following hidden files:





Should I include all of them into commit?

I understand that .project is mandatory. But what about the rest? Is there any general rule?

F.e. if we work in team and everybody has their own connection on locale machine .connection should not be included. Yes?

1 1
0 381
· Apr 19, 2016
MessagePack support

MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.

Any chance of adding support for MessagePack?

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0 436